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ESB Minutes 03/21/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of March 21, 2016

COMMITTEE:  Chairman Mark Perkins, Bob Shabunia, Charles Steinhart V, Jon Bosma, Paul Kowack
OTHER:  First Selectman Shawn Murphy, Selectman Nick Mullane, Project Manager Peter Springsteel,
Committee Secretary Kati Murphy
Call to order by Chairman Perkins at 7:00 PM

February 16, 2016
MOTION to approve minutes made by Jon Bosma, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #81 - $82.50
MOTION to approve payment made by Paul Kowack, Second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, motion passed

    Via e-mail to Committee
     Resignations of Greg Howell and Joe Cassata
     Resignations have been received by the Selectmen’s Office and filed with the Town Clerk


Bob Shabunia requested that prior to getting into any discussion relative to the unsuccessful referendum vote, that the status of the Rocky Hollow Rd. land and the $300k grant be discussed.  First Selectman Shawn Murphy stated that regarding the land, the issue had been resolved.  Relative to the $300, there is paperwork to complete and the budget needs to be updated to reflect this money.

Mark Perkins asked how to go about adding the $300k to the $6.3m appropriation. Shawn stated that $6.3m is the amount the Committee was authorized to spend and in order to add to it would require
going back to the Town requesting an additional appropriation of the $300k.

Shawn Murphy asked for Committee’s comments on what went wrong, what could have been done differently relative to the referendum.

Paul Kowack suggested that the Board of Selectmen dissolve the existing Committee and start fresh.
Paul’s opinion was that there was nothing wrong with the data or presentation at the Public Hearing, but that this project was on a collision course with the anticipated School project.  Paul’s suggestion for moving forward was to move the ambulance into the current fire house and construct a steel building for the fire company that is 2/3 the size of current plan, but has capability for future expansion.
    Mark Perkins felt that there were many negative comments on social media which contributed to the downfall of the referendum, and that fire proponents and school proponents did not support each other’s projects.  Mark went on to say that he did not feel that an entirely new Committee was a good idea.  Putting the project with a new group would not benefit the project and probably set it back another year, which would add to escalation costs.  Mark would like to find 2 residence not affiliated with either Fire or Ambulance added to the existing committee.  As far as the building – 4 bays would fit what is needed and the administrative side gets dramatically reduced.
     Charlie Steinhart felt there was much head butting within the Committee.  He felt a new committee should be formed.  Current Committee isn’t giving the taxpayers what had originally been approved.  Perhaps Committee can look at building a shell and leaving half empty for future completion.  Charlie did have ideas for reducing building square footage, while keeping building functional, which can be discussed in the near future.  
     Jon Bosma agreed with Charlie and recommended building the biggest building possible and leaving half unfinished.   If the building isn’t built now, it’s never going to be built.  

Peter Springsteel recommended taking a look at what can be lived with while still meeting operational needs. This will require taking a hard look at how to reduce the building by 30%.   

     Bob Shabunia felt that the Committee did a poor job selling anything to the Town.  The TriBoard seemed to be more of a platform for how to expand the school project, and this project was never included.  There was a push that every project in town have a project manager.  This Committee was not tasked early on to do this.  There is an ongoing water project that is associated with this project that is still up in the air.  There is too much going on in the Town Hall.  Committee early on lacked in follow-up on paper.  Bob had advocated early on for a long range plan, in writing, so that there is always a place to fall back on.  This has never come to fruition.  Bob felt the project got lost in shuffle.
Early on, the Committee was looking to construct a facility that would serve the Town for 50 years.  Over time that number has been significantly reduced.  The project needs to move forward, the Town’s emergency services need to be updated.  Bob’s suggestion was going back to square 1, building a garage and as much administrative/living space as the budget allows, with the idea that it will need to be expanded at a future date.
Bob’s feeling was that it would be a mistake to dissolve the Committee.  There is too much institutional knowledge within the group.

There was a question as to whether or not Brett Mastrioanni was still a member.  No letter of resignation was ever received by the Town, so he is technically still a member, though he has not attended meetings in 2 years.

Mark agreed with Bob that there is too much information with the people currently sitting on the Committee to re-seat the entire Committee, and that it would be a major setback to the project to do so. Adding two new members to the existing Committee would give a fresh perspective on the project.  Mark also stated that any new members should have no ties to either Fire or Ambulance companies.

Paul recommended that Mark, Peter, Brian Elias, and Bob come up with a list of options moving forward with the funds available as to what type of building can be constructed that would meet operational needs.  This represents all concerned entities.  
Mark said if we are going to build with funds remaining, then significant cuts need to be made to square footage.  Mark’s thought was that the public would rather see a smaller, completed building that will support operations, rather than a larger, unfinished one.  

The First Selectman stated that he had received a request from the president of the fire company to be a member of the next Committee.  Gary Baron, Fire Company President, stated that the intent of his letter was to request the Fire Company and its Board of Trustees be kept informed, in writing, as to changes in direction so that they can let rank and file know what’s going on.  They were unsure of what impact changes to the project’s scope may have on the present fire house.  Joe Cassata had been informing the Company at monthly meetings as to what was going on.  With Joe’s resignation, unless the Chief speaks to it, there isn’t anyone to do that.  

