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EMS Minutes 12/22/2015 Approved
North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company
EMS Building Committee

Meeting Minutes for December 22, 2014

Location:  North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company – Meeting Room
              267 Norwich-Westerly Rd.
     North Stonington CT

In Attendance:  Committee: Mark Perkins, Chair; Joe Cassata, Vice Chair, Charles Steinhart, V; Jon Bosma;   Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack, Greg Howell; Brian Elias, Ryan Burdick, Nick Mullane, Marc Tate
Other: Peter Springsteel, Owner’s Representative; Kati Murphy, Committee Secretary;
David Stein, Project Manager, Silver Petrucelli & Assoc
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Perkins

Minutes of December 15, 2014
Motion to accept by Joe Cassata, second by Greg Howell.
All members in favor.  Minutes accepted

Correspondence and Invoices:

Kati Murphy, Inv # 31 - $262.50
    Motion by Greg Howell to approve payment, second by Jon Bosma
    All in favor, motion passed.

Peter Springsteel had forwarded 2 proposals from Estimators.
MPR Construction Estimating Service $8000. Can complete in 4-5 weeks.
Accurate Construction Estimates - $1200.   Can complete in 10 days

Public Comment.   None

Old Business:
     Discussion took place relative to hiring an estimator and whether or not the items/enhancements that the Committee has been working on relative to design development plans will be incorporated into plans that the estimator will be given.  Peter Springsteel indicated that the estimator would be given the current plans that the Committee has been working on.  Those details/enhancements will not be put into the plans until they go to construction drawings.  There was concern among Committee members as to whether or not there would be enough information and detail to be able to get an accurate estimate.  Both Peter Springsteel and David Stein indicated that there is sufficient information in the Design Development plans for an accurate estimate to be made.  David Stein also pointed out that the Committee does not want to get too far into construction document development, only to discover that the project is substantially over budget.

Nick Mullane questioned whether or not the estimator would be able to point out areas of cost savings, should the estimates come in high.  Peter Springsteel stated that, although it is not in the estimator’s scope of work, he would have the capability to do so.

There was a question as to basis of the building currently under design.  David Stein stated that, because they need something to use as a base they are using a Butler design, but the specs will be open, performance based specs that will allow for substitutions and alternates.  There is language within the AIA documents that allows for this, but substitutions and alternates must be able to meet the requirements of the bid specs.

A motion was made by Paul Kowack to select Gene Rinaldi (Accurate Construction Estimates), and his proposal of December 19, 2014 in the amount of $1200, to move forward with having him prepare an estimate based on the current plans, as they currently are.
Second by Charles Steinhart, V.  There were no dissenting votes, the motion passed.       

        Nick Mullane stated that the contract with Mr. Suchocki is in progress. There is a great deal of documentation required and it is hoped that we can have all four sets signed by week’s end and to USDA early next week.

        There was discussion relative to how much has been spent on legal fees.  The Committee has not seen any invoices, though there has been contact with Town Counsel on some matters relative to the project.  Paul Kowack will coordinate with the town’s Bookkeeper to provide a breakdown of what has been paid out to date.

        Discussion continued with David Stein and review of the items in the Design Development plans.  David provided color coded plans to the Committee, indicating where changes, additions, and omissions had occurred. Copies will be scanned and forwarded to each Committee member Notes touched upon as follows:

  • In discussing changes to the locker room, one of the lockers must be HP accessible, as well as one of the benches in the locker room.  The locker will have a lever type handle, be labeled and at appropriate height and clearance.  The remaining lockers will be on a concrete block w/vinyl base, and will have angled tops.  
  • One of each of the four private bathrooms has to be HP accessible, one on each side.  
  • The pass-through shower in deacon may not meet accessibility requirements, grab bars on three sides are required, which a pass-through does not allow for.  SP&A will review w/USDA.  
  • Epoxy on the floor of decon should be required, and epoxy as an add alternate in the kitchen.
  • Call for aid pulls are only required in single use bathrooms.  To be installed only where they are required.
  • A door has been added to workshop Rm #148, which will swing out, into the bay area.  A few of the doors had to be shifted slightly.  Two lockers were lost, but able to be moved to the other end of the wall.  Wire mesh partition also included in this room
  • Can main utility connections (water, gas, electric) come in to Rooms 122/123?  David indicated distance from the generator to electric room needs to be where they have located it.   Primary services will cross bays. There isn’t enough space to get all utilities into that one location.
  • Sprinkler room now one large room w/double doors
  • VAV diffusers will be in offices and bunkrooms – given smaller window openings, building insulation, and window blinds, this should be sufficient.  Diffusers will be adjustable using a remote.
  • “A” windows in Multi-Purpose room - SP&A will investigate whether or not impact resistant glass is available with pre-engineered buildings.
  • Bunkroom windows should remain as is for aesthetics facing Rocky Hollow Rd.
  • Lights in bunkrooms still need to be removed.
  • Flooring in Radio Room had been missing – it should be VCT.
  • Ceiling heights – a byproduct of pre-engineered buildings and the duct work. SP&A has tried to keep ceilings low for cost efficiency.  They can make changes to rooms as Committee requests and construction allows by boxing around beams.  8’6” is the absolute minimum Committee is comfortable with.  

Mark Perkins has been instructed by the Board of Selectman not to proceed to Construction Documents until we have hired and estimator and gotten his estimate back.  Bob Shabunia indicated that he would like to see more of the details we’ve discussed in Design Development included in the plans before going to an estimator.  Peter indicated that is not how the process works.  Once we hear back from the estimator we will know how far on or off target we are and what can stay so that the Committee can proceed to Construction Documents, or what may need to be cut.  Mark must report back to the BOS once the estimator’s number is in and then we will know whether or not we can to proceed to Phase II.   Soft costs still need to be fine-tuned, as does the value on unknown rock encountered during Phase –I.

The Committee needs to provide a schedule to the Town Accountant so that she can schedule borrowing.  SP&A has been requested to provide a schedule to get us to Phase II.

SP&A still need final pressure test to determine flow rates.  Ryan Burdick will keep in touch with Nick Mullane on this.

Mark Perkins would like the Committee to be able to vote on the appointment of a Clerk of The Works at the next meeting on December 29, 2014

New Business

Motion to adjourn:
Motion to adjourn made by Jon Bosma, second by Greg Howell.  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 9:16 PM