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ESB Minutes 08/29/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of August 29, 2016

COMMITTEE: Chairman Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  Project Manager Peter Springsteel; Committee Secretary Kati Murphy;

Call to order at 6:04 PM by Chairman Ryan Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #103 - $103.12
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed.

Staples invoice was withdrawn

August 8, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed.

August 22, 2015 tabled until next meeting.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Action items from August 22 meeting
Discussion relative to August 22 Action Items:

MOTION made by Bob Shabunia that Committee vote to approve natural gas as the fuel for the generator, second by Paul Kowack.  All in favor, motion passed.

    Bob has spoken with the Fire Marshal regarding the fuel type and the Fire Marshall saw no issues in using natural gas.  There was a question as to whether or not the generator was sized too large (200kw) for the building.  Committee consensus was that they’d rather it be too large than not large enough and to keep with Silver Petrucelli’s recommendation of 200kw generator.
The drawings and specs need to be reviewed to ensure that both are reflecting natural gas. Peter will inform Silver Petrucelli of the Committee’s decision.

Both Peter and David Stein previously agreed that lightening protection was not necessary.  Surge protection will be included in the IT/server room.  There had previously been lightening protection in the specs.  Committee needs to be sure that it is removed. Peter to notify SP&A

  • P&Z
Bob took and 11x17 of the site plan to the town Planner, along with a copy of the lighting plan.  It appears that administrative review is all that will be needed for approval of the updated site plan.  The next step will be to record the official documents with the Town Clerk.  P&Z Chairman will need to sign off on the final documents prior to recording.

Bob has spoken with the Building Inspector, who would like a set of drawings and specs so that he can begin to review them.  

MOTION to have a set of drawings and specs printed for the Building Inspector made by Bob Shabunia, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.
Kati Murphy will contact Prints Plus to start this process.

On a side note – at request of the First Selectman, Silver Petrucelli was going to hi-light any new information in the spec books to expedite Town Counsel’s review.

The monument stone is to be moved by the contractor, and the area surrounding the monument and new flagpole to be grass.  NSVFC will take care of landscaping when building has been completed.  Peter made a sketch of the preferred location of the new flag pole and monument stone. There will need to be outdoor lighting provided for the flag pole.   Peter also added to this same sketch, 3 locations for outside water faucets.

Paul asked if October 3 was still the date we were aiming for to bid the project, which it is.  However, Bob stated that if Committee can get their review done the bid date could be moved up by a week.  

  • $300k
Peter is working on the application and anticipates having the updated budget for DCED later this week.

It was stated that there has been no recent input from the Ambulance Association and that there is no longer an IT person on the Committee.   

Bob pointed out that door locks could be included in the general contract and then Committee members can sit down with whoever is contracted for this to coordinate the master lock system.   It had been intended that the 4 bays, main front entrance and rear would all be key pad entrance, side entrances would opened by key.  Bob stated that this all would need to be identified in the specs.  

Committee is going to have to come up with specs for IT so that it can be bid separately from the main project.  Funds for this had been put into the FFE line item.  Peter suggested waiting until building bids come in before Committee starts looking at this.  Bob pointed out that it’s going to take time to get a spec put together for this and will USDA approval be required.   Peter was unsure as to whether or not USDA needed to approve, he would check.  Peter will investigate to see Silver Petrucelli has included relative to IT.  
Charlie stated that the Ztron alerting system needs to be re-investigated.  He thought that a lot of things could be run through the current siren control.  The spec for this needs to be reviewed to see if this can be done – siren and control box moving to the new building should be included in the spec.

Bob asked if Committee was going to get an updated, detailed floor plan of the new kitchen design. He said that the updates should be reviewed for any errors.   He also want to know if Committee would receive updated MEP associated with kitchen changes.  Bob pointed out that P&Z will be looking for details of the updated lighting plan.

Current drawings in Committee’s possession need to be reviewed for any errors or omissions.  Committee decided to hold a series of workshops this week to accomplish this.  Workshops will be held August 30 and Sept 1.  Next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday September 6.  

MOTION to adjourn made by Ryan Burdick, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

       MEETING adjourned at 6:45 PM