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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/30/2014
                    Town of North Stonington
                                          Board of Selectmen     
                                                April 30, 2013
                                              Regular Meeting
                                                   7:00 PM
Call to Order –7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy, and Donahue present
Public Comments and Questions-None
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of April 23, 2013, carrying 3-0
A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of April 25, 2013, carrying 2/0/1  Selectman Murphy was absent.
Old Business-
1.      Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-No report
  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues
        Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations-No report
  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee –The Board will send a letter to the Board of Education and request a status report on School Building Project and whether a joint meeting would be beneficial.
        A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects
                1.  Things to Do List-No new data
                2.  Sealing of Gymatorium, Final Wall
  4.  96/96A Button Road- formerly -YMCA Property-None
  5.  Hewitt property
        A.  Committee Report-Remaining logs have been removed from Greene Gables and large word pieces removed.
        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-No data
        C.  Community Garden Association proposal-Pending Town Meeting vote on Garden as permitted use
  6.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design Public Hearing May 21, 2013
  7.  Grant applications/administration
        Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Consulting pending, in process
        2013 STEAP Grant-Pending State awards
  8.  Board and Commission appointment
        Permanent School Planning and Building Committee                No action
        Water Pollution Control Authority
        Cable TV Advisory Committee
        Economic Development Commission
Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.
Inland Wetlands Commission
Conservation Commission
  9.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items
        Main Street Bridge-Contractor working on final items, stonewall by old stone garage is complete, $8,200
        Village Green Bridge-Funding request will be included in Special Town Meeting call of May 7, 2013 request.
Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls-Will be included in 2013-14 budget request.
10   Budget 2012-13
        NS Ambulance request-Brian Elias, President of NSAA revised request and projected shortfall to $19,675 from $23,981.
        Wheeler Library $20,000 from Open Space-Selectmen have revised request for $10,000 for Library window replacement and $10,000 for Open Space Funds
       Budget 2013-2014-Hearing set for May 6, 2013.
        General Government  Town Manager-General Board discussion
        Tax Refunds/Tax Collections-Sandra Steinhart, Tax Collector was in to see Board and discussed collections past due taxes, written policies and collection trends.  $305,579 due on current grand list, $416,075 on past grand list collections and $53,180 still remaining in refund credits.
11.  Traffic Control-No report
12.  Connecticut Legislative Agenda-No activity
13.  New Emergency Service Building and Use of Old NSVFC Building –Working on BOF questions and action items.
14.  AFSCME Union Application-Executive Session-No activity
        15.  Clarks Falls Unity Baptist Church Request
16.     Special Town Meeting-
                Additional Appropriation to Replace Middle School Boilers-$150,000
                Additional Appropriation to Repair the Old Town Hall Village Green Bridge-$260,000
                Firefly Farm Petition
                Allowable uses on Hewitt Farm (Community Gardens)

New Business
1.      CIRMA Fee Stabilization Program-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to extend CIRMA’s Stabilization program for an additional two years, carrying 3-0
2.      Referendum for Special Town Meeting Item(s)-May 7, 2013-Selectman Murphy made a motion to refer item one on the call of the Special Town Meeting to a referendum on May 14, 2013-Firefly Farms Petition, Selectman Mullane seconded, carrying.  3-0
3.      Fowler Road #3-Letter will be written to land owners with the State’s position on discontinuing short section of Fowler Road aka Fowler Road #3, because of gate blocking passage.
Public Comments and Questions-None
Adjournment-10:21 PM