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ESB Minutes 06/01/2015
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of June 1, 2015

Committee:  Mark Perkins, Chairman, Joe Cassata, Vice Chair, Charles Steinhart,V, Jon Bosman, Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack, Brian Elias, Samuel Burdick, Greg Howell, Marc Tate, Nick Mullane
Others:  Peter Springsteel, Project Manager, Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary

CALL TO ORDER at 7:04 by Vice Chair Cassata

MOTION by Mark Perkins to approve minutes of May 18, 2015, second by Paul Kowack
All in favor, motion passed


There were five applicants for the position of Clerk of The Works.  Two of the applicants, Stadia Engineering and Mr. Lou DeCesare, best met the qualifications.  Mr. DeCesare’s rate would be about half of what Stadia Engineering’s would be.  Pending discussion between Town Counsel and the First Selectman, the Committee would like to recommend Mr. DeCesare for the position.  Nick Mullane to follow up with Committee by next Monday once Town Counsel has been consulted.


Discussion took place relative to the current note, which will expire on July 16, and the amount that will be required for future borrowing.  Peter will get estimates to Nick as to what can be expected expenditures for the first 3 months of construction.  

Paul Kowack asked for clarification regarding savings to the project during Phase I.  Money had been budgeted in the event that ledge was encountered.  To date, this has not happened.  Paul wanted to make sure that it was clear to all that any money not spent on ledge would be directed back into the project for Phase II.

Silver Petrucelli responded to Peter’s inquiry relative to tank size for fire suppression system.  20k gallons is what is required.  The cost for such could be as much as $100k, including installation and the necessary equipment that goes along with the tank/system.

Jon Bosma had sent an inquiry to Silver Petrucelli regarding the design and zoning of the HVAC system.  David Stein responded that Silver Petrucelli felt that their design would provide better efficiency, in the long run.  He further went on to say that if Committee wishes to redesign the system they would seek additional compensation to make adjustment to the plans.  Jon’s thoughts were that Silver Petrucelli’s proposal was more costly than what he had suggested.  Peter commented that perhaps Silver Petrucelli had maintenance and system longevity in mind. General consensus of Committee was that Silver Petrucelli does not want to redesign.  Jon will draft a rebuttal to Silver Petrucelli’s comments and Peter will forward them.  Peter also indicated that in order to not slow down the bid process, any change to the design of the HVAC system would be done as an addendum.

Brian Elias commented on #15 (regarding decorative exterior lighting above bay doors) in David Stein’s May 29 Response to Review Comments.  Brian’s feeling was that Silver Petrucelli is pushing the Committee off on this subject and that Committee needs to push back.

Bob Shabunia wanted to know when the Committee would see plans with all of the recommended changes.  Both he and Mark Perkins stated that Committee needs to see the 100% plans prior to them going out.  Peter indicated that Silver Petrucelli is willing to show plans to the Committee, but keep in mind that time is of the essence relative to bidding schedule.  If any changes need to be made after the 100% goes out then an addendum will be required.  Peter also pointed out that if there is too much of a delay in getting bids out we will be looking at a shrinking construction season.   Bob indicated that the Committee will have to spend significant time reviewing the 100% in detail to make sure all of the changes have been incorporated in the drawings.

The contract documents are still under review by Town Counsel.  Nick Mullane hopes to have significant comments back by Tuesday or Wednesday of this week.  Nick wants to be sure that the Town is covered by the contract language as any errors or omissions in design will fall to the Town.

A proposed bidding schedule was set forth as follows:
Advertising:  June 11
Pre-Bid meeting:  June 18
Bid Opening:  July 2 @ 3:00 PM
Bid award:  July 16
Bid documents will be available for downloading from BluPrints Unlimited in New London and possibly on the Town website.  The Town has previously used a service that will allow them to see who has viewed and purchased the plans.  Nick will get the information on this to Peter later this week.
Nick wanted to be sure that there was language in the contract that states any bidder identifying an error or omission in the contract must identify the error or omission in his/her bid.  Peter indicated that language in the AIA documents includes this.
Permission will be required from Suchocki & Son to conduct a site walk during the pre-bid meeting.
Peter needs to coordinate bid dates with USDA and be certain that all attorney comments have been received and acted upon and Versteeg Assoc. code review is completed before bid can be advertised.
Invitation to Bid will be advertised in the Hartford Courant and they require 3 days’ notice prior to the ad being place.   Committee needs to be aware of this in their scheduling.  

Bob pointed out the Planning & Zoning will need an updated site plan as there have been some changes, including the 20k gl. tank for fire suppression system.  There could also be changes to the building that had originally been submitted to P&Z, depending upon which delete alternates are chosen.  Nick stated that he would keep P&Z updated as to progress so that they will be aware of any changes.  

Nick would like to have some idea of what remains to be done on the site, what the projected end date is, and are there any issues on the site we need to know about.  He also wants to be sure that sufficient material for Phase II is left on site.  These issues can be discussed at the Thursday pay requisition meeting with Suchocki & Son and USDA.   The question was also raised as to whether or not the site would need to be resurveyed.  Peter indicated that Stadia Engineering has been surveying as they work.


MOTION to adjourn was made by Joe Cassata, second by Charles Steinhart, V.
All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM

Next meeting scheduled for Monday, June 8, 2015 @ 7:00 PM