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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/26/2015
Regular Meeting: February 26, 2015

Call to Order @ 7:09 pm
Secretary pro tem: Ricker
Roll Call:  Present; Ricker, Charnetski         No quorum present
                Absent: Rose, Jaffan, Blodgett, Speh

Citizen comments: none

Ongoing Business:

  • Bill reported the response from Atty. Eppinger regarding action on parcel # 5251.  Eppinger stated, “…we should file on the land records a Caveat and Notice of Administrative Action by the Planning & Zoning Commission imposing a condition of the conveyance of open space to the Town, together with a legal description of the open space and right of way.” Eppinger believes “in this way any further owner would be aware of the obligation when they searched the property.”
       Ricker will draft a letter to the BOS and P&Z to be reviewed at our March meeting.

  • Calendar sales to date are $1420 plus uncollected monies. We are less than $100 short of “break even.” Suggested we reduce our expenses by reducing the number to be printed to 200.
  • We are in the CT Trails brochure for a hike in the Stewart Hill Preserve, June 6th @ 10am led by Mike and Tony. Bill & Mike will finish trail marking following snow melt.
  • Further research by Bill of the two Wyassup Rd parcels 8101 & 1857 found they indeed have a conservation easement included on the map created by Downes-Patterson when the land was developed. Resultantly, Bill will place signage throughout the two parcels with Marc Tate and the GPS in the spring.
  • Bill has written and sent 14 individualized letters to land owners of those parcels we included in the POCD as desirous of acquiring. The remaining 12 we suggested be discussed further as they each have separate issues which may negate our sending a letter of interest.
  • Do to the weather only Tony has been able to monitor his 3 CE properties before his leaving.
  • In further review of the maps for the Rocky Hollow Recreation area, the area rejected by DEEP has only one area where a ball field could be placed since the slope, ledge and wetlands buffer are eliminated. It appears imprudent to attempt to secure additional accessibility for a limited recreational return, while giving up the 17+/- acres off Ravenswood. An alternative trade was considered. As the Town is in need of a high location for a water tower, the State owns 95.29 acres behind the present fire station complex construction. This parcel #6365 is already included in our list of 26 properties we wanted to add for recreation and preservation. Bill will draft a letter to BOS to be discussed at our March meeting before any action is taken.

New Business:

  • The draft Bill e-mailed regarding a “Rationale in Considering Acceptance by the Town of Conservation Easements” was tabled till March for better attendance.
“The Habitat” CACIWC winter newsletter was received and is available to commissioners. There’s an important article on “Tips for Conservation Commissions” which should be read by us.

Member Forum:  Bill and Warren spoke at the Town Meeting asking the public to reject the 3 CE’s offered on the Green Falls LLC map as the 1’ to primarily 15’ width was insignificant for protection of the adjacent wetlands and would encumber the Town to monitor them yearly in perpetuity. The public voted to reject the CE’s.

~Bill Ricker, secretary pro tem