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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/26/2014

                                           Town of North Stonington

                                           Board of Selectmen

                                           August 26, 2014

                                           New Town Hall Conference Room

                                           Regular Meeting--7:00 PM


Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue, and Testa present.

Public Comments and Questions-None presented.

Minutes- A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Testa to approve the minutes of August 19, 2014, carrying.  3-0


Boards/Commissions/Official’s Comments-None presented

Old Business

1.           Hewitt Property

A.           Dam Repairs- Contract Award –After a lengthy discussion with Karl Acimovic and Steve Holliday on the bid, risks, minimal contingency funds available, rebidding, time delays and jeopardizing of FEMA funds a motion to award the contract to low bidder, Mattern Construction, Inc. in the amount of $455,460 was made by Selectman Mullane, seconded by Selectman Donahue with the statement that a schedule of action items is reviewed and areas of delay are identified or deleted to meet contract funding is done, carrying.  2-1 with Selectman Testa opposed.

2.           Proposed School Building Project- Tribal Issues –Finalize meeting schedule and place

3.           Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues-No response on request to have BIA hold a public hearing in Connecticut

4.           Permanent School Building Committee Projects Sealing of Elementary Striping and Sealing of Elementary School Parking Lot is completed. The generator at High School should be installed by the end of the week.

                             List of Thing to Do-No action

5.           Status of Center for Emergency Services Project-Mark Perkins, Joe Cassata, and Bob Shabunia from the Committee were in and reported on project progress, they are optimistic project can be achieved with budget.

6.           Boombridge Road Bridge-Meeting was held today.  Connecticut and Rhode Island DOT, North Stonington, Westerly and TranSystem representatives met.  Bidding should be completed by January, 2015, project to commence in May/June, 2015 with a completion by July, 2016.  No cost share due from North Stonington

7.           Parking Lot/Brook Stone Walls-AT & T poles have been removed, Suchocki and Sons can now finish paving.

8.           Grant Applications/administration

Water Study Ex 92 x I95 consultants are working on project

2014 STEAP Grant Extension of Village Water System-Grant Awarded/CT DPH Contract now required.

2015 STEAP Grant-Selectmen need to select a grant candidate

Housing Grant-Grant package has been sent to town’s consultant, Lisa Low, for completion.

9.           Budget 2013-2014-Close Out/Transfers-No action

Budget 2014-2015-Discussion on added appropriation and town meeting items

              Quarterly Newsletter and Calendars-The Board agreed to spend $600 for Quarterly Newsletter from Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous.  It will include a survey for residents to complete.  No vote taken.

10.         Special Town Meeting-General Discussion of items

Items for Future Town Meetings

•            Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town and Road frontage–If completed by Attorney

•            Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space received by Non-Profit organization

•            Ordinance allowing the Town to retain overpayments of taxes less than five ($5.00) dollars-OK

•            Ordinance allowing alternate members for the Board of Finance-OK

•            Ordinance allowing the Board of Selectmen to name, number, and renumber parcels and residences in North          Stonington-OK

•            Exemption for Personal Property—Horses

•            STEAP Grant Award—Water Line Extension $245,000-Added Appropriation-OK

•            Hewitt Dam FEMA Grant and State Grant additional appropriations-$118,273-DELETED


11.         Tax Policy-No action

12.         Town Ethics Policy-No action


New Business

1.           Main Street Stop Signs Public Hearing-Meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on September 16, 2014, prior to Selectmen’s Meeting

2.           Scheduling and Agenda for Meeting with Preston on joint interests-Date to be set.

3.           Tax Refund(s)-None

4.           Selectmen’s Public Communications-None

Public Comments and Questions-Question on schedule of completion for Route 184 Bridge.

Adjournment-10:30 PM