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ESB Minutes 12/19/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of December 19, 2016

Committee: Chairman Ryan Burdick, Bob Shabunia, Charles Steinhart V., Paul Kowack
Others: First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Selectman Nick Mullane, Committee Secretary kati Murphy
CREC representatives, Lennell Kittlitz, Michael Faenza
Meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM by Chairman Burdick.

December 5, 2016
MOTION to accept, as amended by Bob Shabunia made by Ryan Burdick, second by Charles Steinhart V
All in favor, motion passed.

December 12, 2015
MOTION to accept made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.

Silver Petrucelli invoice #16-2302 - $1575.
MOTION approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charles Steinhart V
All in favor, motion passed.

Silver Petrucelli invoice # 16-2074 $13,125.
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Ryan Burdick
All in favor, motion passed

Kai Murphy invoice #118 - $99.
MOTION to approve by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.
Committee acknowledged receipt of email correspondence.


Committee was briefed by Michael Faenza on CREC’s 12/07/16 meeting with USDA.  
*State wage rates will apply not Davis Bacon.
*USDA will be present at the bid opening.  After the opening all bids will be sent to USDA in Amherst MA for review. Once bids have been approved by USDA, successful bidder will need to provide 5 copies of all front end documentation.  This documentation requirement needs to be carefully reviewed with SP&A prior to bidding so that all information required by both USDA and DECD has been included in the package.  
*SP&A will be obtaining wage rates just prior to bidding so that rates are the most current.
*10% retainage will be held until the project is 50% complete.
*Pay requisitions must be submitted to the Town/Committee and USDA 5 days prior to pay requisition meetings. Pay requisitions will be reviewed by USDA and CREC (Michael Faenza) prior to payment being authorized. USDA requires specific pay requisition forms and CREC will make sure that SP&A gets the proper USDA forms into the bid package.
*On a monthly basis, USDA will require copies of soft cost invoices and a monthly budget report will need to be filed as well, on a USDA specific form.
*5 copies of any change orders must be completed and changed orders will be reviewed by USDA.  USDA’s main concern with change orders is to be sure there is funding available in the budget to cover associated cost.  
*USDA has no restriction on the use of proprietary equipment or materials. This needs to be discussed with DECD (Department of Economic and Community Development) to see what their requirements are. Action: M. Faenza
*Project sign needs to be updated with current officials. Action M. Faenza
*Relative to the radio system, it was recommended that a price for this be published in the bid so that a specific amount is carried.
*CREC has been provided with a copy of the USDA monthly budget reporting format. USDA will assist, if necessary, in getting the monthly budget reporting completed.

Committee was briefed by Michael Faenza on CREC’s 12/13/16 meeting with DECD.  The amount of the grant form DECD is $295k ($300k, less $5k to cover DECD’s administrative costs).
*DECD funding will be used for the site work portion of the project.
*DECD was pleased that an independent estimator has been hired and want to see both the independent estimate and the architect’s estimate for comparison.
*DECD recommends advertising through the Department of Administrative Services portal, in addition to local newspaper.  
*DECD would like a full set of plans and specs in electronic form, for their review.  CREC is working on this.
*Builders risk to be carried by Town.  
*DECD would like copies of all Change Orders and pay requisitions.  Electronic submittal is preferred. Action: M.Faenza
*DECD would like to be in attendance at all Owner/Architect meetings, including the bid opening.
*There had been an Administrative and Project Monitoring Plan submitted to DECD (not known by whom).  CREC’s name needs to be added to this as Clerk of the Works.  There was no mention of an Environmental Report, CREC will investigate this.  Town Counsel would like a copies of both.
*Shawn will be sending CREC Town’s contract with DECD..
*Work done under the $300k grant will fall within CHRO (Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunities) requirements. CREC will be setting up a meeting with them to see what will need to be included in the contract for this.
*DECD will also be requiring a sign, separate from the USDA sign.

Michael provided Committee with a copy of the Project Financing Plan and Budget (DECD form) Shawn Murphy pointed out that there needs to be a modification to this.  The USDA loan amount will be reduced by funds set aside in the current Town budget.  (Copy of this document included as attachment to these minutes)

Michael will be reaching out to David Moffat of Tactical Communications relative to antenna. Charlie can be available to meet with David and Michael after 5:00.

Bob Shabunia and Michael are still working on clarifications on test borings.  They want to ensure that drawings indicate what has previously been done and need to ensure bidders are provided with enough information this.

No response, as yet, on the Building Code waiver.  Michael will attempt to track this down.