Shawn felt that part of the problem is a divide within the Fire Company.  There are members who not only don’t’ agree with what the Committee is doing, they are also vocal against the project.  Shawn stated he thought that hurt the outcome of the referendum.  When people within the organization aren’t standing behind the Committee it hurts.

Nick Mullane commented that he would like to see key members of Fire and Ambulance getting together to see what a pared down administrative section would be.  He would like prices developed for the administrative side VS garage – if there is a difference or if one price fits all.
Nick went on to say that we need to find out how much really needs to be reduced and what is necessary for operations as well as administrative support, determine the square footage, then look at a reconfiguration.  

Paul asked why the project just can’t be bid. He was informed that USDA will not allow this.  Aside from not being able to fully fund the project at this time, USDA has not approved the documents to go out to bid.
Nick recommended getting an estimator, which the Committee had previously done. Peter stated that the project has bid been once before, those figures are the best estimate we have, and they aren’t going down.  It was Peter’s feeling that Committee currently has all of the information necessary to figure out what needs to be done to move forward. Mark pointed out that Committee members need to fully understand that cuts will be deep.  Peter stated that when making the reduction , keep in mind that planning can be in place for future expansion

Mark asked for guidance from the Board of Selectmen. Committee can’t do much until the Board decides what direction they are taking with the Committee.  Shawn stated that the Board needs to decide whether or not they will move forward with the same Committee members and who may be added to fill the recent vacancies, Board may want to add “civilians” to replace them.  Shawn stated that members should continue to look at the plans and cautioned members not to hold any illegal meetings.  
Shawn’s thought was that the Selectmen will decide how to move forward, whether to continue in the current fashion or with a smaller group.  Shawn would like to see a couple from Fire, someone from Ambulance and 3 civilians.  He feels a better mix and fresh ideas would be beneficial.  Shawn also stated that he thought when the initial $6.3 was appropriated, the Committee had more support from the Board of Finance, which they did not have this time around.  

Nick pointed out that, when first approved, the project was tax neutral.  The Board of Finance never addressed this at the TriBoard or the Town Meeting.   

Bob questioned if it was the intent of the Selectmen to move forward with the CES project, or stop where we are.  Shawn indicated that it would be foolish to stop and that the intent of the Board is to keep moving. Shawn needed to hear from the Committee tonight, before taking any action.  Both Bob and Paul Kowack stated that at their next meeting, the Board needs to state their intent to move the project forward.  

Nick commented that Committee may want to speak with Silver Petrucelli to see what they may have to offer.  Bob commented that a new, clean set of drawings will be needed and that the cost of redesign and bidding needs to be considered.

Mark suggested waiting for Board of Selectmen’s decision on the Committee makeup before delving too deeply into plans and redesigns.

Shawn informed the Committee that Carlin Construction had offered support and Carlin had mentioned design build.  USDA did not support design build at the start, and the approval process through them is cumbersome.  It’s too late for it to be considered an option at this point.
Shawn asked what the available balance is moving forward.  Paul will get that number.

Committee will meet next week with the understanding that there could be changes made to its makeup at the Selectmen’s meeting the next night.  Mark suggested that any ideas on reductions be sent to Kati Murphy and she will forward them to Peter.  Charlie Steinhart already had some ideas on reductions and he will be in touch with Peter to discuss.
Peter recommended developing a sketch for the new design and forwarding it to Silver Petrucelli for their feedback.  Nick stated he could make himself available next Monday, should the Committee wish.

Joe Gross’s opinion was that the Committee had a defeatist attitude from day 1.  He had told the Committee when they were early into the project to stop and cut the building.  They did not listen.
The biggest comment he got after the referendum was that people voted no on the additional funds because the proposed building isn’t what they were originally told them they’d be getting.  
Joe felt that the Committee did not communicate with the public.  He did not agree with reducing the building.  Mr. Gross commented that there were multiple budgets going around, the Committee did not look at the, and which one was the accurate one?  Paul Kowack pointed out that he, Peter Springsteel, and Bob Shabunia reviewed and refined their figures together and that they were all the same budget.
Mark Perkins commented that the Committee does look at the budget when Paul presents it.

Charlie Smith informed the Committee that what bothers him is what was originally voted on and what we’re getting are not the same.  He doesn’t want to see just something, he wants to see a nice building.  Originally the facility was supposed to include Ambulance, Fire, Fire Marshal, Police, Civil Preparedness, and that has all changed.  The attitude of the public, not just for this project, is that people feel backed against a wall.
Mr. Smith went on to thank the Committee for their time and effort put in to the project.
Mark responded to Mr. Smith that the Committee did not like the idea of having to reduce the size of the building, but it comes down to economics. The options are to either make the site a soccer field, or do the best we can with what we have.  A new facility is still an upgrade from current facilities.  

Mr. Smith said that he’d like to see the square footage maintained, even if it means leaving vacant space inside.  Maybe the Fire Company can finish it themselves.
Peter remarked that this approach probably would not save a lot and the better option would be planning the building for future expansion.

Mark suggested that if the Selectmen are seeking new members to the CES Building Committee a notice be placed on the Town’s website. He went on to say that throwing out the entire Committee, as it currently sits, is throwing out 3 years of knowledge and understanding of the project.  

MOTION to adjourn made by Paul Kowack, second by Charles Steinhart V.
All in favor, motion passed, meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Next meeting scheduled for 7:00 PM on March 28, 2016