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Conservation Commission 09/23/2010 Minutes
Town Of North Stonington Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting at New Town Hall
Sept.23, 2010


Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm by Kellene Limpert. Those present and voting were Bob Fleury, dick Blodgett, Bill Ricker,Kellene Limpert and Alt. Pat Lewis. Also in attendance was John Ryan, new member but not sworn in yet.

Minutes will be accepted at next month’s meeting as there was no meeting for the past couple of months and minutes need to be updated.
Officer and Committee Reports:
        OS/CE- Bob, We are close to finishing but still resolving issues with Downs/Patterson and others.
        Shunnock Watershed Management Plan- Dick, Nothing new to report.
        Trails – Bill and John (after swearing in) will be working on identifying trails and getting permission to use on private property. Then listing them with the town. For people to use.
        Organization of CC office: Kellene and John. Will be working on organizing the CC office.
Notes: Was the letter sent to Sel. About a possible combing of our commission and the Hewitt Prop. Committee. Also there will be a meeting and vote on the suggested uses of Hewitt Property on Sept 27th 7:00pm at the Gymnatorium. All are encouraged to attend.
New Business: Motion to postpone election of officers until Oct.’s meeting by Bill and seconded by Bob. Motion passes 5-0-0.
Task items are already taken care of.
Secretary will check with Norma to see when members’ terms are to be renewed.
Meeting dates and times will stay the same.
Motion to write a memo to the first Selectman that Richard Blodgett be re-appointed to the CC board for an additional 5Yr term, Made by Bill seconded by Bob motion passes 5-0-0.
Motion to adjourn, made by Bill, seconded by Bob, motion passes 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted by Kellene Limpert