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ESB Minutes 08/17/2015
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Meeting Minutes of August 17, 2015

Committee: Chairman Mark Perkins, Vice-Chair Joe Cassata, Greg Howell, Bob Shabunia, Charles Steinhart V., Sam Burdick, Jon Bosma, Brian Elias,
Others: Peter Springsteel, Project Manager, Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairman Perkins

Minutes of August 4, 2015
        MOTION to approve made by Joe Cassata, second by Greg Howell
        Majority in favor with one abstention, motion passed
Minutes of August 6, 2015
        MOTION to approve by Jon Bosma, second by Ryan Burdick
        All in favor, motion passed


Peter Springsteel noted that a complete set of specs and drawings had been received from Silver Petrucelli. (Mark Perkins had 3 additional sets of these made up) Peter also noted that the comments of Joseph Versteeg had been addressed by Silver Petrucelli in these specs and drawings.  However, Mr. Versteeg has yet to see the updated drawings.  Peter felt, that with a couple of minor exceptions, Mr. Versteeg’s comments had been addressed.  He felt that what had not been addressed will easily be incorporated into the next set for bidding.

Nick Mullane asked if there will be an amendment to the next bid indicating that the new documents contain items that had not been previously seen by bidders.  Peter’s response was that if the project is re-bid the deduct alternates and prior addenda all go away.  This may be confusing to some who previously bid on the project, but ideally you would re-bid with a clean set.
Bob Shabunia asked when Committee would see drawings containing items that Mr.  Versteeg has not seen and do we know what those items are.  Peter stated that changes were made on the drawings and Versteeg has not seen the drawings.  So it’s a matter of getting the drawings with the changes to Mr. Versteeg to review again.  Peter stated that any changes being made should be seen by Mr. Versteeg prior to bidding again.  The façade upgrades and any other changes should be on those drawings before they are sent back for review.  

Nick Mullane asked if there would be revision blocks on the drawings.  Peter responded that if the project is re-bid all of that gets wiped out.  There will still be a history of what’s been done, but for the re-bid there will be new, clean sheets. Nick had some concern that there could be confusion among those who had previously bid as to what was changed in the drawings.   Peter felt that a narrative could be provided for the previous bidders indicating what the changes have been.  Peter indicated that if the Town chose to, the documents could be issued with revision blocks and the addenda.  Nick also asked if Silver Petrucelli had made additional changes that Committee may be unaware of in the course of responding to Mr. Versteeg’s comments.  Peter stated to his knowledge that they had not.

Bob asked if Versteeg would be seeing the drawings before the project is re-bid.  Peter indicated that a complete set of the updated package should go to both Mr. Versteeg and USDA prior to the new bid.   Bob asked if the package would be going out with revision and addenda references on the pages.  Peter indicated that Committee needed to decide if that was how they wanted to send them out, or did they want to start with a clean slate. If the project is re-bid with the sheets having revision and addenda references, then the new package would need to include Addendum #5 to show the façade upgrades.  
Peter stated that by rebidding, any prior addenda do not need to be recognized, just put out a new clean set with a narrative of the changes.  Bob felt this method would make it more difficult for the bidders to find where the changes were made and if we have concerns over the architect’s performance this method would easily show areas of our concern.  Nick stated that what needs to be determined is the method which will give the greatest level of comfort with what was done in the drawings and that bidders can understand to avoid any occasion for change orders.  Peter’s opinion was that a clean set with a narrative is the best way to go.   This eliminates having to include the 4 original addenda and a 5th new one.  Bidders will be bidding on the most recent changes which will also be updated in the spec book.

Committee is waiting for a proposal from Silver Petrucelli which will include cost for the design of the façade upgrades and update any other changes that Committee may wish to make prior to re-bid, as well as the cost to re-bid.  Nick felt that Silver Petrucelli owed Town the cost to re-bid because we lacked the confidence that the bidders really knew what they were bidding on due to the drawings not being complete. There were 60-100 pages of changes in the 4 addenda that were issued.
Consensus of the Committee was that it would not be productive at this point in the project to argue with Silver Petrucelli on these issues.  Peter’s suggestion was to wait for the proposal to come in and then hammer then on the cost.

