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ESB Minutes 10/17/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2016

COMMITTEE: Chairman Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Selectman Nick Mullane, Selectman Mark Donahue
Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy

Call to order at 6:05 PM by Chairman Ryan Burdick

MOTION by Bob Shabunia to amend the Agenda to allow the Board of Selectmen to engage in conversation with the Committee and receive updates from Committee on the status of the project.
Second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed

First Selectman Murphy asked for an update and overview of the project status.  Peter Springsteel responded that the next step is to send the 95% drawings and the Project Manual to USDA for their review. The USDA schedule is something that could slow the schedule. It was Peter’s recommendation to send the manual and drawings to USDA tomorrow (10/18).
Nick Mullane asked if Committee had reviewed all of the documents to their satisfaction.  Peter responded that Committee had just received the 95% drawings and the manual came late today.  So there is still review for the Committee to undertake to make sure that all comments and changes have been addressed by Silver Petrucelli. If Committee finds errors Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) will need to correct prior to bidding.
Shawn asked if there are a lot of outstanding updates, should we be sending to USDA.  Peter replied that USDA will primarily be look at code items.  What Committee has been finding are not items related to life safety.  

Nick Mullane asked if drawings would be going to a 3rd party for code review.  Peter responded that Committee would need to vote on this.  A 3rd party review had been done prior to the previous bid.  Peter felt that this building was not terribly complex and really did not merit an additional code review. Given the fact that both USDA and DECD, as will the Town’s building official, would be looking at the drawings for code compliance, additional code review is not necessary.
Shawn Murphy pointed out that DECD will be reviewing for their contractual requirements.  Shawn stated that Town Counsel has reviewed the contract documents and does not see a problem with them.  
Silver Petrucelli had mentioned to Peter that DECD has CHRO (Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities) requirements that will need to be met and incorporated into the contract documents.  There is an additional 2% retainage associated with this requirement.  

Bob informed all that there has been an update to the State’s Building Code.  Silver Petrucelli will be applying for a waiver, due to associated expense and time delays in making any major changes to the design at this stage of the project.   
Mark Donahue wanted to know if USDA needs this waiver in place prior to conducting their review.  Peter will inform both USDA and DECD that the waiver is being applied for.

Mark Donahue then asked to be walked through the project time line.
Peter stated that 30 days is being allowed for USDA review.  Any changes resulting from that review would then need to be addressed by Silver Petrucelli, but Peter felt a week or so would be sufficient for that.  Next step would be advertising for bid.  This would take about a month. Peter estimated getting bids back sometime in December and awarding contract by the first of the year.
Nick Mullane cautioned that between December 15 and January 5 things tend to come to a stand-still.
Mark commented that 30 day review by USDA would put completion just before Thanksgiving.  Biding would then go out late December, with bids due back mid-January.  Peter followed up by saying that bid review and contract award would follow. The length of time for this will depend on how the bids come in.  After that, contract signing and mobilization will take additional time. The contractor is being given 12 months to finish the job and it will be up to the contractor to determine when to begin work.  
Peter went on to say that his biggest concern is that USDA will take longer than 30 days to complete their review.  They have only one person who does these. Peter intends to send the 95% drawings to
USDA in the morning.

Mark asked how much more reviewing was needed by the Committee.  Bob replied that Committee has been going through the drawings and they need to review the print document. Committee has been tracking errors/changes to be sure SP&A has made corrections.  Some of what has been discovered in review are silly details, such as symbols on plans that don’t match symbols in the legends.  Mark commented that he would not expect the Committee to have to be dealing with that level of detail, as we have hired professionals who should be looking at that.

Bob went on to say that Committee needs to continue their review and he was hesitant to send the 95% drawings on to USDA, in the event that there were a lot of errors.  If that were the case then they should go back to SP&A and tell them to clean them up.

Mark said he would defer to Committee as to when drawings go to USDA for review.  Peter recommended sending them right up to USDA, because they are only looking at code issues, not if the toilets aren’t right.  

Paul Kowack updated the Board and Committee on his most recent spreadsheet.
By Paul’s calculations, $3.983 is what remains available to complete the project, with 2% put aside for escalation, and an additional 7% for contingency.

Bids have been received for the Clerk of the Works position.  They all came in over what had been budgeted for Phase II. However, there is a balance remaining from Phase I Clerk of the Works, which could be used toward Phase II.  There had been prior discussion about renegotiating with the apparent low bidder to bring them in line with the budget. Shawn had a revised proposal from the apparent low bidder which he will share with the Committee.
Peter recommended not hiring the Clerk until after the bids are back.  He did not feel their services would be needed pre-construction.  The bid was good for a significant period of time, 15 months.  Committee has yet to make a final determination on how they are proceeding with this position and they also need to have an opportunity to review the revised proposal from the low bidder.  

Nick Mullane asked if provisions had been made for façade upgrades.  He was informed that a stone veneer for the bottom of the building has been included in the package.

Mark asked if bond costs were being tracked against the project, which they are.  Bob informed him that that line item reflects both legal and bond costs.  

Nick asked if there was anything further required on the site relative to seeding and growth.  Peter’s response was that once there was some rain the slope had filled in. It’s wild growth and not intended to be a manicured lawn.  The slope is stabilized, and that was the intent.

The meeting then returned to the regular agenda.

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #109- $111.38
MOTION to approve made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

Peter Springsteel invoice #093016 - $1187.50    
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

Silver Petrucelli invoice # 16-1571 - $13,125.00
Tabled to the end of the meeting

The Day - $695.00
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed

Bob brought up the high cost associated with printing.  He suggested that in an effort to conserve funds, the Committee utilized the printer at the Town Hall and purchase the paper and ink to compensate for our using it.  Shawn asked if Committee would also make compensation for the monthly usage fee.  This subject needs to be looked into further.

October 3, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charles Steinhart, V.
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Oct 11 Workshop Notes on Project Manual
     Code Modification information from David Stein

Public Comment:
Brent Woodward addressed the Committee regarding the following:

1.  Mr. Woodward asked for building dimensions.
14,577 s.f. area of building
13,538 s.f. largest s.f. per floor
2.  Would the drawings be sent to USDA with known comments, are the comments defined in the submittal?
Peter responded that they are just sent to them to review.  If there were a code item they would go back to the architect for correction, prior to going to USDA. Committee is not reviewing for code.
3.  Will USDA give specific comments?
Peter replied that comments are usually specific
4.  Will USDA approve without comments?
Peter responded that USDA will withhold approval until all of their comments are addressed.


David Stein will be attending the next meeting on October 24.  David felt it would make sense for him to have Committee comments prior to that meeting.  Bob asked if David would have corrected sheets with him.  Peter doubted this.
Committee continued their review of the drawings.  Peter will be forwarding corrections/comments to SP&A in the morning.

Silver Petrucelli invoice # 16-1571 - $13,125.00
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Charlie Steinhart
3 votes in favor, 1 opposed.  Motion passed.

MOTION to adjourn made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM

Committee will meet again on October 20 @ 7:00 PM in the Old Town Hall.
Next regular meeting will be October 24 @ 6:00 PM at the Fire House.