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ESB Minutes 02/16/2016
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2016

COMMITTEE:  Chairman Mark Perkins, Vice Chair Joe Cassata, Charles Steinhart V, Paul Kowack, Jon Bosma, Bob Shabunia
OTHER: Peter Springsteel, Project Manager; Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 by Chairman Perkins

February 1, 2016
MOTION to approve mad by Charles Steinhart V, second by Joe Cassata.
All in favor, motion passed.

Invoices for Payment:
K. Murphy invoice #80 $111.38
K. Murphy invoice #81 - $24.75
MOTION to approve invoices made by Joe Cassata, second by Jon Bosma
All in favor, motion passed.

The Day – $275.50 – Publishing public hearing notice (2x)
MOTION to approve invoice made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

Blu-Prints Unlimited – invoice # 160039 – poster boards for public hearing
MOTION to approve invoice made by Charles Steinhart V, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, motion passed.

    Via e-mail to Committee
     Letter from Mark Perkins to Board of Selectman regarding Committee’s request for additional        funding.
     Stadia Addendum (via e-mail from P. Springsteel 02/08)
    Silver Petrucelli Cost Escalation Proposal (via e-mail from P. Springsteel 02/03)
    First Selectman’s e-mail regarding recommendation to Board of Finance (02/10)
         Mark Perkins informed Committee that the corrected PowerPoint had been forwarded to the Selectmen’s Office for forwarding to the Board of Finance.   Mark and Brian Elias have been requested by the Board of Finance to attend their February 17 meeting. Peter Springsteel was requested to attend as well.
       Paul Kowack wanted to emphasize that the numbers presented in the PowerPoint do not represent firm bids, only estimates.  Mark indicate that the Board of Finance understood this.
         Mark gave the Committee the most recent time-line, as proposed by First Selectman Murphy, pending Board of Finance approval, is as follows:

Board of Selectmen, Special Meeting             Feb 18, 2016
Advertise Town Meeting                  Feb 22, 2016
Town Meeting                                    Feb 29, 2016
Referendum                                     March 7, 2016

Mark informed the Committee that the Board of Finance is considering two questions for the Referendum.  One being the additional funding for the Emergency Services Facility, the other for funding the school project.  This did not sit well with the Committee and they had concerns that one project was being pitted against the other.  Charlie suggested that after tomorrow’s meeting with the Board of Finance, perhaps there would be a better understanding of what they were considering.
Mark also stated that there likely could be a third questions, which would relate to the $300k.

Joe Cassata questioned whether or not the Stadia addendum would be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen.  Mark indicated that it would be and he hoped that it could be placed on their agenda for the Feb 18 special meeting for their approval, once this Committee has voted to approve.  No contract will officially be entered into with them until there is a contract for construction in place.


Regarding extension of Silver Peterucelli’s contract, Peter informed the Committee that Silver Petrucelli is looking for an increase of 3% on what remains in their contract.  The Committee agreed that it was sensible to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the contract be extended with the rate increase of 3%.

    MOTION was made by Charles Steinhart V, to accept Silver Petrucelli’s rate increase, second by Paul Kowack.  All in favor, motion passed.

Joe asked what this involved.  It was explained that the contract is being extended for 2 years and increasing their rate by 3%.  This needs to be signed by the First Selectman.
Peter will inform Silver Petrucelli

The addendum to the Stadia contract was received by the Committee.  Addendum included a Not To Exceed amount of $80k, which the Committee was pleased with, and Peter saw no issues with it.
     MOTION was made by Charles Steinhart, to accept Stadia’s February 3, 2016 addendum, second by Paul Kowack.  All in favor, motion passed.  

Committee chair and Brian Elias will be presenting the PowerPoint to the Board of Finance tomorrow (February 17).  It was suggested that they ask if public comment can be kept to the end of the presentation.

Joe Cassata asked if there had been any resolution to the land on Rocky Hollow.   Peter will follow up on this with the First Selectman.  

ADJOURN: MOTION to adjourn made by Joe Cassata, second by Paul Kowack.
All in favor, meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM