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ESB Minutes 07/06/2015 Approved
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of July 6, 2015

Committee: Chairman Mark Perkins, Vice-Chair Joe Cassata, Bob Shabunia, Charles Steinhart V., Marc Tate, Brian Elias, Paul Kowack, Jon Bosma, Sam Burdick
Others: Peter Springsteel, Project Manager, Selectman Bob Testa, Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Vice Chairman Cassata

MOTION to accept Minutes of May 26, 2015 made by Joe Cassata, second by Charles Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed
MOTION to accept Minute s of June 22, 2015 made by Joe Cassata, second by Charles Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed
MOTION to accept Minutes of June 25, 2015 made by Charles Steinhart, second by Jon Bosma
All in favor, motion passed.
   Paul Kowack mentioned minutes note that information has been requested relative to transitioning from the old building to the new.  His feeling was that a definitive plan and cost estimates needs to be in place and all parties should be in agreement on how the transition proceeds.  An additional request to the Transition Committee will be sent.
Paul also wondered if alternative funding sources were being researched.  Bob Shabunia stated that First Selectman and Town Treasurer were actively looking into this with the assistance of the Town’s financial consultant.  Peter said that later in the project would be a more appropriate time to do this because you would not know what interest rates will be at the time of project completion.
USDA is not the only option, but based on what interest rates are currently, USDA still seems to be the best option.

Silver Petrucelli invoice # 15-1316 - $3177.56 (Construction Documents)
MOTION to table Silver Petrucelli invoice in the amount of $3177, 56, until after addendum has been completed.  Second by Sam Burdick.
All in favor, motion passed
Suisman Shapiro invoice # 169831 - $360.00 (Review/correspondence RE: Phase II contract)
MOTION to pay made by Paul Kowack, second by Joe Cassata
All in favor, motion passed

*LEI proposal to Town
     The Town is looking into the possibility that LEI may be able to design a system for Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority that may eliminate the need for the 20k gallon tank to supply the fire suppression system. Town is taking the initiative on this and should have some information within about 30 days.
Peter stated that the tank will stay in the design and can be deducted later if necessary. Scope under item #2 has been expanded to allow hydrants to be used by the Fire Company.

      *Pay Estimate #6 from Suchocki & Son

     *Don’s Smith notes from July 1 Pay Requisition meeting
             Borings for determining ledge locations will begin this week or next.  Phase I is only responsible for 1’ below grade.  Any work beyond that will be a CO payable under Phase I, but comes out of Phase II funding.  Anything blasted below subgrade will be removed under Phase II.  
Bob had some concern regarding the drainage lime proposed that runs parallel to the slope.  Could it be possibly moved if ledge were to be encountered there?  Peter will check with Don Smith regarding this, but he thought that due to the location of catch basins it may not be advisable.

       *Bob Shabunia’s notes for Jun 29 Workshop

Mark Perkins will be attending the Board of Selectman’s meeting on July 7 to present the Committee’s recommendation of Stadia Engineering for the position of Clerk of The Works. Lou DeCesare has withdrawn his application.
Bob wondered if the positon should be reposted.  Committee consensus was that Stadia has been satisfactory during Phase I and they saw no reason to repost.  Peter added that it would be advisable to have the Clerk on board before the start of construction.  

There will be one addendum to the bid, going out possibly this week, which will address the emergency water service that had been requested and the generator.  Jon Bosma asked if SP&A was going to be charging additional for the design of the generator, as indicated in an email from David Stein.  Peter indicated that Silver Petrucelli never really presented anything satisfactory to us.  There had been some back and forth on this originally, between a diesel generator –V- a natural gas generator.  The current plans indicate diesel, the spec book natural gas. Silver Petrucelli needs to amend so that plans and spec book correspond and the Committee needs to decide which type of fuel they want for the generator.
Two weeks ago the Committee had decided to go with a natural gas generator, which created a new issue of running another gas line to the generator.  Peter mentioned that if a diesel fuel tank were in place to provide sufficient power for 5 days, the Town’s supply at the Highway Garage would always be available.  Committee may want to reconsider natural gas, based on problems and costs associated with installation.  

MOTION was made by Charlie Steinhart, V to go with a diesel generator with a properly sized fuel tank that will fit under the generator and provide run time of 5 days.  Second by Jon Bosma.  
All in favor, motion passed.
Silver Petrucelli needs information from the Committee regarding how the emergency water is being delivered.  Charlie indicated that the water company does not recommend doing this.  Water company already has an emergency plan in place. Consensus of Committee is that this is no longer necessary.
MOTION by Charles Steinhart V, to remove from the plans an emergency potable water connection. Second by Jon Bosma.
All in favor, motion passed.

Peter indicated that USDA did not approve of the bids being received at noon and opened at 2:00 on July 24.  Peter will announce on July 7 at the Pre-Bid Meeting that the bids will be received and opened at noon on July 24.  This will also be included in addendum.  Peter still needs to continue review of the drawings to ensure accuracy prior to issuing addendum.

To date 3 companies have purchased drawings from BluPrints Unlimited.

Nick Mullane had asked USDA if the same company conducting borings on the building site could also do the borings on Rocky Hollow for the STEAP.  USDA had no problem with this as long as project monies are not used to pay for it.  Day rate for drill rig is $3700/day for mobilization and drilling.  If he has to return a second day, even for a couple of hours the charge is still $3700.  Don Smith has marked up the site plan where drilling will take place and Jim Rossman, Clerk of The Works, will be on site during this operation.  
When refusal is hit they will continue drilling to determine whether or not it is a large rock or actually ledge.  The decision has to be made in the field.  

Paul Kowack asked if these cost were coming out of the line item for rock/ledge and Mark Perkins indicated that they were.  Bob Testa asked how Phase I budget was looking.  Mark indicated that in the end it would probably be about $150k in the good, well under what was originally anticipated.   

The contract with LEI regarding water supply for fire department was briefly discussed again.  Funding for this is on the Town, not the Committee.  Charlie stated that, unofficially, he had heard that the new pumps would be sufficient for allowing fire company use of the hydrants in the village, but would not be sufficient to provide flow for the fire suppression system in the new building. So the 20k gl tank is most likely still necessary.

Pre-bid meeting will be held tomorrow (July 7, 2015) at noon.  Meeting will be run by Peter and David Stein.  Jim Rossman will be available and a site walk will be conducted after the meeting.  Mark will contact Mr. Suchocki beforehand, but it had been previously discussed with Suchocki& Son’s reprpenetive at the July 1 pay rec meeting and they are aware.

Jon Bosma asked who is responsible for watering the new grass on site. Don Smith had indicated in his July notes, that someone should be doing this.  Currently, the site belongs to Mr. Suchocki and if the grass does not take he will need to re-seed. Mark will let Mr. Suchocki know that the fire company is willing to water and ask him how he wishes to proceed in this matter.

It is Peter’s opinion that the Committee should continue with scheduling their Monday meetings.  He will continue to review the drawings and can report back either at the next meeting or via e-mail.

It was stated that the drawings are still showing only 12” of cover over the stormwater filtration system.  This was previously brought to Don Smith’s attention and needs to be redesigned to an adequate depth. The training pad is proposed above this area and without proper coverage vehicles cannot be driven over it.    

Bids are due on July 24. Committee should plan on meeting the 27th.  Bid will go to lowest qualified bidder.  Peter will continue to review the notes from the June 29 Workshop, which reference back to his December 15 notes.  Peter stated that Committee should continue forwarding their findings to him and he will send on to Silver Petrucelli.

Paul Kowack pointed out that there is still approximately $65k remaining to be paid to Silver Petrucelli, most of which is associated with Construction Administration.  Paul questioned the Committee’s relationship with Silver Petrucelli and if any legal actions could be anticipated. Peter indicated that it is not unusual at this stage of a project for the Committee and the Architect to be a little at odds. They may have underbid the job a bit.  Paul wanted to be sure that we protected ourselves. Peter did not feel that there was any wrong doing from our side.  We denied one change order but because of how that was responded to, Silver PEtrucelli realized that they should have requested the change before they went ahead with the work.   Peter stated that if we find there were defects in the documents that cost us money, and we may not know that until the end of the job, that’s what we would go after.  Silver Petrucelli has Errors and Omissions Insurance that would cover this.

Bob stated that Mr. Versteeg was still waiting for additional information, in particular fire suppression shop drawings, to review.  Bob wanted to know if there would be additional charges for this or was everything covered in his initial fee of $6300.  Peter indicated that he would follow up with Mr. Versteeg on this but thought this was typically something the Fire Marshall would do.
Bob also thought it would be appropriate to write to the presidents of the Fire and Ambulance companies regarding their plans and/or expectations regarding transitioning to new facility.  Charlie’s feelings on moving were that it should be the responsibility of the Fire and Ambulance companies to cover the cost of their moves.  
MOTION was made by Joe Cassata, to draft a letter to Gary Baron and Brian Elias asking what their intentions are for transitioning to the new facility.  Second by Charlie Steinhart.
All in favor, motion passed

MOTION to adjourn mad by Charlie Steinhart, V, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed.