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ESB Minutes 08/01/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of August 1, 2016

COMMITTEE: Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Paul Kowack, Bob Shabunia
OTHER:  Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy,  
Call to order at 6:06 PM by Vice Chair Ryan Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
Silver Petrucelli Invoice #16-1203 - $7875.00
  MOTION by Paul Kowack to table, second by Bob Shabunia.  All in favor, motion passed
  Paul thought that SP&A was $875 over budget for Schematic Design phase.  Peter will review recent                                      invoices from SP&A and check on this.

Kati Murphy invoice #99 - $49.50
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Charlie Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed.
July 11, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed.

July 18, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed.
    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Email vote to approved K. Murphy invoices.
      Email was received from Paul Kowack, Bob Shabunia, Ryan Burdick and Charlie Steinhart approving invoices #96, #97, #98 for Kati Murphy

     Correspondence regarding Phase I punch list
    Phase I punch list items have been completed, with the exception of Item #9 – maintenance of the seeded areas through July of 2016.  Peter questioned Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) on this and asked them to bring it to the attention of Don Smith. Peter was of the opinion that Suchocki still owes some type of reseeding to the Town.  Now it’s the wrong time of year to be doing it.  Ideally it should have been done in the spring.
Bob questioned why this had not been followed up on.  Bob would like to see the Board of Selectmen send a letter to SP&A stating it looks like they dropped the ball on this one.  Paul will draft the letter and forward it to the Board of Selectmen – CC to Committee.

      Notes of July 25 Workshop
   Peter briefed Charlie and Ryan on drawing changes that were discussed at the July 25 Workshop.  
Charlie asked if SP&A could rearrange windows in the radio room so that dispatcher can have a view to see who is entering the building.  Peter did not see this as a problem and will forward request to SP&A.
Paul asked if the security system had been determined for the new building.  Charlie stated that we would be going with combination doors, like the ones at the existing fire house.

     Planning & Zoning correspondence with Bob.
         Bob had been corresponding with Tom Zanarini regarding P&Z approval of the revised site plan.  Tom emailed Bob that revisions are minor and fit within original approval.  Bob asked Peter to have SP&A adjust the schedule accordingly, as this will save a couple of weeks and that this also saved SP&A a trip up here, so please give credit for that.

Schematic Design Phase has been completed.
Bob stated that Committee has not yet seen a floor plan with all of the recent changes.  He also felt that we should be receiving updated full drawings on a regular basis to make sure that changes are included in the package.   Paul felt it would be in everyone’s best interest to proceed this way.
Peter thought that David Stein should come up and present the drawings, go over anything that may be outstanding, and go over any questions either side may have.
He will also let SP&A know that by this Thursday (8/4), Committee wants to see updated drawings with all of the recent changes included.  Committee wants to be sure that all of the changes are being implemented per their wishes.
A tentative date of August 22 was set for David to attend meeting.  Committee wants to see all drawings for the August 22 meeting by August 18.

Paul asked if Committee was satisfied with how SP&A is archiving changes. Committee did not feel revision dates were recorded clearly by SP&A on the plans.  Bob also stated that a new site plan with more detail will be needed.  Flag pole, monument and stone need to be shown on the site plan.  The gate at Rt.2 shows curbing and paving.  State approved this as an emergency access only and it was not supposed to be paved.  There was mention of a boulder retention wall on the new plan that was not on the previous site plan.  This is one more issue for Peter to discuss in his conversation with SP&A.

Charlie stated that the Consolidation Committee will start meeting again, possibly next week.  They will be seeking legal advice on proper procedures for merging the two organizations.  Operationally they are okay.

Committee needs to know if Board of Selectman wants to alter the job description for Clerk of The Works or if the same description can go out when the position is re-advertised.  Bob will take on the task of pestering the Board to get this moving so Clerk can be on board when the project is bid. Peter will also let First Selectman know that this needs to be done ASAP.  Peter will draft a letter to the Board on this topic.

Peter was asked to stress to SP&A that Committee would like to get the project bid sooner rather than later.  Not having to go through full P&Z review saves a couple of weeks.  

Paul will draft a letter to the Board of Selectman indicating that, due to the current Chairman’s continued absence, Committee would like to appoint/vote Ryan Burdick as the new Chairman.  Paul will copy Committee members on the letter. Paul did have concern that the Ambulance Company does not have representation, and he will indicated this in his letter.

Charlie mentioned that the site is looking poorly.  The gates have fallen down, the silt fencing is down, and there is rebar sticking out of the ground.  The site needs to be posted and mowed.  Charlie feels that if someone is injured on the site the Town would be liable.   Peter will include this in his letter to the Board of Selectmen

MOTION to adjourn made by Ryan Burdick, second by Charlie Steinhart.  Meeting adjourned at 6:54 PM


Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office
5/26:  Has been reviewed by Selectmen’s Office.  Will be posted on Town website and sent to local papers and the next edition of the North Stonington Quarterly.
Continue on a quarterly basis
06/27:  It was unclear as to whether or not this had gone to the local papers.  It did go out in the most recent Town quarterly newsletter.  Kati will check with Selectmen’s office to see if it’s gone to the press.
07/11:  confirmed that press release was sent to both The Day and The Sun and has been posted on Town’s website.  An edited version went out in the Town’s quarterly newsletter.  
Next update will go out in September.

•     Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going
06/27:  Physical move pretty much set.  Operational plan also needs to be addressed and Selectman need to be advised.

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.
5/26: Will wait until bids are in to take action.  If Committee is going to request these funds be added to the appropriation, request will be made to the Selectmen’s office approximately 2 weeks after bid opening.  
06/27:  no change

•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to AIA Agreement and Silver Petrucelli Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.
5/26: To be discussed at the June 2 meeting.
06/27:  Peter will contact Town Counsel and send pertinent information and bring him up to speed on project status.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going
05/26:  Peter e-mailed expenditure analysis to Committee on 5/26
06/27:  New budget has been sent to USDA. Peter attached it to his response to Christine Marques, which was CCed to Committee.
07/11:  Update from Paul Kowack went to BOS today.
7/18:  Peter, Bob and Paul have been maintain spending schedule.  Peter keeps his figures in the format required by USDA, Bob and Paul maintain spreadsheets Committee can follow.  There had been some confusion from the public that there were 2 separate budgets – there are not.  

•     JUNE 20 - Notify BOS that the Committee recognizes funding for Peter Springsteel’s and Kati Murphy’s services are not eligible under the USDA loan.  
06/27: Kati needs to discuss w/Paul Kowack

•     06/27:  Ryan Burdick will reach out to presidents of both the Fire and Ambulance companies asking them to consider electronic file storage to reduce the space constraints of paper files.
7/18: Ryan and Charlie spoke with NSVFC Board of Trustees about digitizing files.  Trustees want to speak with Town relative to their vendor for this service. It was explained to Trustees that this is not an immediate need but would like to get process started ASAP.  Any associated cost would be the responsibility of the NSVFC.  Bob pointed out that Town has street number indexed in their GIS system already and NSVFC could perhaps piggyback on this.

•     06/27:  Bob requested the Clerk of The Works position be rebid.  Peter will forward job description to Committee with a detailed task responsibility list included.  Position to be posted so that Clerk is in place when bids are opened.

•     STEAP Grant Update
07/07:  First Selectman provided update to Committee.  Running line to Grange is outside of the priority area.  Shawn and Nick Mullane are working to resolve
07/18: This should not have an impact on CES as long as it is known where pipe will be located.