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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/20/2014
Town of North Stonington
Board of Selectmen
May 20, 2014
New Town Hall Conference Room
Regular Meeting--7:00 PM

Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Testa and Donahue present
Public Comments and Questions-Joe Gross spoke about communication with the PSPBC on school work.  
Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments-Steve Holliday provided a list of work, schedule for 2014-15; weather permitting and provided a brief description and comments on each job.
Steve Holliday re: 2014-2015 Public Works schedule
Proposed School Project-New proposed school building project has been prepared by the BOE and Ad Hoc School Committee which has been downsized and presented to BOF at their May 14, 2014 meeting, new estimate of project is $40,520,000.  BOE expects to act on the project ASAP and send to Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Mullane felt there should be hearing to present project to the public and identify the differences between the failed project and new proposed project.  Schedule provided for action dates through referendum.
Old Business
1. Tribal Issues – Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues-New regulations pending, new letter being prepared for North Stonington, Preston, and Ledyard to be sent to Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
2. Permanent School Building Project Committee
        A. Permanent School Building Committee Projects-
3. Status of Center for Emergency Services Project-A copy of the presentation has been requested by Selectman Testa.
4. Boombridge Road Bridge-No report
5. Parking Lot/Brook Stone Walls-No new information
6. Hewitt Property
        A. Dam Repairs- re-engineering-Bidding-Will commence in late June, with work to begin in late July, per DEEP permits.
7. Grant Applications/administration
        Water Study Ex 92 x I95 consultants are working on project-Continuing
        2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System-Pending awards
        Housing Grant
8. Budget 2013-2014-Transfer/Appropriation-Town Attorney and Tribal Acknowledgement.  Motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Testa to transfer $14,000 to Town Attorney from the Social Security Expenses, Medical Insurance and Town Hall Expenses line items.  Also transfer from Transfer Station tipping fees to Tribal Recognition $10,000, carrying.  3-0
        Budget 2014-2015-BOF action at their 5-21-2014 meeting, BOS special     meeting to be held on 5-22-2014.

9. Special Town Meeting
        Items for Future Town Meetings
                • Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town
                • Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space                              received by Non-Profit organization
                • De-obligation of unspent capital projects
                                Wash Station $133.44
                                Village Green Bridge $39,739.24
                                Middle School Boilers $18,922
                                NSVFC Engine #2 $ 6.06
                                Used Bucket Truck $ 275.00
                                Bulky Waste Closure $ 1.00
                • Hours of Referenda
                • Proposed School Project
10. Tax Collector Appointment/ Tax Policy-No action
11. Town Ethics Policy-No action
New Business
1. Tax Refund(s)-None
2. Selectmen’s Public Communications-None
3. Conservation Commission correspondence regarding Rt.2 parcel –Selectman Mullane is working on this
4. Town Road Work-As above
5. Electricity-Charlie Gray explained market and recommended Nextera rate to be confirmed tomorrow.
6. Annual Town Meeting-Selectmen to meet May 22nd, 8AM to Call Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting

Public Comments and Questions-None presented
Adjournment -10:32 PM