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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/27/2008
Town of North Stonington Conservation commission
The New Town hall conference Room
March 27, 2008


Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman, Paige Brooks at approximately 6:10pm. Present were Dick Blodgett, Bob Fleury, Kellene Limpert, Fred Launer, and Pat Lewis Alternate.

     b. Motion to approve the minutes of Feb. meeting made by Paige           seconded by Dick. Motion passes 5-0-0

c.      Citizen’s comments: Ann Renahan, a volunteer, presenting the maps she has worked on. Asking for any further suggestions. Will bring map overlays to next meeting.
d.      Officers and Committees Reports: None
e.      Old Business:
1.      Task Reports: filled vacancy with Fred and Jonathan for Numbers 8&9
2.      Motion that the CC contact The Nature Conservancy of Conn. And State to request that they purchase the Bell Cedar Swamp. Made by Fred seconded by Dick 5-0-0
3.      motion made by Dick that the CC get together for a special meeting to discuss the most important points on” The Plan of Conservation” ON April 10,2008.  seconded by Kellene motion passes 5-0-0
f.      New Business:
1.      Volunteers to help at the Energy Fair
2.      Comments Reported by Dick from the meeting with The Economic Development Commission.
3.      Dick Reported
4.      Motion made by Dick that Paige is Chairman seconded by Kellene. Motion passes 5-0-0
Motion made by Paige that Fred is Vice Chairman seconded by Dick. Motion passes 5-0-0
5.      Documentation needs to go thru Norma in paper form so that it can be filed in the vault as well as the CC office. All documents including, Minutes, Agendas, and correspondence.
6.      Motion to adjourn made by Fred seconded by Paige. Motion passes5-0-0

Respectfully submitted by Kellene Limpert, Secretary