Silver Petrucelli had given the Committee an estimate of $5.6m for the cost of the building.  Silver Petrucelli had already given an estimate for Phase I at $1m.  Bob asked why Committee wasn’t
convinced of that number a long time ago.  Nick indicated that at one point he had asked Silver Petrucelli what they thought the building would cost and they told him they did not know.  
Peter’s recommendation was to have Silver Petrucelli prepare their proposal for rebidding and façade upgrades and then ask them to a meeting and negotiate the proposal at that time.  To tell them to do it for free will go nowhere, there are legitimate things that need to be done and associated costs.  Nick felt that they owed us a correct, finished design and he did not feel that was what they provided the first time around.  Both Nick and Bob brought up RFI’s that had come from the first round of bidding.  Peter’s comment was that contractors and sub-contractors will throw out questions to try to get an edge over other bidders.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that anything was designed wrong.  

Nick stated that, with regard to value engineering, he would have assumed Silver Petrucelli, during design, would have stayed away from specialty items.  Peter responded that they’ve already done that to some degree with the mechanical system.  Committee started out with brick and mortar building and now are at a metal building.  There isn’t much more to value engineer out to get the facility you want.  Silver Petrucelli did come in with the $5.6m cost for building – committee chose not to believe that.  Peter reminded Committee that Silver Petrucelli had a very low number on their bid, and now we are seeing some of the push-back from that when you take the low bid.  They run up all their costs and have saved everything to the last minute, creating all the addenda.  They still did all of the work, it may be messy and confusing, but they did do the work.  Let’s get the proposal and see where we can go from there.  Once proposal comes in we can meet with Silver Petrucelli to hash things out.  

Mark suggested a meeting with Silver Petrucelli and ask them to work on their number because of issues we’ve had in past.  Nick has no problem paying for façade.  Nick did feel that we never received good information on that façade upgrade from Silver Petrucelli.  Mark informed Nick that it was the Committee’s decision to not move forward with adding in the façade due to the additional cost.

Peter will notify Silver Petrucelli tomorrow (August 18) and ask them to send the proposal this week so that the Committee can review.  Silver Petrucelli will be asked to come next week, at 6:00, to go over the proposal with Peter, Nick and Mark.

Mark asked Peter whether or not he had looked into further value engineering.  Peter’s response was that to do any more than has already been done would involve reducing the size of the building or removing equipment that is necessary to operate over the next 20 years.  Nick asked if there had been any investigation into construction methods or materials that could be substituted.  Peter stated that floor finishes inside the building could be changed and Mark pointed out that this had already been done with the ceiling tiles.  Nick then asked if we could later on, sit down with the low bidder and negotiate to see if there are areas where money could be saved.  Peter informed him that if USDA funds are being used this cannot be done.  Mark stated that if the funding isn’t available nobody will be getting signed on.  The only changes to be added in to the bid package will be the façade upgrades.  Bob Shabunia was of the understanding that bid package was going to be rewritten so that contractors could offer comments/suggestions thru value engineering. Peter stated that there cannot be any associated cost to any comments/suggestions because it would not be allowing other bidders to bid on the same thing.  Peter thought that perhaps after the contract was awarded, if the contractor had alternate ideas, it could be done through a change order.  Peter doesn’t’ think that at this stage there is anywhere to save $500k through value engineering short of reducing the size of the building and/or removing equipment.

