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ESB Minutes 05/16/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2016

COMMITTEE: Chairman Brian Elias, Vice Chair Ryan Burdick, Charles Steinhart V, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Project Manager Peter Springsteel, Committee Secretary Kati Murphy, David Stein of Silver Petrucelli & Assoc. (SP&A)
Call to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Brian Elias

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #89-$86.62
MOTION to approve made by Charles Steinhart, second by Ryan Burdick
All in favor, motion passed.

May 9, 2016
MOTION to approve made by Ryan Burdick, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee:
     USDA comments relative to AIA Agreement
USDA advised having the numbers in the Agreement more clear than what they are presently.  Peter will have David Stein and USDA work this out between themselves.  
Bob Shabunia felt that the Town should consider discussing with Town Counsel whether or not it should pursue action, based on paragraph 6.7 of the AIA Agreement, which states that if the project budget runs over, the architect shall modify plans at no additional cost.  We pretty much knew it was over budget, but Bob’s feeling was that it should at least be considered and run by town attorney.  Bob’s issue was that SP&A wasn’t more forceful in telling Committee project was over budget.
Action for Peter to contact Eric Callahan and discuss the matter.

David Stein presented 2 new sets of plans for the Committee to review and consider.  
Plan A0001 has GSF of 13, 143; plan A0002 has GSF of 12,848.  The pros and cons of each were discussed.  A0001, though it contains mores square feet, it the more cost effective of the two to construct due to its rectangular shape.  

Paul Kowack asked David where things stand relative to meeting budget constraints.  David stated that it’s too premature in the process to say.  There isn’t an approved floor plan.  The two options being presented are getting us to a point where numbers can begin to be analyzed but a definite plan is needed before a value can be assigned.  David indicated, that based on $300-$305/s.f. for construction cost, the project is currently at the budget threshold.  The best way to stay within budget is a reduction in square footage.
David went on to say that the budget is extremely tight to achieve the program that Committee is looking to do.  If the goal is to design below the budget then the plans presented tonight are not going to do that and a considerable amount of square footage would need to be cut.  

Paul Kowack asked if this is going to work to the best of our ability, and be compliant with the funds remaining.  David isn’t endorsing any dollar amounts and he stated that the actual dollar amount will only be truly known once the bids are opened.
Peter indicated that he feels the project is within the ballpark of where it needs to be.
Paul commented that the lead agenda item is where we think we are relative to price of construction.

Shawn Murphy referred to SP&A’s correspondence of May 11, which stated both SP&A and an independent estimator had previously determined that he project was over budget, but Committee and Town proceeded to bidding, then sought (unsuccessfully) additional funding. Shawn asked if they had previously determined the project was over budget, are they able now to tell us the same.  We’d like to know prior to bidding whether or not the project has a chance.  
David responded that at this point it’s so tight that it’s difficult to say.  SP&A can say if they think the project is close, and there is going to be a range of bids.  There are unknowns from a contractor’s perspective because the site is partially developed.   SP&A will try to guide the Committee as best they can to simplify the building and achieve the mission that the Committee wants.  They are confident that by reducing square footage and simplifying the building and the components within, they can get very close to that number.
Bob Shabunia was concerned that contingency monies were being figured into the bottom line.  Bob also asked what hasn’t been looked at relative to the site that would be an issue for a contractor.  
Based on calculations done at the table, including escalation but with the contingency funds removed,
the budget can support the building presented in drawing A0001.  David felt that the project is in the median cost range.  
Paul suggested that the first review of the next schematic drawings be a workshop with those who will be using the building.  Paul also suggested progress should be made answering the questions relative to borrowing cycle and spending schedule.  Peter prepared a schedule outline which Paul will be reviewing and have ready for Selectmen by Weds. Relative to borrowing, Bob will be speaking to the Treasurer on this.  
Shawn pointed out that the current note goes through the end of June.  If a 12 month note is borrowed, then the entire amount needs to be borrowed on a short term note.  Everything in the schedule falls within that time frame.  
Paul stated that the Treasurer was interested in the first quarter of spending.  

Bob felt that time during this meeting would be better spent reviewing schematics with David.

A MOTION was made by Charles Steinhart V to adopt the concept presented in scheme A001, which is a rectangular building; second by Paul Kowack

David Stein asked to be given the opportunity to present both schemes prior to a vote.
He reviewed the details and advantages of each scheme and answered questions brought up by Committee.  
A001 has more square footage, but because it is a simple rectangle it is easier and more cost efficient to construct.  

When David was finished presenting, Chairman Brian Elias asked for a vote.

All were in favor of adopting the concept of scheme A0001.  Motion passed.

MOTION to adjourn made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23, 2016 at 7:00 PM

Committee then held a workshop to continue discussion with David Stein.
SP&A will continue to tweak the plans based on this evenings conversations.  David will forward elevations and if they are close to what Committee is looking for he will work on getting a narrative of the mechanicals.  He will attempt to have this ready for review prior to the May 23 meeting.  

Status of Action Items:

•     Prepare press release/communication regarding current status of NSES Building.
To be sent to local papers, as well as posted on Town website.
Lead:  Charlie and Brian for May 2 meeting
5/9: Further edits were made.  Should be ready in a day or so to go to Selectmen for review prior to publication
5/16: under review with Selectmen’s office

•     Develop NTE to be targeted by Silver Petrucelli that considers $6.3m total project cost
Lead:  Paul and Peter for May 2 meeting
Updated AIA document w/SP&A in process.  New USDA loan application in process
5/9: awaiting USDA approval of Silver Petrucelli agreement.
5/16: status unchanged.

•     Recommendations for additional Committee member
5/9:  Paul will make reach out, if someone can get individual’s contact information
5/16: no action at this time

Development of long-term plan for transitioning current buildings
Lead:  Charlie and Brian – on-going

•     Request Town Treasurer provide updated table of rates, based upon new interest rate from USDA.
Lead:  Bob and Selectmen for May 2 meeting.
Bob continuing with this
5/16 – Bob is continuing

•     Use of additional $300k form state
Will require TM/Referendum approval if Committee wants to add to the $3.360 appropriation.
Committee may consider pursuing these funds at a later date and will leave as a pending Action Item.  
On the back burner for the time being.

•     Peter to contact Town Counsel relative to USDA satisfaction with AIA Agreement and report back to Committee for May 23 meeting.

•     Fine tuning spending schedule
Peter/Paul – on going