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ESB Minutes 11/23/2015 Approved
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of November 23, 2015

Committee: Chairman Mark Perkins, Vice-Chair Joe Cassata, Paul Kowack, Bob Shabunia, Greg Howell, Jon Bosma, Brian Elias
Others: Peter Springsteel, Project Manager, Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Perkins

Minutes of November 16, 2015
MOTION by Paul Kowack to approve, second by Greg Howell
All in favor, motion passed.

              Kati Murphy – invoice # 70 - $99.00
         MOTION to pay made by Jon Bosma, second by Paul Kowack.
         All in favor, motion passed.

        Silver Petrucelli –Invoice #15-2378-$700.00
        Motion to pay made by Paul Kowack, second by Jon Bosma.
        All in favor, motion passed.

Mark Perkins had been in discussion with First Selectman Shawn Murphy regarding USDA requirements from the Town regarding budget approval.  Peter Springsteel indicated that there is no form, but if the Selectmen are going to vote on the new budget then perhaps the minutes of the meeting reflecting the vote and a letter accompanying it would suffice.  Mark stated that he would explain to the Board that what they are approving would be the updated budget number, not an expenditure.
Mark and Peter will be attending the November 24, 2015 Selectmen’s meeting to present the new budget to them.  

Bob commented that his thought was that the USDA is looking for the Town’s elected officials to acknowledge to USDA that the Committee is seeking additional funding, and that the elected officials approve of the updated budget.  

Peter was asked how long the USDA’s approval of the new budget may take.  Peter has asked Joanne Demars, but has not yet had a response.


Brian Elias has been working on the PowerPoint presentation.  He asked Peter about the 3D renderings of the building exterior that had been requested of Silver Petrucelli.  Peter has asked for those by Monday.  Brian also requested a copy of the current budget so that he could create a slide to compare it to the original, to demonstrate how/why it has changed.  Brian should have the presentation ready for the Committee to view and comment on at the next meeting.

Committee went onto review the new budget numbers.
Paul requested that Committee keep an eye out for accuracy relative to the numbers on the spreadsheet.  Brian wanted clarification of Silver Petrucelli’s comments relative to the fire station alerting system.  This should have been included in the price, because Brian had included this in the original detailed lighting requirements, which contained the detail for the alerting system.  The budget prepared by Brian included equipment costs and installation of the alerting system.  Also, Brian suggested double checking that network drops and installation are included in Silver Petrucelli’s numbers, Brian did not include any of that in his numbers.  The budget sub-committee increased Brian’s original budget by 5%.

Peter needs the list of FF&E that had been prepared by Charlie Steinhart.  Kati has a copy and will forward to Peter.  Peter asked Brian to forward his FFE to him as well.
Bob suggesting contacting a vendor of office furniture to give a better idea of costs.  

The updated budget currently stands at $8.5m, which puts the project over by $2.3m

Paul stated that thought needs to go into a strategy for starting up the new facility.  What from existing facilities is going to the new?  How will the new facility be cared for and what will be the cost of running it?  Town’s people will need to know these things.
Brian suggested having Silver Petrucelli re-work their estimates on utility costs.  He felt that those numbers were high.
Mark pointed out that the Town’s people are of the impression that Fire and Ambulance Companies will be a single entity once the building is completed.  He felt that some due diligence should be done by Committee in showing the cost savings of combining the two, and maybe having a slide to show what the potential savings will be.
Bob indicated that the increase in square footage of the new building could increase the building maintenance budget.  Mark argued that the existing buildings, being older, the maintenance needs are greater and more expensive than those of the new building will be.
Brian also pointed out that there will be shared resources when the two companies are under one roof.

Paul stated that the Committee needs to review the first rendition of the PowerPoint so that the Committee can begin edit and prepare for questions from the community. Mark and Brian both agreed that Town’s people need to know that both companies are actively looking at how they will operate together.

Bob also brought up the subject of the interest on the loan from USDA if more money is requested from them. Would this require a second loan from USDA and if so, would it be at the same interest rate? Peter has asked this question and is awaiting USDA’s answer. He will be calling Joanne Demars again tomorrow.  It was also mentioned that the additional funds could be borrowed short term. Financing options need further investigation.

Brian will have the first draft of the PowerPoint for the November 30 Committee meeting.
Paul will provide the updated budget figures to Mark and Peter so that they can present to the Board of Selectmen tomorrow, November 24, 2015.

Peter has not yet heard whether or not USDA and Silver Petrucelli have reached a consensus regarding the ADA issues.


MOTION to adjourn by Paul Kowack, second by Greg Howell.
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 30, 2015 at 7:00 PM