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ESB Minutes 07/18/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2016

COMMITTEE: Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Paul Kowack, Bob Shabunia
OTHER:  Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy,  
Call to order at 6:02 PM by Vice Chair Ryan Burdick

Invoices for Payment:

July 11, 2016

    Via e-mail to Committee:
    Various correspondence between Peter Springsteel and David Stein of Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) were forwarded to Committee members.  These included notification to SP&A of Town’s approval of the Schematic Design (on 7/12) to which SP&A responded (on 7/13) that they would immediately begin Design Development.  Also forwarded to Committee were the requested hydraulic calculations for the water line and SP&A’s revised project schedule.  The proposed new schedule is as follows:
        Design Development Submission:                  8/19/16
        Owner review and approval:                      8/22/16 – 8/29/16
        Land Use Re-Approval:                                   September – TBD       
        Construction Documents 90% Submission:  9/19/16
        Owner and USDA review/approval to bid   10/3/16
        Bidding                                         10/10/16 – 11/5/16

Committee members acknowledged receipt of correspondence.

Bob and Charlie attended the July 12 Board of Selectmen’s meeting. The Board approved Schematic Drawings, and Peter forwarded the approval, via email to SP&A. The Board was concerned that too much had been cut from the building, but, as Bob explained, this design is what meets the budget and the Town’s people voted previously not to approve further funding.  Bob and Charlie were asked if all of the equipment would fit into the new building, the Board didn’t want to see apparatus/equipment parked outside.  Charlie explained that the equipment will fit, with the exception of perhaps the old brush truck.  

The Board of Selectmen may be attempting to revise the plan under the STEAP Grant, as running the water line to the Grange is not within the priority area under the grant.  If issue cannot be resolved Board will move forward without that portion.  Paul Kowack did not see this as an obstacle to the CES project, other than we will need to know where the pipe is going to be located.

Charlie had made a suggestion that the personal and equipment De-Con Rooms be combined as one and use the equipment De-Con for storage.  After some discussion it was decided that the space for the gear washer (originally located in equipment De-Con) would be boxed out into the personal De-Con room and the original equipment De-Con room will be used as a storage room.  There had been a proposed pass-thru between these two rooms, which Committee agreed to eliminate.
Paul mentioned using overhead doors as an option in the newly configured De-Con room.  
Paul asked what would be going into the spec for this room.  Bob suggested reviewing original drawings to see what had been included and get all of the detail needed now during Design Development.

Ryan asked about when Committee would be seeing the Site Plan.  Peter responded that during Design Development SP&A would be providing a more detailed Site Plan.
MOTION was made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia to make the above proposed changes the De-Con Rooms.  
All in favor, motion passed.

Peter will forward this change to SP&A.

Bob would like to see revised drawings from SP&A ASAP.  He would like to see revision dates (dates are incorrect on the drawings) and scales on the drawings.  Committee requested enlarged drawings of the De-Con, Radio Room, and Kitchen, for Committee review and also ask David Stein for feedback on the kitchen.

Paul had concern relative to detail of materials, door hardware, lighting, security system, etc.  These are all things that need to be in place when the doors to the new facility are opened.  
Ryan asked if now was the time to be speaking with SP&A relative to preparing the specs for the doors and locks.  Information on these systems has not been forthcoming and Charlie was of the opinion that the time has come to go with a regular key system.  
Paul suggested that he work with Peter in developing a punch list of these types of materials.
Bob suggested looking at the original bid documents, as they are most likely included there.
Charlie also stated that camera locations need to be decided upon, with bunk rooms being priority areas.  Bob recommended marking up a set of plans soon to show SP&A where the locations are and identify what is going to be seen, where and by whom on these cameras.
Paul’s recommendation was that the inside details be determined so that cost can begin to be estimated.  Bob also recommended that gear racks be included as part of the bid package and that power drops or some sort of charging stations be included in the bays in the area of gear racks. Paul reiterated the need to develop a detailed plan/punch list of the interior detail.  Peter will begin prompting Committee members for input.

MOTION to adjourn made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, meeting adjourned at 6:42 PM.

Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office
5/26:  Has been reviewed by Selectmen’s Office.  Will be posted on Town website and sent to local papers and the next edition of the North Stonington Quarterly.
Continue on a quarterly basis
06/27:  It was unclear as to whether or not this had gone to the local papers.  It did go out in the most recent Town quarterly newsletter.  Kati will check with Selectmen’s office to see if it’s gone to the press.
07/11:  confirmed that press release was sent to both The Day and The Sun and has been posted on Town’s website.  An edited version went out in the Town’s quarterly newsletter.  
Next update will go out in September.

•     Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going
06/27:  Physical move pretty much set.  Operational plan also needs to be addressed and Selectman need to be advised.

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.
5/26: Will wait until bids are in to take action.  If Committee is going to request these funds be added to the appropriation, request will be made to the Selectmen’s office approximately 2 weeks after bid opening.  
06/27:  no change

•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to AIA Agreement and Silver Petrucelli Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.
5/26: To be discussed at the June 2 meeting.
06/27:  Peter will contact Town Counsel and send pertinent information and bring him up to speed on project status.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going
05/26:  Peter e-mailed expenditure analysis to Committee on 5/26
06/27:  New budget has been sent to USDA. Peter attached it to his response to Christine Marques, which was CCed to Committee.
07/11:  Update from Paul Kowack went to BOS today.
7/18:  Peter, Bob and Paul have been maintain spending schedule.  Peter keeps his figures in the format required by USDA, Bob and Paul maintain spreadsheets Committee can follow.  There had been some confusion from the public that there were 2 separate budgets – there are not.  

•     JUNE 20 - Notify BOS that the Committee recognizes funding for Peter Springsteel’s and Kati Murphy’s services are not eligible under the USDA loan.  
06/27: Kati needs to discuss w/Paul Kowack

•     06/27:  Ryan Burdick will reach out to presidents of both the Fire and Ambulance companies asking them to consider electronic file storage to reduce the space constraints of paper files.
7/18: Ryan and Charlie spoke with NSVFC Board of Trustees about digitizing files.  Trustees want to speak with Town relative to their vendor for this service. It was explained to Trustees that this is not an immediate need but would like to get process started ASAP.  Any associated cost would be the responsibility of the NSVFC.  Bob pointed out that Town has street number indexed in their GIS system already and NSVFC could perhaps piggyback on this.

•     06/27:  Bob requested the Clerk of The Works position be rebid.  Peter will forward job description to Committee with a detailed task responsibility list included.  Position to be posted so that Clerk is in place when bids are opened.

•     STEAP Grant Update
07/07:  First Selectman provided update to Committee.  Running line to Grange is outside of the priority area.  Shawn and Nick Mullane are working to resolve
07/18: This should not have an impact on CES as long as it is known where pipe will be located.