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ESB Minutes 06/18/2015
Center for Emergency services
North Stonington
40 Main Street
North Stonington, Connecticut 06359

Regular Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2015

Committee: Chairman Mark Perkins, Vice-Chair Joe Cassata, Jon Bosma, Brian Elias Charles Steinhart V
Others: Peter Springsteel, Project Manager, Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary
Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Perkins


   Versteeg Assoc. invoice dated June 11, 2015 – Third Party Code Review - $6300
         MOTION to pay invoice made by Jon Bosma, second by Charles Steinhart, V
         All in favor, motion passed

    Blu-Prints Unlimited invoice # A150467 – printing plans and spec book - $378.28
         MOTION to pay invoice by Joe Cassata, second by Charles Steinhart, V
         All in favor, motion passed.

    Committee acknowledged receipt of e-mail from USDA stating that they would not support the Town’s Building Inspector for the position of Clerk of The Works.
    Committee acknowledged receipt of e-mail from AZ Corp. regarding Construction Administration services.  Committee agreed that they had no interest in pursuing the services of AZ Corp.
     Committee acknowledged receipt of memo from Town Treasurer regarding Project Funding of fees and interest.  According to the memo, approximately $212,667.00 in interest and fees associated with borrowing, will be paid from the Project’s funds.

A MOTION was made by Jon Bosma, second by Brian Elias to inform the Board of Selectman that the Committee recommends Stadia Engineering as their choice for Clerk of The Works-Phase II.
All in favor, motion passed.  
Kati Murphy will draft a letter to BOS regarding this.

MOTION to adjourn made by Jon Bosma, Second by Charles Steinhart, V
All in favor, meeting adjourned at 7:12

A workshop followed to continue review of latest drawings from Silver Petrucelli.
Committee completed review with Peter Springsteel at 8:20.  Peter will forward comments for inclusion in bid documents to Silver Petrucelli. Peter will also follow up with Silver Petrucelli regarding code review comments.