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CC 01/28/2016 Minutes
January 28, 2016 @ 6:00 pm
Meeting minutes

Mission: For the development, conservation, supervision, and regulation of natural and historic resources, including water resources, within its territorial limits. (adopted September 2007)  

Call to Order:  6:15

Roll Call:  Steve Colgan; Bill Ricker
Guest:  Arnie Vlieks
Not in Attendance: Rick Stevens,  Warren Speh,  Michael Charnetski, Marc Jaffan, Tony Rose

Review of November meeting minutes (send via e-mail).
Citizen Comments:  Arnie is interested in the CC meeting to see what we do

Ongoing Business:

•     Budget submission
Budget was discussed -  $2100 requested
Dues for Eastern CT Conservation District, CACIWC (CT Assoc. of Conservation & Inlands Wetlands Commission), CT  Park & Forests supported.

$ 305 spent for trail signs for Steward Hill Preserve.
Calendar cost – 1155.68; sales to date 1240.00 – net positive $ 84.14. 5 calendars left

•     Land trade update: Ravenswood v. land up behind Emergency Service building site
See 1-19-16 The Day article – handout
-       Discussion tabled as we do not have a response from the Board of Selectmen

•     Stewart Hill Preserve: trail markings on lower section “confusing”.  We will add additional.
      New trail signs and parking signs ordered.

•     Wyassup Lake Road CE’s: Parcel #8101 and #1857 folders – still on hold (need maps)
o       We do not have a GPS coordinator – he has taken a position in Westerly

•     CE yearly monitoring – Need to complete. Who has them outstanding?
o       Tabled due to attendance                

•     Any further discussion of acceptable Conservation Easements?
o       – P&Z accepting of our working document.   This is a living document that we can change

•     Letter to WPCA – 3rd draft handout was reviewed and the decision was to send the document to Brad Currier, last known Chairman.
New Business:

•     Miller Road deed citing need for CC approval for tree cutting at Blue Lake.
o       Bill Ricker viewed the property per comment in the deed.  The 12 acres has 9+/- acres in a conservation easement.  A forester was hired by the property owner to tell him what trees should stay or be cut.  Mr Ricker reached a consensus with the property owner and approved the document.  The easement will now be monitored by Bill Hixon, president of Blue Lake Assn. as written in the deed.

•     Greenway article in The Day – handout
o       This was a nice article (dated 1-11-16) citing CC work towards creating greenways.

•     Court decision on Fire Fly Farm noting Town is responsible for twice a year monitoring.
o       The 38 acres in question should be maintained by land owner and monitored by North Stonington twice a year in January and July.  

•     Amos Lake article for discussion – handout – December 2015 – date unknown
o       No pesticides, if you must use fertilizer – use no nitrogen.  6-0-6 recommended.
o       Post-meeting note:  6-0-6 is low phosphorus fertilizer which is recommended near bodies of water.

•     NE Cottontail rabbit refuge proposal (sent via e-mail) + handout  Day article dated 1-20-16
o       Want to open more land in NS for NE Cottontail.  This will require cutting.  

•     Establish direction for the year - hand out: Goals & Tasks
o       Work on Chester Main trail – wait for the rest of the group before goals are decided.  
Correspondence:  Wood-Pawcatuck study (sent via e-mail)
                    NSCLA newsletter
                    Aquifer Protection Agency Minutes
                    CT Wildlife magazine
Member forum:    none

Adjournment:  7:35 p.m.
Submitted by,
Steve Colgan, Secretary