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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/29/2007
North Stonington Town Hall
Thursday Nov.29, 2007, 6:00 pm
Conservation Commission

Meeting was called to order by Vice chairman Paige Brooks and the following were seated and voting: Dick Blodgett, Bob Fleury, Pat Lewis, and  Kellene Limpert.
a. Citizens Comments:
b. Motion to accept minutes of the Oct. 25th meeting. Motion passes 5-0-0
   Motion to accept minutes of the Nov. 15th Special meeting. Motion passes with correction.5-0-0.
c. Treasurers Report:  188.00 in the account. Secretary will check with Sel. Nick Mullane about the Profit and Loss Statement for Accuracy.
Officers and Committees Reports:
d. Old Business:
  1. Mission Statement revision-Discussion. Motion made to accept Mission Statement Revision Proposed Aug. 9 2007. Motion passes 5-0-0
 2. By-Laws- Motion to Table until next meeting. Will be removing Articles 11 & 12 as they refer to holding hearings. Motion passes 5-0-0
  3. Goals and Tasks- Lewis brought Farmland Preservation Report Information Packet.
     Trails need Labeling and pamphlets may be made eventually.
   Blodgett explained new CC map and how it can be used. Corrections can and will need to be made to help us with our Focus areas and presentation to the Selectmen.
   Bill Ricker, Former CC member in audience, commented on a letter that the CC needs to read and then make comments back to the Selectmen.
    Blodgett stresses the need to write a letter to P&Z concerning the Aquifer protection zone is shown incorrectly on the map. It doesn’t show overlay protection area correctly.
Motion that Secretary writes this letter. Motion passes 5-0-0
Motion to extend deadlines for Goals and Tasks. Motion passes 5-0-0
Tasks need to be reassigned .Goals #7, 8, &9.
Motion that Secretary is to write a letter to Selectmen and P&Z in response to Town Manager of Hopkinton’s letter concerning Aquifer Protection Area. This letter should include asking for information on land uses and our meeting times and places so that they may attend if they desire to do so. Motion passes 5-0-0
Motion that Secretary writes a letter to P&Z concerning their Moratorium, that we support it and would like them to receive our input. Based on our research and Natural resources, we would like to make suggestions and recommendations using our maps. Motion passes 5-0-0
f. New Business:
   1. Babcock Ridge Development: Discussion. We would recommend that the Conservation Easement be all in one piece with an access to Avelonia’s property across street. That the piece be in Fee Title to a land trust and not a C.E.   There are vernal pools in this development as well. They need to be identified and properly marked. The 75 ft. set backs be removed.
Motion that we write a letter with recommendations to P&Z. Motion passes 5-0-0
g. Correspondence: Essington’s letter from Mr. Mullane. Memo from Marc Tate.
h. Citizens Comments
i. Adjournment                                 

 Respectfully Subitted, Kellene Limpert