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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/24/2008
Town Of North Stonington Conservation Commission
The New Town Hall Conference Room
July 24, 2008 6:00 pm

a. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Paige Brooks at approximately 6:00pm. Also present and voting were Dick Blodgett, Bob Fleury, Pat Lewis,(alt) and Kellene Limpert.

Motion to accept minutes from previous meeting by Paige, Seconded by Dick,Motion Passes 4-0-0

Comments by Warren Speh.

Old Business:
   1. Goals and Tasks: The CC should look over and revise them, also submit Warren Speh”s name to First Selectman Nick Mullane for placement on C.C.
 2. Update by Marc Tate concerning trail map work in progress.
 3. Reports from” Limited Groundwater Quality Investigation” have been received by the Commission.
Also received: letters from Harvey D. Luce, Ph.D Environmental Soil Science, LLC.. And a letter from William Warzecha.
  4. Received letter from Bureau of Natural Resources Concerning Bell Cedar Swamp. Discussion follows and Paige will respond to them.
 Report by Bob: CC needs to write a letter, to see what they recommend in way of management of the Swamp.
 5. 27 different Property Acquisitions were suggested, and no public response was made.
Motion made by Dick and seconded by Paige that theCC recommend to the P& Z and Selectmen that the town acquire the Liz Hadad Property adjacent to Fair Grounds for town use in recreation and conservation.

New Business:
  1. The meeting with P&Z went well with few questions. They were supportive of the CC’s Plan. CC answered their questions and then left.
  2. The 490 is something that the CC.would be very interested in. It allows the owner to apply for tax relief, it is a 10 year program. It Is an Open Space part of the 490 act and could be a tool for the town to use.
  3. There’s probably no value to the Patricia Berg property because of the legal problems ahead, concerning the liability with the Caveat. Motion by Bob seconded by Dick that the Selectmen handle this matter, maybe refer them to a Land trust, or Land Alliance. Motion Passes 4-0-1
 4. Motion by Dick that the Bob will follow up on what has been filed so far with the State and trace our steps to find out where we are concerning the Town Recreation Area at Rocky... Hollow. Seconded by Paige motion Passes 5-0-0
Correspondence: A request from Manchester Conservation. CC. will send them a copy of our Plan and maps with the web link
Bob Makes Motion to adjourn seconded by Paige. Passes 5-0-0.Adjournment at 8:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Kellene Limpert Secretary