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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/03/2014
                                           Town of North Stonington
                                           Board of Selectmen
                                           June 3, 2014
                                           New Town Hall Conference Room
                                           Regular Meeting--7:00 PM
Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectman Mullane and Testa present.
Public Comments and Questions-None presented
Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments-None presented
              Proposed School Project-As below
Old Business
1.           Tribal Issues – Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues-Analysis of new BIA regulations done.  New rules are full of flaws, waiting on strategy of Connecticut Delegation and Governor and other towns.
2.           Permanent School Building Project Committee
A.           Permanent School Building Committee Projects-No reports
3.           Status of Center for Emergency Services Project-No report
4.           Boombridge Road Bridge-Design on Schedule
5.           Parking Lot/Brook Stone Walls-Contractor is working  on Project
6.           Hewitt Property
A.           Dam Repairs- re-engineering-Bidding-Bids prepared ready to advertise.
7.           Grant Applications/administration
Water Study Ex 92 x I95 consultants are working on project
2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System-Pending  OPM review and selection and awards.
Housing Grant-Should have notice by middle to end of July if Town will be funded by State
8.           Budget 2013-2014-No activity
Budget 2014-2015-Referendum vote scheduled for June 9, 2014
9.           Special Town Meeting-No activity, information only
Items for Future Town Meetings
•            Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town
•            Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space received by
                                           Non-Profit organization
•            Proposed School Project
10.         Tax Collector Appointment/ Tax Policy-No activity
11.         Town Ethics Policy-No activity
12.         Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting-Held last evening, no new activity.
New Business
1.           Resolution for Proposed School Project-$40,520,000
RESOLVED, that the Board of Selectmen recommends that the Town of North Stonington appropriate $40,520,000 for costs with respect to the design, construction, equipping, and furnishing of additions and renovations to Wheeler Middle and High School and North Stonington Elementary School; and that the Town issue bonds or notes and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed $40,520,000 to finance the appropriation, and that the project be submitted to the Board of Finance.  
              Improvements to the Wheeler Middle and High School are contemplated to include: (1) approximately 12,058 square feet addition to accommodate, a science addition with science laboratory classrooms, lab preparatory and storage rooms, and an addition for the Kitchen and cafeteria; (2) improvements within the existing building including: fully renovated classrooms and science laboratories; renovating existing space for the music, CADD and graphics programs, updating of language laboratory and classrooms; integration of the art and technology program in a fully renovated space; renovation of all classrooms; renovations and improvements at the media center and special education programs; renovations associated with the nurse/health clinic, administrative and guidance offices; and expansion and renovation of the cafeteria and kitchen; (3) various building systems improvements including: replacement of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protections systems and infrastructure; security and communication systems upgrades; energy conservation improvements including exterior wall, door, window, and roof replacement or updates; central air conditioning system installation throughout the building; and installation of an emergency generator and alternative energy systems; (4) various code and ADA compliance improvements and renovations; (5) various site improvements including: separation of the bus/parent/student/parking and circulation; and (6) related improvements and work.
              The North Stonington Elementary School project is contemplated to include: (1) approximately 8,642 square feet of addition to accommodate the music program including a band room that will be located on the stage, a gymnasium including storage, and an office and a lobby/circulation space; (2) improvements within the existing building including: fully renovated classrooms including handicapped accessible toilets in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms; public toilets adjacent to the new additions, relocation of the art, music, and technology program in a fully renovated space; relocations, renovations, and improvements at the media center and special education programs; renovations associated with the nurse/health clinic, administrative and guidance offices; and expansion and renovation of the cafeteria and kitchen; (3) various building systems improvements including:
replacement of all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protections systems and infrastructure; security and communication systems upgrades; energy conservation improvements including exterior wall, door, window, and roof replacement or updates; central air conditioning system installation throughout the building; and installation of an emergency generator and alternative energy systems; (4) various code and ADA compliance improvements and renovations; (5) various site improvements including separation of the bus/parent/student/parking and circulation; accessibility to all site facilities; pavement resurfacing; physical education and athletic fields; and building access improvements; updating the site utility and drainage infrastructure; and (6) related improvements and work.
              The appropriation may be spent for design, construction, acquisition, and installation costs; site improvements; infrastructure improvements; equipment, furnishings, and materials; architectural, engineering, consultant, and other professional fees including legal fees; administrative costs, including costs related to the application for and acceptance of grants; the payment of net temporary interest and other financing costs; and other expenses related to the project or its financing. The Building Committee, for the School Projects -- Wheeler Middle and High School and North Stonington Elementary School established by the Town Council for the project shall determine the final scope and particulars of the project. Said Building Committee may reduce or modify the scope of the project if funds are not sufficient to complete the entire project, and the appropriation may be spent on the project as so reduced or modified. The Town anticipates applying for and receiving a grant from the State Department of Education to defray in part eligible costs of the project.
After general discussion and debate, Selectman Mullane asked Selectman Testa to approve the item to forward to Board of Finance and Special Town Meeting for action.  This will allow the public to discuss and then send to a Referendum vote.  Selectman Testa voiced his concerns on school of choice questions, no education value, no voters survey, rush of time bring back an alternate project by the June 30th deadline, and mill impact of project and other town obligations.  A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Testa even though he did not support the project but would vote to send to vote, to forward the project resolution to the BOF for their action in order to let the voters decide on the project after discussion, carrying. 2-0
2.           Discussion of possible special town meeting and referendum on proposed school project.
3.           Tax Refund(s)-None presented
4.           Selectmen’s Public Communications-None
5.           Conservation Commission Appointment  Selectman Mullane’s action
6.           Town Road Work-List and estimates provided
7.           Executive Session-No action
              Sale of 101 Anthony Road
              Tax Collector’s replacement
              Tribal Recognition
Public Comments and Questions-None presented
Adjournment-8:59 PM