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ESB Minutes 07/07/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of July 7, 2016

COMMITTEE:    Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, and Paul Kowack
OTHER: First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy,
Call to order at 5:58 by Vice Chair Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoices #95 - $82.50
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.

Silver Petrucelli Invoice #16-961 - $8750.
Tabled until information on status of schedule

Peter Springsteel Invoice #062816 - $1650
MOTION to approve by Paul Kowack, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.

June 27, 2016
MOTION to approve by Paul Kowack, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     June 27 email from David Stein of Silver Petrucelli to Peter Springsteel
     June 28 revised drawings and floor plan from Silver Petrucelli (SP&A)
          Members acknowledged receipt


Committee discussed concerns as to where in the schedule project is and that there will be some slippage of that schedule.  SP&A has been indicating that they cannot move any further until Committee approves a floor plan, yet there is not a finalized floor plan at this time. SP&A has not been forthcoming with changes to the floor plan, as the Committee has made suggestion of items to change. Also, there is little or no feedback from SP&A about change in regard to cost or good or bad design. There was also confusion among members as to whether or not process is still in Schematic Layout or Design Development.  
Bob is concerned relative to modifications to the kitchen design.  SP&A sent back the new design but there was no indication from them whether or not this new layout was going to work.  He is also concerned that there is too little background reference on Committee’s part in inquiries to SP&A relative to lag time in seeing Committee’s modifications on plans.  

Paul Kowack pointed out that Committee needs to exercise due diligence in showing their effort in maintaining the schedule.

Bob commented on David Stein’s response to questions regarding modular construction.  Bob agreed with David that USDA would need to be consulted on this.  A USDA review could cause a delay in the project, because USDA at the local level may not be able to approve a bid including the option of modular construction because it is not the standard design, bid, build type of project.
Paul Kowack commented that at least an acknowledgment of nontraditional building be entertained as part of the bid submittal.
Shawn stated that Peter needs to speak with the right person at USDA to see if they’d accept a modular company bidding on the project and would they have any objections.  
Bob stated that this could be beyond the local office and are we willing to spend the funds to have Peter spend the time necessary to accomplish this.
Bob didn’t think David Stein’s explanation reflectived what Bob has seen with modular construction.  David’s email mentioned wood construction and Bob has seen modular steel construction and metal fabrication.  There was also in David’s response the issue of having too provide a crawl space under the building.  What Bob had seen were structures placed on grade.  

Shawn pointed out that, from the modular information provided to SP&A, the building had been quoted as if there would be a crawl space.  That did not necessarily mean that they won’t place on slab.  The modular company can serve as the General Contractor.  Shawn stated that all SP&A is being asked to do is whatever needs to be done to bid specs that will enable a modular company to bid on it.  Shawn stated that the architects are pointing out why it won’t work, instead of how they can make it work for the Town.  

Paul stated that Committee needs to determine what is preventing package from being completed and
do whatever is necessary to get this done.  One of the obstacles could be USDA review/approval of modular construction.  

Shawn requested that Committee hold off on approving drawings until they present what they have at Board of Selectman’s next meeting and bring Board up to speed on where they are at with the project.  Shawn has concerns that SP&A is doing the work but not guaranteeing it will come in under budget.  It’s in their contract that they assure us it will come in on budget this time.  
Committee will attend the July 12 Board of Selectmen’s meeting with Peter Springsteel and the most recent set of drawings.

Shawn asked if all apparatus will fit into the new facility.  He was told that everything will fit.  Shawn wanted assurance that the Town would not be expected to support the current building.
Bob pointed out that neither the Fire Company, nor Ambulance Association have given Committee any information on what they intend for the existing buildings.  The only information known for sure is that the stove and 2 compressors will be moving from the current Fire Station over to the new building.

Bob had suggested that at a future time a 4 bay building could be placed next to the training area and used as additional space for housing equipment such as the boat, UTV, etc.   Being located next to the training area it could also house training equipment.  His thought was that perhaps the $300k could be used to construct the building.  Shawn pointed out that those funds are for CES project only.  Bob indicated that he saw this as part of the same project and would be willing to pursue the $300k, knowing it requires Town Meeting approval/vote.

It was clarified for Shawn that furniture, security systems, etc. are not part of the building bid package.   
The alarm system is being donated.  Specs for these systems need to go to SP&A so that what they design will be compatible.  Bob asked that this information to be given to the Committee to be forwarded to SP&A.

Peter Springsteel was asked by Paul Kowack if SP&A considered themselves on schedule and will they meet their end schedule date.  Peter has not asked them directly, but he did tell SP&A that approval of the Schematic design would be probably be available on Tuesday (7/12).  David Stein indicated that they would then set the schedule at that point.   General understanding of this was that SP&A will revise the schedule once they have approval of the floor plan and site plan
When asked how far behind schedule project is Peter’s response was that Design Development should be completed next week, but we are still in Schematic development.  Bob asked for clarification that what Committee is being asked to approve is schematic floor plan, which it is.  Bob then asked that if an error is found between Schematic and Design Development is going to cost us time and/or money to fix.  Peter stated that if it’s a substantial change, yes it will.
Bob blames the delay in approval of floor plan on it taking so long for Committee to get copies of the plans back from SP&A.  It takes forever to get things back after Committee has sent changes to them.  Bob also stated to Peter that when SP&A sent back the updated kitchen design there was no input from them as to whether the layout is appropriate or not. When are we going to get input from SP&A on this?  Are we going to approve something we shouldn’t be and adversely affect the project?

