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ESB Minutes 10/24/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of October 24, 2016

COMMITTEE: Chairman Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Selectman Nick Mullane, Project Manager Peter Springsteel, David Stein of Silver Petrucelli, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy

Call to order at 6:00 PM by Chairman Ryan Burdick

MOTION by Bob Shabunia to amend the Agenda to allow for discussion with David Stein of Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) to discuss 95% drawings.
Second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, motion passed.

Committee had previously received and begun the process of reviewing the 95% drawings and Project Manual.  David Stein explained that the remaining 5% would include comments from USDA, as well as any comments from Committee.  SP&A will conduct in house quality review, which entails review by their in-house Fire Marshal and Building Official.  Since the building is being drawn 3D, they will also run a conflict resolution to see if there are any virtual hits of situations such as pipes running through beams.  Then they would address any last minute program issues that the Committee may have.  

David went on to say that the plans have been designed under the previous building code – the new one went into effect October 1, 2016.  Paperwork for a waiver of the new code has been prepared and David needed to know who the applicant for the waiver will be.  The application SP&A had previously forwarded listed them as the applicant and Committee was comfortable leaving as is.  Peter will deliver to the Town Fire Marshall and Building official for their sign-off so that the application can be filed with the State.  

Paul Kowack questioned whether or not SP&A could update Committee on schedule status, and also to see if we are all on the same page with this.  Committee feels that schedule has slipped about 1 month from what had originally been set forth, and David did agree that dates had changed.  Paul will forward, through Peter, his schedule for comparison with what SP&A estimates.  95% drawings have been received by Committee and USDA has received a set for their review.  Still outstanding are any comments from Town Counsel regarding contract documents.  Shawn Murphy will contact the attorney for his comments
David stated that one item that is not included in the contract documents, and must be, is language relating to the CHRO (Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities) documents.  He suggest Town Counsel discuss this with USDA.  Though it may be exempt under USDA, it is a requirement of DECD, so it must be included.  Other DECD requirements need to be discussed between Town Counsel and USDA. David did not feel it was within SP&A’s purview to make an interpretation between USDA’s and DECD’s documents. Peter will forward the DECD requirements to USDA for their review and comment.  He will let them know that because of the funding from DECD this language must be part of the contract, and also ask if there are any conflicts between documents of the two agencies.  

Discussion turned to the list of comments that came out of the October 17 meeting. There will be additional comments out of the October 20 meeting.  David asked that comments be compiled onto a spreadsheet and SP&A will insert their comments as each is addressed. SP&A’s response will point to where corrections are made on pages.
Bob stated that the updated lighting plan was not included and is needed to be included with the Site Plan package for Planning & Zoning.  David’s response was that final photometric will be updated with the final plans.  Bob went on to say that P&Z documents need to be re-recorded.  David stated they would submit a final set.
Committee went on to review with David the 20 comments that came out of the October 17 meeting.  These comments will be included in the spreadsheet for SP&A response. Comments included at the end of these minutes.

David discussed technology with the Committee and it was recommended that technology items not be included as part of the general bid package.  SP&A’s recommendation was to purchase these items from the State contract and/or put together a bid package that would allow three bids on the technology package. The problem being that the radios should be the compatible with the existing radio system, which is Kenwood and the data tech should be compatible with the Town system for linking in the future. A 3 part master technology spec should be completed for this package.  
Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #110 - $160.88
MOTION to approve made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

Printing Plus - $336.88
MOTION to approve made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

October 17, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Updated project schedule from Peter Springsteel to Christine Marques at DECD

Public Comment:

The 95% drawings were delivered to USDA in Norwich last week and the Norwich office will be delivering them to the Amherst MA office tomorrow (10/25/16).

A revised proposal from CREC has been received regarding the Clerk of The Works positon.  The new proposal is for $93k.  Shawn, Peter and Paul felt that a good proposal had been submitted.  Shawn wanted to know if Committee was satisfied or if they were interested in talking with Stadia.  Shawn did point out that the project has been bid and that Stadia was not one of the respondents, so there could be issues with pursuing them. There should be sufficient funds remaining in the Clerk line items to cover CREC’s funding.  Paul will be revising his spreadsheet to determine exactly what is available for this.

MOTION to adjourn made by Bob Shabunia to purchase a roll of paper and an ink cartridge for the Town Clerk’s office to cover Committee’s printing.  The amount will be in the vicinity of $330 - $350.
Second by Ryan Burdick.
All in favor, motion passed.

MOTION to adjourn made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:55 PM
Committee will meet again on October 20 @ 7:00 PM in the Old Town Hall.
Next regular meeting will be October 24 @ 6:00 PM at the Fire House.

North Stonington Emergency Services Center
95% Drawing Comments   October 2016
                Identified problems with plans/spec's:
        1       Add cold water hose bibs at right and left ends of apparatus bays
        2       Provide 50’ hoses at water hose reels in bays.
        3       Room 101 (day/radio rm):  provide 2 light switches at NE door, each of which will control 2 lights in room
        4       Please check proper for sensor symbols in bathrooms
        5       In general, please check sensor symbols - wall mounted occupancy sensor symbol has been used for ceiling mounted sensors in some locations
        6       Rooms 122 (water/sprinkler) & 123 (elec/utility) should not be equipped w/sensors, manual controls only
        7       Show call box w/connection to dispatch (phone line) at the Rocky Hollow entrance.
        8       In addition to Rm 129 (SCBA), digital touchpads should be provided at doors 116A, 121A, 100A, 129A, 130, 130E, 130F, and 130L
        9       Need to discuss radio tower on Monday (10/24)
        10      Direction should be provided on the documents regarding the water booster.  Most likely, new municipal water line be installed in the spring, prior to building completion. If we find that the water pressure is adequate, the Owner needs to be able to delete the booster system before it is ordered
        11      Overhead doors at the front of the bays should have remained with 3 rows of glass panels single row was intended for rear doors only.
        12      Vent path for grease trap doesn’t appear to be shown within the building as called out on the site drawings.
        13      Water line size does not seem to be coordinated on the site and plumbing drawings.
        14      Relocate flagpole to original location further from building face and provide 5' concrete sidewalk to pole.
        15      Drawing E203a appears to be missing (site light distribution)
        16      What is the purpose of the double wall in the kitchen behind sinks?
        17      Acoustical rated roll down shutter in kitchen and wall extensions to roof will not be required.  Provide acoustical insulation in wall only.
        18      Sheet E002 is missing on the Table of Contents
        19      Gas line for generator is run outside of the building from the meter, rather than inside the building - code issue?
        20      Let's plan on discussion of technology issues at the Monday (10/24) meeting.