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ESB Minutes 12/08/2014
North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company
EMS Building Committee

Meeting Minutes for December 8, 2014

Location:  North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company – Meeting Room
              267 Norwich-Westerly Rd.
     North Stonington CT

In Attendance:   Mark Perkins, Chair; Joe Cassata, Vice Chair, Charles Steinhart, V; Jon Bosma;   Bob Shabunia, Greg Howell; Marc Tate, Nick Mullane, Ryan Burdick, Brian Elias
Peter Springsteel, Kati Murphy, Robin Roohr, Town Treasurer
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Mark Perkins

Amended minutes were emailed to the Committee and also included with each member’s package for review.  
Motion was made by Ryan Burdick, second by Joe Cassata to approve the Amended Minutes of
December 1, 2014. All were in favor, motion passed.
Correspondence and Invoices:

Kati Murphy,
Invoice #29 in the amount of $206.25
Motion by Joe Cassata second by Ryan Burdick to approve payment.
All were in favor, motion passed.  
Printing Plus
        Invoice #23039 in the amount of $265.50
        Motion by Joe Cassata, second by Jon Bosma to approve payment.
        All were in favor, motion passed.

Public Comment.   

Old Business:
Continued discussion and review of design development.

Bob Shabunia had presented several modifications to the kitchen design/layout.
Motion was made by Charles Steinhart, V to forward the new kitchen concept to Silver Petrucelli & Assoc. for incorporation into the plans, second by Joe Cassata.
All were in favor, the motion passed.
Bob will put together the revised layout and detail and scan to Peter Springsteel forwarding to Silver Petrucelli.

Peter Springsteel and the Committee reviewed Peter’s comments on the Design Development Drawings dated November 21, 2014.  Each page of the drawings was reviewed with questions and comments noted.  Peter will communicate the information to Silver Petrucelli.  

Peter will put together a job description and ad for the Clerk of Works position for Phase I.  He will forward to Kati so that the Town can post.

New Business:
Town Treasurer, Robin Roohr addressed the Committee on borrowing schedule and costs. The Committee was informed by Ms. Roohr that she needs reliable dates and dollar amounts to get through Phase I and on to Phase II. The current note is due in January.  When that expires Ms. Roohr anticipates a 6 month note for $1.2m through July for completion of Phase I, with the balance to be borrowed in July for completion of Phase II.  If this timetable is not accurate she needs to know as soon as possible.
The Committee will request updated dollar per square foot costs from Silver Petrucelli, along with an updated schedule to assist Ms. Roohr in planning for borrowing.  The Committee will also be enlisting the services of a professional estimator within the next few weeks to help in planning financing and scheduling.

Motion to adjourn:
Motion to adjourn made by Ryan Burdick, second by Jon Bosma.  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:37 PM