Shawn asked if the current drawing is what needs to be approved in order for SP&A to move forward.  Peter stated it is, along with the exterior views and kitchen design.  Peter went on to say that if there is some technical thing that needs to be moved, such as the stove, that is something that can be addressed during Design Development.  Anything within the building footprint can be managed during Design Development.  A substantive change, such as adding another bay, would cause delay and cost increase.  
Paul asked Peter to clarify that once this layout and elevations are approved by Committee then SP&A can then establish a date for bid initiation.  Peter stated that was correct.

Paul went on to ask what obstacles there were to approving this design. Bob questioned the single roof line and the amount of space created.   Peter suggested maybe using that space for storage.  Now would be the time to make that decision.  It’s not designed for storage at the moment.  Bob stated that we’ve not seen a schematic for the second floor.  Peter agreed and thought that if David Stein wanted to get this job done he’d be here every week working with us on it.  Bob said that’s what’s expected of him.  
Charlie wanted to know why SP&A continues to ask about the compressor.  This is information they have from the last bid.  

Shawn suggested Peter get as many of the Committee’s questions answered as he can prior to Tuesday’s Selectmen’s meeting. We should then know where we are at and decide if all are happy with schematic.  Its Shawn’s feeling that the Selectmen should approve the design and he did not feel that things should move forward without guarantee that the project will come in within bid.

Peter went on to say that David will say that storage on second level is not affordable.  Bob countered that we will be spending extra money on steel to make the building taller than what is needed.  Peter stated that there may not be any cost savings.  

Charlie pointed out that the gear storage will not efficiently fit in the new layout.   It was determined that by increasing the apparatus bays by 4’ on the west wall there would be sufficient space on the east wall to accommodate gear storage, with portable gear storage added as needed.

Shawn stated that Committee should be determining what’s most important to have in the building. Apparatus space should be a priority.  If you have to give you shouldn’t be giving in the spaces that are problematic in the current facility.  His worry is that all of the equipment can’t be accommodated and that movement between vehicles is restricted.
Charlie pointed out that Committee is unable to meet the original goal of the project, to build a building for the future.  What budget is allowing is a building that is just meeting current needs.  
Shawn’s’ thought was that what’s most important should be prioritized, put what you can into the building, based on that, and stay within budget.  We shouldn’t be designing a building with apparatus bays that are too tight to work out of and all apparatus doesn’t’ fit.  Safety was one of the driving factors in replacing the current building.

Bob questioned the bent spacing is for the building.  Peter suggested that SP&A may be able to eliminate one in the Administrative wing.  

Peter will be sending all of tonight’s comments and changes to David Stein and let him know that Committee needs to see updates prior to July 12 Selectmen’s meeting.  Committee will meet with Selectmen to review and discuss drawings on July 12, prior to approving.  
Ryan asked Peter to request SP&A include equipment/furniture in the drawings.  

Committee will meet next on Monday, July 11 at 6:00 PM.  Meeting will be held at the Wheeler Library.  Paul will contact Library to make arrangements.  Remaining agenda items to be taken up at that time.

Shawn updated the Committee on the status of the STEAP Grant. He and Nick Mullane are trying to resolve an issue with running the line to the Grange, as it is outside of a priority area. If state won’t grant an exception then they will either move the project forward without that portion, or get Town approval to move forward with that end of the project.


MOTION to adjourn made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office
5/26:  Has been reviewed by Selectmen’s Office.  Will be posted on Town website and sent to local papers and the next edition of the North Stonington Quarterly.
Continue on a quarterly basis
06/27:  It was unclear as to whether or not this had gone to the local papers.  It did go out in the most recent Town quarterly newsletter.  Kati will check with Selectmen’s office to see if it’s gone to the press.

•     Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going
06/27:  Physical move pretty much set.  Operational plan also needs to be addressed and Selectman need to be advised.

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.
5/26: Will wait until bids are in to take action.  If Committee is going to request these funds be added to the appropriation, request will be made to the Selectmen’s office approximately 2 weeks after bid opening.  
06/27:  no change
•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to AIA Agreement and Silver Petrucelli Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.
•     5/26: To be discussed at the June 2 meeting.
06/27:  Peter will contact Town Counsel and send pertinent information and bring him up to speed on project status.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going
05/26:  Peter e-mailed expenditure analysis to Committee on 5/26
06/27:  New budget has been sent to USDA. Peter attached it to his response to Christine Marques, which was CCed to Committee.

•     JUNE 20 - Notify BOS that the Committee recognizes funding for Peter Springsteel’s and Kati Murphy’s services are not eligible under the USDA loan.  
06/27: Kati needs to discuss w/Paul Kowack

•     06/27:  Ryan Burdick will reach out to presidents of both the Fire and Ambulance companies asking them to consider electronic file storage to reduce the space constraints of paper files.

•     06/27:  Bob requested the Clerk of The Works position be rebid.  Peter will forward job description to Committee with a detailed task responsibility list included.  Position to be posted so that Clerk is in place when bids are opened.