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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/15/2015

                                             Town of North Stonington

                                           Board of Selectmen Meeting

                                              December 15, 2015

                                                            7:00 PM





Call to Order-7:02 PM with Selectmen Murphy, Mullane and Donahue present

Public Comments and Questions-Anne Nalwalk, Northwest Corner Road had two comments.  She felt it was a positive sign that a student had transferred from Stonington to North Stonington school system. The second comment was how “tacky” the Amazing.Net store window display was.  The Board will have Brett Mastroianni and Tom Zanarini go and talk to the Manager about a more socially acceptable display.

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of December 1, 2015, carrying.  3-0

A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by First Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of December 3, 2015, carrying.  2-0-1 Selectman Donahue abstained ; he did not attend the meeting.

A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by First Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of December 8, 2015, carrying.  2-0-1 Selectman Donahue abstained ; he did not attend the meeting.


Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments

Action Items

•            1.  Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve the following tax refunds presented by Tax Collector Amy Snell, carrying.  3-0

Gary D. Burkhart                        $  75.36

Marelda Hart                                   $  18.01

Honda Lease                                    $172.13

•            2. Center for Emergency Services Project Presentation and Additional Funding Discussion-Mark Perkins and Brian Elias made a presentation to the Board and residents present on the project and estimated construction  costs and proposed schedule to activity to get an additional appropriation approved at a Town Meeting.  The Power Point presentation was followed by questions and answers.  The Selectmen asked for a copy of the Power Point presentation and recommended that the extra comments be added to the presentation.

•            3.  Feedback to the Ad Hoc School Building Committee on School Project Proposal

•            4.  Special Town Meeting-December 14, 2015 Results-All items below passed at the Town Meeting.

            Green Falls- Boombridge Road, land tracts

            101A Anthony Road Sale Agreement

            Building Permit Issuance

            Click It Ticket Grant Application-$4,500 Additional Appropriation

            Easement from Bison Brook Farms

New Business

•            1.  Town’s Social Media Policy Discussion-Town must use common sense approach, some oversite, allowing for comments.  Selectman Murphy will review various example policies and provide a draft policy to the Board.

•            2.  Hewitt Farm Committee Appointments-

A motion was made by First Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Mullane to appoint Ed Harasimowitz, Jack Brown, Richard Cooper, and Nita Kincaid to terms on the Committee thru August 19, 2016, carrying.  3-0

A motion was made by First Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to appoint Brian Banker to a regular seat on the Committee thru August 19, 2016, carrying.  3-0

A motion was made by First Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to appoint Ellie Banker to a alternate seat on the Committee thru August 19, 2016, carrying.  3-0

•            3.  Tax Abatement Request-Brian Rathbun-The Board will check with CCM and COST to see if any communities abate taxes for elderly citizens over and above current State programs.  The question came up on abatements for Veterans, Vol. Firefighters, and a freeze rather that abatement.  The Board will continue discussion at their next meeting.

Reports-First Selectman Murphy presented an offer for a portion of the Wintechog Hill Road property owned by the Town by a private citizens for renovations.  Tabled for discussion at a future meeting.

Public Comments and Questions-None

Adjournment-9:05 PM