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ESB Minutes 06/13/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of June 13, 2016

COMMITTEE: Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Paul Kowack, Bob Shabunia
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy, Dan Spring
Call to order at 7:04 by Vice Chair Burdick

Invoices for Payment:
Silver Petrucelli invoice #16-851 - $1750
MOTION to approve made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed.

K. Murphy invoices #91 $86.63; invoice #92 $82.50
MOTION to approve made by Bob Shabunia, second by Charles Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed.

June 6, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
    Silver Petrucelli correspondence with Water Authority
    Scale drawings sent by David Stein

Peter Springsteel was asked the status of the USDA loan application.  Peter had met this morning with First Selectman Shawn Murphy to finalize details.  He and Shawn will hand deliver the application to USDA in Norwich this Thursday (June 16, 2016).  Peter was asked when the interest rate gets locked in, is it when it’s delivered, or approved by USDA.  Peter said he believes it is when USDA approves the application.  
Paul Kowack asked if there were any impediments to keeping to the targeted bid date, including this application.  Peter said that we are still on track with the schedule Silver Petrucelli proposed in April.

Peter was then asked the status of the application with Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) relative to the $300k.  Peter indicated that the project budget needs to be updated to complete the application.  Shawn pointed out that now that the USDA application has been completed focus can be placed on the DECD application.

Paul Kowack asked about re-seeding the site.  Peter had mentioned this to Silver Petrucelli but has not had a response on this topic.  He will contact them again.

Shawn Murphy stated that he gathered from e-mail that the Committee opted not to pursue modular construction as an alternative, based on Silver Petrucelli comments.  Peter responded that Silver Petrucelli indicated it would not be cost efficient to mix 2 types of construction and the current design is already factory fabricated.  Shawn asked if the bid specs would prevent a modular company from bidding.  Peter responded that they would because the building spec is for a pre-engineered steel building.  
Shawn shared information on modular buildings with the Committee.  The figures in the handout indicated that modular was less costly than a steel building.  Committee pointed out that there were several areas not addressed in the handout, such as foundation and installation of various systems.
Peter said that a modular company could bid, but would have to provide what is being asked for in the bid spec, or a facsimile that, and it would have to be approved by both USDA and the architect. Peter went on to say that we will be putting out a set of specifications and drawings that anyone who wants to can bid on with any kind of system.  Then it would be up to us with the architect to analyze and say whether or not it’s acceptable.   
Shawn had concern that the bid package was so constrictive that people who want to utilize different building methods aren’t going to be able to bid on the job.  
Bid package has not been written yet and Committee can direct Silver Petrucelli that this is the way they  would like the spec written, to allow bidders to bid other than pre-engineered steel.
Peter will ask Silver Petrucelli to expand scope of the specs to allow other systems.
Dan Spring pointed out that Silver Petrucelli still has concerns about the current budget.  Looking at alternative techniques may help bring project in on budget.

Bob discussed his response to David Stein’s June 13 email regarding the water line and David’s request for a drawing detailing what is being provided under the STEAP Grant.  Bob was able to get a copy of the drawing and Peter will forward it to David Stein.  Shawn indicated that the water line project may be starting mid to late August. Peter will follow up with the Selectman’s office to see if a color or more detailed drawing had been prepared for the STEAP application.

Committee then continued to review and comment with Peter on drawings. It was noted that there are no cabinets/storage in the kitchen.  Peter will follow up with Silver Petrucelli and bring Committee’s ideas to them, as well as asking Silver Petrucelli if they have additional options/suggestions for kitchen storage.

Brian Elias and Charlie Steinhart had previously come up with concepts for the Radio/Day room, which Peter noted and will send to Silver Petrucelli.

Peter pointed out that the drawings need to be marked up for locations of IT/data/electronic installations.  Charlie will work with Brian so that that information is available for the next meeting.  

Water/utility connections were discussed.  Peter will discuss Committee questions/concerns with water connection with Silver Petrucelli.

Bob had some concerns with the site plan.  It was unclear to him what applies to this project and what may have applied to the project when the proposed building was larger.  Peter remarked that in general layout is ok.  Details can be overlaid and any impacts can be dealt with when they arise.

MOTION was made by Bob Shabunia, second by Paul Kowack to notify North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. and North Stonington Ambulance Assoc. that preliminary site and floor plans of the modified building are available for their members review and comment.
All in favor.  Motion passed.

Bob Shabunia offered to make himself available either Thursday or Friday of this week to answer any questions/take comments.  Kati Murphy will draft an e-mail to the presidents of both organizations so that they can alert their members. It was also requested that Anita Kincaid be added to the email.

MOTION to adjourn made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM

Next meeting is scheduled for June 20 at 7:00 PM

Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office
5/26:  Has been reviewed by Selectmen’s Office.  Will be posted on Town website and sent to local papers and the next edition of the North Stonington Quarterly.

•     Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.
5/26: Will wait until bids are in to take action.  If Committee is going to request these funds be added to the appropriation, request will be made to the Selectmen’s office approximately 2 weeks after bid opening.  

•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to AIA Agreement and Silver Petrucelli Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.
•     5/26: To be discussed at the June 2 meeting.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going
05/26:  Peter e-mailed expenditure analysis to Committee on 5/26