Bob had concern that the lowest bid is 25% over what is anticipated to be available to spend – at least $1m over.  Why is Committee even bothering to spend money on a new package unless they go back to the Town to get whatever amount it’s going to take to get the funding to where it needs to be? He also asked if the Committee was prepared if the Town says no to additional funds.  Nick commented that Committee needs to explain the process that they have gone through, and the time frame, that has brought them to this point.  We don’t want to be going back in 5 years for a 5th bay, or anything else. Town needs to know and understand that this is where things stand, in order to a get a complete building now, this is what is needed and why and someone needs to be able to say that this building will be good for “X” number of years.   Nick commented that you cannot go to the Town without a solid number and you need to have the questions answered before they are asked.  
Mark Perkins stated that the next step is to wait for Silver Petrucelli’s estimate for façade upgrades and rebidding to come in.  Committee will need to then choose a façade option, get new documents, bid the project and wait to see where the low number is and then we’ll have a number to take back to the Town.  If Town does not approve additional funds we will ask the Board of Selectman how they wish to proceed.  In order to get the building under budget, approximately 4000 s.f.  would need to be taken out of the building.  That would include space from both bay and living/administrative areas.  
Mark’s opinion was that if additional funds are not approved then the project would be at a standstill.  Bob commented that there is still the cost of the site across the street.  Nick stated that one of the biggest unknowns of the project was the cost of the site, but that question has been answered and we have the final number for the site.  

Mark asked Peter to request Silver Petrucelli bring 3 façade designs for Committee review when they come next week.  Brian Elias had samples of building exterior finishes which he shared with the Committee. Peter was going to send those to Silver Petrucelli so that they would have an idea of what was wanted.  Committee discussed materials and finishes of the exterior. It was generally agreed upon to go with a 2 tone building, with a thin stone or brick veneer to the base of windows, with some sort of clapboard on top, the bay side of the building would have the veneer only on the bottom, exposed metal on top.  The gable end facing RT could be left alone, as it is not visible from Rt.  Committee asked for rendering that shows that elevation.  
Mark also suggested that all exterior doors not covered by portico have a canopy over it.  Peter stated that he thinks that by changing the exterior finish of the building it may also change the insulation system for the better.  Bob questioned whether or not extending the overhang would add to the aesthetics.  Final color choices will be made once a contractor is on board.

Committee is looking at a new bid date of September 14.  David Stein told Peter that date was a bit tight for them.  Peter asked them to provide a date that Silver Petrucelli felt was realistic for them.  

Mark will keep in contact with Bob Shabunia and Paul Kowack relative to the budget, so that when new bids are opened there will be a hard number to take back to the Town.  Committee needs to decide who will be making presentation to the town.  Marc Tate could perhaps help with updating the PowerPoint presentation.  Those working on the presentation will need to go back to the original documentation to show the history of the project.  Mark suggested presenting to Boards of Selectman and Finance jointly and have everything ready to go by the time new bids are opened.  Brian Elias had been involved with some of the preparation of the original presentation and will be happy to be part of it again.  
The question arose as to who will be presenting this to the Town.  Peter’s recommendation was having more than one person and that the process should be started in the next couple of weeks.

Charlie commented that it’s confusing to some that the press is reporting $6.36m for the project.  That amount is for the total project cost, not the building alone.  Peter cautioned the Committee about throwing numbers about prior to the bid.  

Mark commented that FF&E numbers need to be reviewed and everyone needs to make sure they are comfortable with those numbers. Brian was comfortable with the IT figures. Peter will be adding a contingency to both FF&E and IT figures.  Robin had gotten some financing costs and additional money will need to be added to the budget for legal costs.

Joe Cassata had information from Representative Urban that the next Bond Committee meets September 25 and she hopes to get the project on then.

Bob asked if there would be insurance costs involved with the move, and would there be any costs associated with maintenance and/or operations.  
Nick stated that is something that would be included in next year’s budget.  Bob thought that future operating costs may very likely be questioned when presenting to the Town.  Peter stated that Silver Petrucelli had done some calculations and he would get that information.  

Bob asked Peter if he had been in contact with Planning and Zoning relative to site changes.  Peter feels at this point there isn’t anything to give them until all changes have been made.  
Nick spoke with Planner who indicated that it may just be an administrative change.  Commission may want to look.  Bob was concerned that it could be a 30-60 day delay.  

MOTION to adjourn by Ryan Burdick, second by Greg Howell
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.  Next meeting scheduled for Monday, August 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM