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ESB Minutes 06/22/2015
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes for June 22, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Vice Chairman Joe Cassata

In Attendance:
Committee: Vice Chairman Joe Cassata, Jon Bosma, Sam Burdick, Marc Tate, Nick Mullane, Paul Kowack, Greg Howell, Bob Shabunia, .
Other: Committee Secretary Kati Murphy

   Peter Springsteel Invoice #061615 - $4406.25 – Professional Services
        MOTION to approved payment by Paul Kowack, second by Marc Tate.  
          Al in favor, motion passed

At this time Paul Kowack indicated that although USDA will not allow Kati Murphy’s position to be funded through the Project loan, he is still carrying her as an expense on the monthly spreadsheet.  Nick Mullane stated that the Board of Selectman and the Chairman of the Finance Committee have discussed this matter and that Nick will seek other funding to cover this expense.  Joe Cassata requested a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen clarifying the issue and the funding source.  Nick and Kati will work on drafting the letter.

Paul Kowack informed the Committee it had been pointed out to him that on his most recent spreadsheet the $4555. 00 for redesign due to ledge, he had the item posted under Silver Petrucelli, when it should have been posted under Donald Smith.  Nick stated the USDA was made aware of the ledge at the May 7 pay requisition meeting and that they support a change order, which they would approved at the next pay requisition meeting. Kati Murphy needs to confirm with USDA the date and time for that meeting.

MOTION to approve the Minutes of June 15 and June 18, made by Joe Cassata, second by Paul Kowack.
1 abstention by Bob Shabunia, all others in favor, motion passed.

Committee acknowledged receipt of the following via e-mail:
June 17, 2015 Memo from Town Treasurer Robin Roohr regarding interest and fees for Project funding
*Copy of Committee’s recommendation to Board of Selectman relative to Stadia Engineering as Clerk of The Works – Phase II
*Copy of Committee’s recommendation to Board of Selectman relative to litigation being method of choice for dispute resolution for Phase II
Copy of Peter Springsteel’s ad for Phase II bid

*Mark Perkins and Joe Cassata will be attending the June 23 Selectmen’s meeting to formally present the Committee recommendations
Public Comment:

Old Business:
It was requested by the Committee that Peter Springsteel follow up with Silver Petrucelli regarding changes to the drawings based on Committee comments.  It was unclear as to whether or not the changes would need to be done as addendum.  Kati will check with Peter for updates.

New Business:
Committee reviewed the draft Invitation for Bids and requested the following changes:
•     Bid closing to be at noon on the clock in the Selectmen’s office (July 24, 2015)
•     Bid opening will be at 2:00 at the Fire Station
•     Pre-Bid is mandatory (July 7, 2015 at noon)
Kati will double check room availably with Gary Baron and send changes to the ad to Peter.
Committee would like Peter to work with Silver Petrucelli to develop an outline and agenda for both the pre-bid and the bid opening. It was requested that this go through Peter to relay to Silver Petrucelli.
Bob wanted to make sure that Peter and Marc Tate coordinated information so that Marc could post a link to BluPrints Unlimited on the Town’s website. The link will provide bidders access to the plans, and BluPrints will be able to provide the Town with a list of who has looked at the plans and who has actually purchased a set.  This will be the only way for bidders to gain access to the plans.

There was some concern with the possibility of a contractor being the lowest bidder, but not necessarily being the most capable. Bids will be reviewed by Peter Springsteel and Silver Petrucelli, as well as USDA, to vet out those who are not qualified.  The bid needs to go to the lowest qualified bidder.

Jon Bosma wanted to know what the status of the change order for ledge was.  Bob didn’t think that Suchocki & Son had submitted a change order yet and USDA has not gotten back to Peter with their approval on Don Smith’s proposed re-design.

Paul Kowack asked if alternative financing was being investigated.  Nick stated that his office is actively doing this.

Paul also asked what progress was being made on the transition plan.  It should begin to be incorporated into the project plan.  There are unknowns relative to making sure everything (equipment, etc.) from the current fire station and ambulance facility gets moved to the new building without interruption.  It was requested that Kati e-mail Charlie Steinhart and Brian Elias, CC to Gary Baron, for an update.

MOTION to adjourn made by Joe Cassata, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM

Next meeting June 25, 2015 @ 7:00 PM