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ESB Minutes 09/12/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2016

COMMITTEE: Chairman Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Project Manager Peter Springsteel;
Committee Secretary Kati Murphy;

Call to order at 6:05 PM by Chairman Ryan Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #105 - $86.63
MOTION to approve made by Charlie Steinhart, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed.

Printing Plus #26878 - $438.24

September 6, 2016,
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia.
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Design Development comments from Peter to SP&A – 9/7
     Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) response to 9/7 comments
     Bob Shabunia response/comments 9/8

Bob had comments relative to the response from David Stein on 9/12 to Peter’s 9/7 comments.  
When SP&A attended the 8/22/16 Committee meeting David stated that the plans were not up to date and there were specific items missing.  Since that date Committee has not seen updated sheets based on comments sent by Committee to SP&A, in order to move forward with review.  Bob sees this as a pending problem with SP&A that needs resolution.  Bob stated that he would not vote to move forward until he sees corrected sheets.  Bob discovered recently that the septic plan in the current drawings has not been updated and is designed for the larger building from last year’s failed bid.  Without corrected plans we cannot go forward.  Additionally, at the 8/22 meeting, David Stein stated that the lighting plan was not up to date.  That needs to be completed as part of the Site Plan in order for Planning and Zoning review and approval.   Bob does not want to move forward without knowing whether or not any corrections have been made.  

Peter’s advice was to tell SP&A that Committee does not wish to hold up the project, give them the list of corrections that we’ve noted and need addressing (there may be more), and it all had better be done by the completion of Construction Documents.
Shawn asked how we can have the review by P&Z if we don’t have up to date plans.  Peter responded that P&Z was told they would be looking at preliminary drawings.  There won’t be final approval of any documents by any of the reviewing agencies until they have the construction documents.  To get to that point there are going to have to be corrections made along the way.  SP&A has been made aware of the corrections and they have to take care of them, at this point, the phase in which they are taken care of doesn’t’ really matter much, as long as they get done.  If Committee keeps holding back SP&A is going to say that they haven’t been given the approval to move on to the next step.

Shawn then commented that these aren’t formal approvals because there not meant to be 100%. Peter responded that there is always going to be stuff to do until the very end.  Peter understands Bob’s concern.  The kitchen is a design issued that should have been worked out.  Some of the other items are technical and can get worked out in Construction Document phase.  Peter recommended moving ahead.  This does not relieve SP&A of all the corrections that they need to make.   Bob remarked that it puts Committee closer to a final document with a very large list of items that need to be reviewed.  He does not understand why SP&A doesn’t have someone working on this project that could be sending updates back to us as corrections were made.  As an example, Bob pointed out the updated kitchen design that was received this afternoon has errors in it.   He would like some communication sent to SP&A stating that it is not Committee holding things up, but them.  They have not been sending the most accurate and up to date drawings and specs.  Bob would like all updates sent to us as they are completed.  

Shawn asked what, from Committee, SP&A is looking for.  David Stein’s 9/12 email indicated that, in addition to waiting for formal approval from Committee to move forward, they are looking for comments from USDA, Fire Marshall, Building Department, Health Department and Planning &Zoning.  
Peter stated that we do not have comments because these reviewing authorities all want the final documents.  Bob pointed out that he had forwarded to Peter a response from the Town Planner that P&Z approval could be accomplished through an administrative process, but Planner will not make any further comments until he sees the completed package.  Peter said that would be at the end of Construction Documents.

Bob asked where we go from here and Peter recommended instructing SP&A to move to Construction Documents and all of these items identified by Committee need to be dealt with. Shawn remarked that the approvals SP&A are looking for cannot be done at this time.  Those authorities need final documents.  Peter went on to say if SP&A wanted to get the Site Plan documents done before 100% Construction Documents were complete, that could be done.  Bob was in favor of this and wanted SP&A directed to move forward with completing Site Plan for submission to P&Z.  Shawn wanted to know if they could send updates to sheets as they are completed.  Peter said this could be difficult because sheets require coordination between architectural, mechanical, plumbing, depending on what’s in the room.  The architectural may be done, but the other portion may not be coordinated at the same time.
Peter’s recommendation was to request 50% documents Construction Documents.  Bob contended that we could still be in the same predicament by doing this, with no resolution to the issues.  Bob wanted to know why the plumbing and electrical for the kitchen hadn’t been included – we received it at the last minute and it was done wrong.

To avoid reviewing the whole package at the end, Peter reiterated asking SP&A for 50% Construction Documents, based on Design Development not being coordinated, and to request the Site Plan be completed.  This doesn’t relieve SP&A from making all of the corrections that have been forwarded to them.  Bob added that we are still looking at numerous changes that need to be made.  There were changes made in the previous bid design that did not get carried over into this design.  Peter’s response was that SP&A started these new drawings from scratch.  There would have been too much confusion in going back to last year’s drawings.

Shawn stated that we recognize that there are numerous sheets still to be updated. SP&A is being requested to proceed to 50% Construction Documents.  

Bob expects SP&A to provide complete Site Plans.  Peter will contact SP&A tomorrow and relay what was discussed at this meeting tonight.

Bob informed Committee that there were no comments from Fire Marshall and that the septic went to the Town Sanitarian to take a look.  Peter informed Bob that making these contacts is SP&A’s responsibility, not the Committee’s, and that he will reinforce to them that they need to be getting in touch with these entities.

Bob asked Shawn if the Board of Selectman had voted to approve waiver of permit fees for the contract.  Shawn stated it was being acted upon at the next Board of Selectmen’s meeting on 9/13.
Shawn discussed questions received by applicants to the Clerk of the Works position.  Question period closed at 3:00 today, and Shawn will respond to them in the morning.  The posting closes on Friday, 9/16.  Questions and answers will be posted on the Town’s website.  Committee will have the responses to the RFQ for the 9/19 meeting.  

Peter has forwarded the revised budget for DCED relative to the $300k to Shawn.  Shawn has completed the application and will be finishing an amendment to that tomorrow and adding the financial statements.  It should be ready to go tomorrow.  Peter warned the Committee that there is a great deal of legwork that has to occur during the project to keep DCED informed of progress.  Additionally, DCED takes $5k off of the top to cover their expenses.

MOTION was made by Bob Shabunia that a letter go to the Board of Selectman requesting Brian Elias be removed from the Committee.  Brian has not attended any meetings over the last few months.  Further, Committee requests Board of Selectmen to appoint a member of the North Stonington Ambulance Assoc. to the Committee to represent that organization.
Second by Charlie Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed.

Bob commented that there is a lot of stuff hanging that Brian had been going to take care of. An extra set of hands and eyes would be helpful.  
Shawn suggested asking Brian for recommendations for a replacement.  Committee was concerned that there may not be a response.  
Committee needs assistance with radio and IT, and that was what Brian had been working on.  
There is the possibility of IT assistance between Zach Brayman and Jim Russell, but nobody with enough radio expertise.  Both of radio and IT will need to be bid outside of the project without proprietary specs.  Committee does have Brian’s notes from 2015 for radio and IT, but the IT portion was very pricey and most likely needs to be scaled down.  
Shawn suggested speaking with other area fire companies to see how they’ve handled these areas.

Zach Brayman could possibly represent the NSVAA.  Shawn stated that he would have to contact the Board of Selectmen to let them know he is interested.

Paul commented that the schedule has now been moved out by approximately 4 wks.   Paul believes that SP&A is over budget on the Schematic Design line item by $10,247.  Peter felt that amount should be attributed to the next phase.  They have not asked for any change order, and Peter will address this with SP&A.
The cost of printing was brought up and Peter pointed out that when it is time to bid we will not be dealing with any printed copies of plans and specs. They will be sent to where bidders can view/purchase the plans themselves.
Paul indicated that all of the incidental and unanticipated costs, like printing, that have been incurred eat away at the bottom line.  Attorney fees are included in Paul’s budget, which shows a remaining figure of $3.8m for project completion.

Representatives of the Committee will attend the September 27 meeting of the Board of Selectmen to update the Board on project progress.

Charlie and Peter will be meeting later this week to discuss radio and IT.  This information is available in the old drawings and Peter feels that by going through the old drawings the current drawings can be marked up accordingly.

Bob asked Shawn if Zack Brayman could speak with Jim Russell to begin discussion on IT needs/methods.  Shawn did not have a problem with that and would discuss it with Jim.  

MOTION to adjourn by Ryan Burdick, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM