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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/04/2015

              Town of North Stonington

                                          Board of Selectmen

                                          New Town Hall Conference Room

                                          August 4, 2015--7:00 PM


Call to Order-7:05 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Testa and Donahue present

Public Comments and Questions-Note that Thursday is the hearing for the revised Planning and Zoning Regulations.



Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments

Action Items

•            1.  Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve the tax refund of $54.00 to Tina-Rae Leiper, carrying.  3-0

•            2.  Tribal Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues –There is continuing draft federal legislation on the subject which could be detrimental to Connecticut and our cities and towns.

•            3.   Status of Center for Emergency Services Project

o            Bid Results for Phase II Construction-Bids have come in considerably over budget, Committee is reviewing options to proceed

o            Tentative Schedule for Phase II-Not yet available

•            4.   Tri-Board Meetings-School Modernization Meeting

o            Reactivation of Ad Hoc School Committee-List of candidates will be sent to Board of Selectmen

•            5.   North Stonington/Preston Cooperative-Selectman Mullane will check status

•            6.   Ethics Committee –Selectman Mullane will check status and we will need an Interlocal Agreement.

•            7.   FY 2014-15 Close Out-Revenue and Giveback report will be presented next week along with any transfer requests.

•            8.   Implementation of State Budget-FY 2015-2016 

Resident Troopers’ Program/Grants-General discussion keeping the three trooper levele and of dropping one trooper at half year mark and only keeping two, question on exact rates for current fiscal year with new State laws.

Additional Appropriation Request-Wanted to discuss with BOF but they have not convened a meeting since July 15th.

•            9.   Hewitt Property

o            Dam Repairs –Executive Session

o            Disposal of unused old wooden bridges-Will advertise

•            10.  Affordable Housing-101A Anthony Road –Taxes, Sale, Action-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Mullane to accept the proposal of Julie Savin for the sale and renovation of the property, carrying.  3-0  Selectman Mullane will begin the process of sale.

•            11.  Post Office Lease-Letter to be sent to request termination of lease agreement.

•            12.  Billings Lake drawdown request-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane to agree to request drawdown of Lake Billings with Lake Billings Association paying for any DEEP fees, seconded by Selectman Donahue, carrying.  3-0

•            13.  Town’s Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority Membership Appointment-Selectman Mullane will double check with Robert Shabunia and Michael Macina to see if they are interested in being reappointed to the Authority.



New Business


1.           Permanent School Building Project Committee

•            Permanent School Building Committee Projects List Estimates


o            Bid Results for Gymatorium Parking Lot Sealing and Striping             

Gymatorium Parking Lot                          

Sealing and Striping Bids                          


Allstate Sealcoating                     

     Sealing           $8,325

     Striping         $850    


Classic Seal Coating Inc.             

     Sealing           $9,900

     Striping         $2,300


B & W Paving and Landscaping               

     Sealing           $17,390             

     Striping         $6,195


A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Testa to award the contract to Allstate Sealcoating on the recommendation of the PSPBC, carrying.  3-0

2.           Boombridge Road Bridge-Meeting with ConnDOT is scheduled for Friday morning.  Selectman Mullane will attend.

3.           Grant Applications/administration

            Water Study Ex 92 x I95-Draft Report

            Sewer Study I95--Exit 92 & 93

            2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System

            2015 STEAP Grant-Submitted-Pending Awards

            Housing Grant Reports

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:33 PM