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ESB Minutes 06/27/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2016

COMMITTEE:    Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia
OTHER: Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy
Call to order at 6:05 by Vice Chair Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoices #94 $53.63
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Bob Shabunia
All in favor, motion passed.

Silver Petrucelli Invoice #16-961 - $8750.
Motion to table made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charles Steinhart V
All in favor, motion passed.

June 20, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     Email to Peter Springsteel from Christine Marques of ECD
           Peter has forwarded the schedule, budget, floor, and site plans to Ms. Marques in order to update her as to project status.  Within 2 weeks Peter expects to have the application package ready to send back to her.

Jon Bosma inquired as to revised bid schedule.  Peter informed him that bids will be advertised early September and opened September 26, 2016.
Jon asked what project start of construction would be. Peter responded this date is October 4, 2016.
Bob commented that USDA needs to review and approve the revised plans.  Construction document and site plan approval will run concurrently. This will most likely occur in August.
Jon also asked about the status of the STEAP Grant.  Selectman Murphy was expected later during the meeting to address this subject.
Bob Shabunia had concerns that Silver Petrucelli (SP&A) is doing some foot dragging.  If they want all involved in this project to make the deadlines they are the ones slowing things down.  Committee all agreed that they do not want to be receiving drawings for approval at the last minute.
Bob felt that Chairman and Selectmen should send a strong letter to SP&A stating that responses to Committee comments are not being received back from SP&A.  If Committee is to approve drawings it is very difficult to do so if we are not seeing the plans with requested changes reflected.
Further, Bob felt that communications from SP&A which needs to be addressed by the Committee should be coming in time to be placed on the agenda for the following meeting, not on the day of the meeting.
Consensus of the Committee was that they are not seeing any of the modifications to the floor plans that had been made at previous meetings and forwarded to SP&A.  Committee has not seen updated site plans, nor have they seen detail of the plumbing and electrical plans.  SP&A has requested approval of floor plans, but Committee has not seen anything to approve.  Committee feels that SP&A is holding up the process.  They’ve had comments from Committee for almost 2 weeks, yet Committee has not seen any plans with these changes implemented.  How can they review/comment/approve if they haven’t seen anything?  
Bob would like it documented in a letter to SP&A that they’ve had the information back from Committee, yet Committee is not receiving anything back SP&A.

Peter had sent SP&A additional changes after the last meeting (June 20).  David Stein responded back to Peter today (June 27) on those changes.  SP&A didn’t know Committee would be requesting additional changes last week.  However, they should have responded right away.  Peter had to prompt them to do so.

Bob’s opinion was that SP&A should be responding in a timely fashion as to whether or not Committee’s changes are feasible and also how changes will be impacting the budget.  
Bob suggested that maybe the Selectmen and SP&A need to have a face to face.

Peter informed the Committee that David Stein of SP&A would have an updated plan for Committee’s review on this coming Wednesday.  Committee needs to respond back to those items.  
The comment back from David relative to the request to replace the mezzanine stairs with a ladder was that by code, the stairs could not be replaced.  This had previously been determined by third party code review.  Peter will ask SP&A to quote where in the code this came from.

David’s response to Committee’s prior request to reposition SCBA and water/sprinkler rooms was that, the tank (for fire suppression system) would then have to be relocated to the front of the building, which would be costly.  Peter will discuss this with David as neither Peter, nor Committee see any need to relocate the tank.

The size and number of the water lines entering the building was discussed.  Peter will discuss this subject when he speaks with David tomorrow.
Committee came up with a few options for connecting the water to the building which Peter will share with David.
Water entrance to building will come in under slab at SCBA room, then be routed overhead.
Ryan Burdick suggested a single water service would be more cost effective.

Bob pointed out that SP&A had previously indicated that they would reduce the number of mechanicals and zones.  Bob would like to see a sketch showing where those reductions are.  Peter thought perhaps Committee would see that once the Committee approves the floor plan.  

Peter did a new sketch of the kitchen and will forward to David Stein for discussion, along with items previously discussed tonight.
The proposed hydrant will remain at the south side entrance of the driveway.

Kati was asked to have First Selectman update Committee on STEAP Grant status  

Peter will suggest to SP&A that they attend a meeting with Committee to go over plans.
Bob requested that SP&A be informed again, that all correspondence be sent before close of business on Thursday, in order to make it to the agenda for filing with Town Clerk on Friday morning.

Re-posting Clerk of The Works position – see Action Items

MOTION to adjourn made by Charles Steinhart, second by Bob Shabunia.  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM

Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office
5/26:  Has been reviewed by Selectmen’s Office.  Will be posted on Town website and sent to local papers and the next edition of the North Stonington Quarterly.
Continue on a quarterly basis
06/27:  It was unclear as to whether or not this had gone to the local papers.  It did go out in the most recent Town quarterly newsletter.  Kati will check with Selectmen’s office to see if it’s gone to the press.

•     Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going
06/27:  Physical move pretty much set.  Operational plan also needs to be addressed and Selectman need to be advised.

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.
5/26: Will wait until bids are in to take action.  If Committee is going to request these funds be added to the appropriation, request will be made to the Selectmen’s office approximately 2 weeks after bid opening.  
06/27:  no change
•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to AIA Agreement and Silver Petrucelli Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.
•     5/26: To be discussed at the June 2 meeting.
06/27:  Peter will contact Town Counsel and send pertinent information and bring him up to speed on project status.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going
05/26:  Peter e-mailed expenditure analysis to Committee on 5/26
06/27:  New budget has been sent to USDA. Peter attached it to his response to Christine Marques, which was CCed to Committee.

•     JUNE 20 - Notify BOS that the Committee recognizes funding for Peter Springsteel’s and Kati Murphy’s services are not eligible under the USDA loan.  
06/27: Kati needs to discuss w/Paul Kowack

•     06/27:  Ryan Burdick will reach out to presidents of both the Fire and Ambulance companies asking them to consider electronic file storage to reduce the space constraints of paper files.

•     06/27:  Bob requested the Clerk of The Works position be rebid.  Peter will forward job description to Committee with a detailed task responsibility list included.  Position to be posted so that Clerk is in place when bids are opened.