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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/5/2014

                                           Town of North Stonington

                                           Board of Selectmen

                                           August 5, 2014

                                           New Town Hall Conference Room

                                           Regular Meeting--7:00 PM


Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue and Testa present.

Public Comments and Questions-None presented

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue to approve the minutes of July 29, 2014 seconded by Selectman Testa, carrying.  3-0

Bid Review and Award for the Hewitt Dam Project-Met with low bidder and asked for clarification on several items; awaiting answers.


Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments-None

Old Business

1.           Proposed School Building Project-Schedule Joint Meeting

2.           Tribal Issues Working with other towns to get a BIA Hearing held in Connecticut

3.           Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.           Permanent School Building Committee Projects

                             List of Things to Do-No report

4.           Status of Center for Emergency Services Project-Design development is ongoing.

5.           Boombridge Road Bridge-Reported still on schedule

6.           Parking Lot/Brook Stone Walls-AT & T is working on pole transition

7.           Hewitt Property

A.           Dam Repairs- Contract Award and Executive Session-No executive

B.           Hayfields Agreement-A motion was made to accept a proposal to extend the Agreement by Selectman Testa, seconded by Selectman Donahue, subject to attorney approval.  Carrying 3-0

8.           Grant Applications/administration

            Water Study Ex 92 x I95 consultants are working on project-Consultants are working on project-No news to report

            2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System-Grant Award/DT DPH Contract-No new information

            Housing Grant-No information to date

9.           Budget 2013-2014-Close Out/Transfers-Should be finalized within the next several weeks.

Budget 2014-2015-No report

10.         Special Town Meeting-  Information only for future actions.

Items for Future Town Meetings

•            Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town

•            Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space received by Non-Profit organization

•            Ordinance allowing the Town to retain overpayments of taxes less than five ($5.00) dollars

•            Ordinance allowing alternate members for the Board of Finance

•            Ordinance allowing the Assessor’s Office to name, number, and renumber parcels and residences in North          Stonington

•            Exemption for Personal Property—Horses

•            STEAP Grant Award—Water Line Extension $245,000-Added Appropriation

•            Hewitt Dam FEMA Grant and State Grant additional appropriations

11.         Tax Policy-No action

12.         Town Ethics Policy-No action

13.         Purchase Policy for Used Equipment-No action


New Business

1.           Main Street Stop Signs-Recommend holding a hearing as part of a Selectmen’s Meeting.  Get the word out:  Newspapers, Website, Press Release

2.           Scheduling and Agenda for Meeting with Preston on joint interests-Draft Agenda is OK, Selectman Mullane will try to set a date.

3.           Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve the following tax refunds, carrying 3-0:

                             Raymond W. Pulver, IV $34.38

                             Henry E. Cooper             $  5.28

                             Daniel B. Rose                 $46.96

                             Holly B. Wojak (Corbin) $  5.22

4.           Selectmen’s Public Communications-None

5.           Ames Property, Pendleton Hill Road Clean-Up Bid Results/Award-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Testa to accept the low bid of $5,500, from Salecon, LLC, carrying.  3-0

6.           Executive Session-None convened

              Sale of 101 Anthony Road

              Tax Collector’s replacement

              Tribal Recognition

Public Comments and Questions-None

Adjournment-8:51 PM