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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/23/2007
North Stonington Town Hall
Thursday Aug. 23, 2007 6:00pm
Special Meeting of the Conservation Commission

The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairwoman Paige Brooks, at approximately 6:03pm. Members present: Paige Brooks, Dick Blodgett, Priscilla Lewis, Bob Fluery and Kellene Limpert. All seated and voting.
Citizens Comments: Brad Borden – concerned with the proposed changes to the Mission Statement. Would like the C.C. to send a revised copy to the P&Z Board and make it open to the public before they are finalized.
Nita Kincaid- Would likes to make comments to the Goals and Tasks and the mission Statement.
Brooks: Responded that we do plan on tabling the items in question so that the Commission members that art not present can be here for input.
Blodgett:  Responds that a lot of the changed were house-keeping issues that had been brought to the Town attorney‘s attention already.
Marilyn MacKay: Had a Question about the voting. Would it require a 2/3 vote of the members or unanimous
Blodgett: yes he thinks it would be a 2/3 vote
Madeline Jeffery: Welcomes new members and doesn’t want the CC to rush into changes and to be sure and let the public know when meetings are. So that the town can have input.

Old Business:

Motion to table items a, b, c, &e. Motion carries 5-0-0
Motion that we contact the people necessary to get the Newspaper notices correct for the next year’s meetings. Motion carries 5-0-0
Had a short discussion on the current maps and the possible focus areas for Conservation. Historical features in town will at some point be marked so that it makes it easier for public as well as developers to see and preserve. The Commission was brought up to date on current work.
Item d: Read and Consider “Problem Parcels report”.
Discussion followed concerning the different Parcels and how this can be avoided in the future. The C.C. needs to write a Procedural Statement so that the lack of follow –thru on paperwork for future Con.Easments doesn’t continue.  There is a big gap in monitoring these open space and Con.Easements. Possibly we could bond them to encourage people to follow-thru.Fluery handed out a package of the updates, currently being done.
Motion to accept the report, Motion carries 5-0-0
Motion to allow Fluery to respond to steps 1, 5, & 7   motion carries 5-0-0
Item f.:  Purchase of a tape recorder.
Discussion of a digital when the budget passes one can be purchased.
Motions to have Marc Tate purchase a digital recorder when budget passes. Motion carries 5-0-0.
Item 6: Reading of the Robinson and Cole Letter dated 5/24/07.  The attorney’s for a proposed development in North Stonington. The letter was read by Brooks and discussion followed.
Brooks: we feel that our opinion is really all that we’re supposed to give. As we are only advisory.
Madeline Jeffery: asks, that we do meet with them.
That we could be helpful. As a resident she wants to have input on this and other issues. She doesn’t believe that the C.C. would be arbitrary by offering our suggestions.
Blodgett: and other Commission member’s respond saying that we don’t feel it is our place to meet with Developers and Lawyers and that we could, instead, speak with the P& Z Board or Craig Grimord and give them our suggestions and comments.
Item 7: Citizens comments –Chris Chrissos comments that she has two Vernal Pools on her property, and would like it noted. She lives at 19 Yawbucks Valley Rd.
Adjournment at 8:12 pm.   
Next Meeting Thursday Sept. 27, 2007

Respectfully submitted, Kellene Limpert