Paul inquired as to whether or not Peter was still on the payroll.  Peter is working with the project on an as needed basis, and CREC is tracking his time.
Paul Kowack inquired of Shawn Murphy to consider the adequacy of the Ambulance Association participation in the Committee meetings over the past several months.   Shawn acknowledged that there is work to be done in that area.

Michael had requested and received copies of email correspondence between Peter Springsteel and David Stein relative to Committee comments/changes during the various phases of drawing review.
Michael summarized his findings with Committee.

Prior to summarizing Michael’s findings the water authority was contacted regarding installation of the water meter.  The authority will install the meter only. The owner is responsible for installation of the meter pit. Meter pit is included on the plans.  However, it was decided during the meeting to eliminate the pit and place the meter in the water room.  

Committee and CREC review of the Contract Document 12/01/16 package has resulted in the following questions and or deficiencies:
-       Technology drawings contained no mention of touch pads.  Bob Shabunia pointed out that these also were not included on the last set of drawings. Michael to discuss with SP&A and ensure that they are placed in desired locations.
-       Specs did include the style of lock device and key box that is desired.  
-       Michael will contact Tactical Communications to discuss radio tower with David Moffat
-       Ryan Burdick will provide Michael with contact at the water authority to get an estimate of what water pressure is anticipated.  Would be desirable if water booster could be eliminated but Michael wants to ensure that if it is included in the project the best price possible is obtained.
-       Michael stated that he needs to look further into the size of the waterline. Size doesn’t appear to be coordinate on the site and plumbing drawings.  It had been determined that pipe would be 3” but site plans have not been updated to reflect this.
-       Drawing E203-A, Site lighting distribution, has been included in the set.  Committee’s concern is whether or not it has been included in the site plan set for Planning & Zoning.  Final approval from P&Z has not yet been received. P&Z has not received final plans, though it was indicated by P&Z that approval would be administrative when they viewed the Design Development drawings.  Drawings need to get to P&Z.
-       Building permit fee for contractor will be waived by Town.  This information needs to be included in the specs.  Shawn Murphy will provide Michael Faenza with necessary information.
-       Contractor does not need to provide refrigerator or stove.  Ambulance Association has the refrigerator that will be used.  Stove at existing fire station will be moved to the new building.
-       Michael will reach out to SP&A to make sure that touch pads are properly noted on drawings.  Touch pads should be located at the following doors:  129, 116A, 121A, 100A, 129A, 130,
130E, F, L.
-       Existing siren will be relocated to the new building.  Michael will attempt to coordinate meeting between Tactical Communications and the siren specialist.
-       Status of Building Code waiver still undetermined
-       Spec shows lighted bollards, unclear if this has been changed. Committee does not want lighted bollards.
-       Technology drawings indicate locations for all data cabling but no actual cabling.  Specs Describes it “to run conduit to an accessible ceiling”.  Unclear who is going to do all of this work.  Does it make sense to have general contractor do it?   Need to know what cable to use to spec this portion out. Michael will discuss with David Stein.
-       Michael needs to confirm with SP&A that the roof will be able to support future solar panels.
-       Needs to be noted in specs that contractor is responsible for relocation of monument form existing location to new location noted on the plan.

Lennell requested clarification of meeting schedule for the month of January. Full year meeting schedule to be filed with Town Clerk tomorrow (12/20/16).
The following meeting dates were decided upon for January 2017:
January 12, 2017, January 19, 2017, and January 23, 2017 @6:00 PM
David Stein will be asked to attend one of these meetings, date to be determined, based upon Michael Faenza’s satisfactory review of Committee comments relative to their inclusion in specs and drawings.

MOTION was made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charlie Steinhart to approve the meeting schedule for 2017.
All in favor, motion passed.

MOTION to adjourn made by Ryan Burdick, second by Charlie Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05

Committee adjourned to a Workshop to continue review of comments in regard to Contract Documents.

Michael recommended that once Committee and CREC are satisfied with the plans and specs, that sets be printed for distribution to involved Town departments.  
There is more information that needs to be added to the specs but drawings look pretty good at this point.  Michael will go through them again and, based on items determined not to have been completed, and send a memo to David Stein.
Bob’s opinion was that the site plan is the worst in the set.  Michael will go through the site plans and attempt to capture everything.  Main areas of concern on site plan are water service and antenna   Michael needs to set up a meeting with David Moffat of Tactical Communication discuss antenna requirements.
There are still revisions to be made now that CREC has met with DECD. Need to ensure that all front end documentation is accurate based on both USDA and DECD requirements.
Estimator continues his work.
Michael also needs to touch base with Jim Rossman regarding blasting.
It was suggested that perhaps Shawn could send email to Town permitting entities to see who is going to need/want drawings   Michael can print them out.

Workshop adjourned at 8:15 PM