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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/15/2014
        Town of North Stonington
                        Board of Selectmen
                        July 15, 2014
                        New Town Hall Conference Room
                        Regular Meeting--7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:03 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Testa and Donahue present
Public Comments and Questions-None
EDC Coordinator’s Job Description and Discussion for Advertisement-No action
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue to approve the minutes of July 1, 2014, carrying  3-0
  A motion was made by Selectman Donahue to approve the minutes of July 8, 2014, carrying  3-0
Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments-None
Old Business
1.      Proposed School Building Project-A schedule of events and various actions were reviewed and agreed to forward to the Boards of Education and Finance.  Also will send to the AdHoc School Building Committee for review and comments.
2.      Tribal Issues – Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues-Letter was sent to the Department of Interior BIA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs requesting an extension
3.      Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.       Permanent School Building Committee Projects-Bids are due on the Generator and Sealing of Driveway and Parking Lots July 22, 2014.
4.      Status of Center for Emergency Services Project-Working on the use of a metal building to lower construction costs.
5.      Boombridge Road Bridge-Design is on Schedule and DOT has notified the town that we will not be required to contribute to construction cost.  Savings to the Town $276,000
6.      Parking Lot/Brook Stone Walls-Still waiting on AT & T to move temporary pole and complete parking lot paving and striping.
7.      Hewitt Property
A.      Dam Repairs- Bid Results-We are evaluating the low bid package and will meet with the contractor to discuss.
8.       Grant Applications/administration
Water Study Ex 92 x I95 consultants are working on project
2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System-Waiting for State Award Announcement
Housing Grant-No new data
9.       Budget 2013-2014-Close Out-Waiting on late invoices
Budget 2014-2015-No action
       Capital Purchase        -Details of Skid Loader and pricing was provided
10.      Special Town Meeting-Information only no action
Items for Future Town Meetings
•     Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town
•     Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space received by Non-Profit organization
•     Ordinance allowing the Town to retain overpayments of taxes less than five      ($5.00) dollars

•     Ordinance allowing alternate members for the Board of Finance
•     Ordinance allowing the Assessor’s Office to name, number, and renumber        parcels and residences in North Stonington
11.     Tax Policy-No action
12.     Town Ethics Policy-No action
13.     Purchase Policy for Used Equipment-Under review
New Business
1.      Affordable Housing Committee Appointment-Selectman Testa made a motion to appoint Paul Bliven to the Committee, seconded by Selectman      , carrying.  3-0
2.      Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Testa and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve the following tax refunds, carrying.  3-0:
        Vincent and Jessica Deledda     $    5.22
        David Mason                     $178.06
        Kate Goldstone                  $  73.57
3.      Selectmen’s Public Communications-No action
4.      Executive Session-No session convened
        Sale of 101 Anthony Road
        Tax Collector’s replacement
        Tribal Recognition
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-8:46 PM