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ESB Minutes 02/23/2015 Approved
North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company
EMS Building Committee

Meeting Minutes for February 23, 2015

Location:  North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company – Meeting Room
              267 Norwich-Westerly Rd.
     North Stonington CT

In Attendance:   
Committee: Mark Perkins, Chair, Joe Cassata, Vice Chair, Charles Steinhart, V; Jon Bosma,
Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack, Brian Elias, Marc Tate
Other: Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Perkins

Minutes tabled for amendments and adjustments

Correspondence and Invoices:

Kati Murphy, invoice #37 - $60.00
        Motion to pay made by Joe Cassata, second by Paul Kowack
        All in favor, motion passed

Silver Petrucelli, invoice #15-336
        Tabled until Archer Survey invoice is resolved.

Public Comment:

Old Business:
Paul Kowack updated Committee on his budget monitoring.  Paul will continue to maintain accurate detail of invoices received and approved. To the $6.3m budge we currently have $6.1 remaining at this time.  There are however, items that have no costs associated with them and in order to have a true picture of where we stand, we need accurate figures associated with such costs as legal fees and administrative costs.  What will the users of the facility need to move into a new building and make it operational?  
Paul feels that the Committee has done their job in coming up with a foundation plan for the building. Paul feels the Committee should now consider dividing into an administrative group and a user group, with the administrative group dealing with financial aspects of the project and the user group to begin defining operational/moving costs.

Mark Perkins was in agreement, but before we can do that we need to get Notice To Proceed from Board of Selectman to move to Construction Documents.  Mark also informed the Committee that Suchocki & Son have submitted their first Pay Request, which does not include the first installment for rock.  USDA wants the quantified rock count sent to them in the form of a Change Order, two weeks prior to the monthly Pay Request meetings.  Mark went on to say that there is almost twice the amount of topsoil on site as originally estimated.  The Town wants the topsoil, but is unable to remove enough of it fast for Mr. Suchocki to move on to his next phase of work.  Mark and other Committee members are concerned that the topsoil will be an issue down the road if it is not removed in a timely manner.

Mark reviewed with the Committee the updated estimate he would be presenting at the February 24 Selectman’s meeting.  There had been confusion regarding the 3 different estimates that had been received. The initial estimate had been received from Eugene Rinaldi on January 12.  There was a second estimate done by Mr. Rinaldi, dated January 16, which contained a combination of his figures and some he had received from Silver Petrucelli.  Mr. Rinaldi felt that some of those figures were high.  He went on to do further research on those specific areas, coming up with numbers he felt more comfortable with.  The third estimate, dated January 20, is basically a revision of his January 12 numbers, based on input from Silver Petrucelli and additional research on the part of Mr. Rinaldi.  Mr. Rinaldi’s estimate, given on January 20, is $5.1m.  The Committee asked to add a 5% contingency to this number, which brought the figure to $5.3m.  Adding in the soft costs from the spreadsheet prepared by Kati Murphy, the figure Mark will present to the Board of Selectmen is $6.8m.  Mark feels that this estimate is close enough for us to move forward to Construction Documents so that it can be bid.  

Bob Shabunia wanted to know if considerations had been taken if bids do come in high to redesign the project to better fit the budget.  This could be a significant amount, if it were to happen.  Paul Kowack stated that if a redesign were to take place there would be many unhappy residents, as well as Fire Company members.  Mark Perkins view is that if BOS says move forward, there are a number of items that could be put back into the plans as add alternates, should bids come in low.

Bob Shabunia asked where the 5-10-20 year vison statement as to what the town’s future needs will be.  Is a ladder truck really necessary?   These projections will assist in determining how to size the building.  Mark Perkins pointed out that it is not the Committee’s responsibility
To project where the Town will be in 20 years. Mark further stated that he and Joe Cassata have been in Board of Finance meetings and were told not to eliminate the 5th bay.



New Business

Motion to adjourn:
Motion to adjourn made by Joe Cassata, second by Paul Kowack.  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM