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ESB Minutes 12/15/2014
North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company
EMS Building Committee

Meeting Minutes for December 15, 2014

Location:  North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company – Meeting Room
              267 Norwich-Westerly Rd.
     North Stonington CT

In Attendance:   Mark Perkins, Chair; Joe Cassata, Vice Chair, Charles Steinhart, V; Jon Bosma;   Bob Shabunia, Paul Kowack, Marc Tate, Ryan Burdick, Brian Elias
Peter Springsteel, Kati Murphy,
Meeting called to order at 7:07 PM by Chairman Mark Perkins

Motion was made by Jon Bosma, second by Joe Cassata to approve the Amended Minutes of
December 8, 2014. All were in favor, motion passed.
Correspondence and Invoices:

Kati Murphy,
Invoice #30 in the amount of $311.25
Motion by Bob Shabunia, second by Ryan Burdick to approve payment.
All were in favor, motion passed.  
Peter Springsteel
        Invoice #121314 in the amount of $2625.
        Motion by Charles Steinhart, V, second by Paul Kowack to approve payment.
        All were in favor, motion passed.
Public Comment.   

Old Business:

Mark Perkins stated that the position of Clerk of Works had been posted December 9 thru 15.  There were no applications received.  Mark asked Kati to contact USDA to ask them how we should proceed in the hiring process. Can the Committee now solicit individuals for the position or do we have to repost the position? Mark Tate indicated that there were a couple of inquiries about the job description posted
Mark Perkins has been directed by the First Selectman not to give Silver Petrucelli authorization to move forward with Construction Documents until there is a better handle on the costs.  
The Committee continued to review and discuss discrepancies and omissions found in the design development drawings. The Committee also addressed concerns in a memo dated Dec. XX from SP&A in regards to the drawings. Peter Springsteel has been keeping notes on all items that the Committee discussed and reached a consensus on and will compile the notes and answers and forward to SP&A

Peter will also investigate costs for hiring an outside estimator.  The Committee would like to be able to get pricing on the building with and without the add alternates so that in the event they were to go back to Town Meeting seeking additional funds they could demonstrate what the Town would be getting and at what cost.

A motion was made by Paul Kowack to accept the modifications as recommended by each Committee member to the design development drawings, so documented in the minutes, for transmittal by Peter Springsteel to Silver Petrucelli & Assoc. for incorporation into the next revision of the design development drawings.
The motion was seconded by Bob Shabunia.  All were in favor, the motion passed.

New Business:

Motion to adjourn:
Motion to adjourn made by Ryan Burdick, second by Charles Steinhart, V.  
All in favor, motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM