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Board of Selectmen Minutes 02/04/2014
                        Town of North Stonington
                                             Board of Selectmen     
                                                 February 4 2014
                   New Town Hall Conference Room--Regular Meeting
                                     7:00 PM


Call to Order -7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Testa, and Donahue
Public Comments and Questions-Mr. Peter Nero, Superintendent of School came in to address the poor condition of the school van, need for replacement and asked that it be included in the town’s budget so as to not increase the school’s budget submittal
Minutes-A motion to approve the minutes of January 28, 2014 was made by Selectman Testa and seconded by Selectman Donahue, carrying.  3-0
A motion to approve the minutes of January 30, 2014 was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Testa, carrying.  3-0
Budget Review FY 2014-15-Steve Holliday, Highway Foreman and Marc Tate, GIS/IT/EMD presented budgets and answered questions from the Board
Mr. Testa raised the issue of oil tank removal at NSVFC and Mr. Testa concerned if town was getting credit for 400 gal. of oil andif all the correct permits, regulations, and procedures are being followed, asked that it be investigated and reported.
Old Business-
          1.  Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement/Annexation Issues-BIA could issue new regulations by the end of February or         beginning of March.
  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues and
                Zoning Regulations Revisions-No report
  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
        A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects
                1.  Other Projects for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15-No new information, Committee working with school to generate FY 14-15 list.
  4.  Hewitt property
        A.  Committee Report-Mr. Testa voiced safety concerns on the structural report of the 1750 House
        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-Preparing for bid
  5.  New Center for Emergency Services-Finalizing AIA Contract with designer, they have complied with all Selectmen’s requests.  Except those not applicable.
  6.  NSVFC Engine 2 Fire Truck Refurbishment status-Refurbishment is on schedule and within budget
  7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-Proceeding on Schedule
  8.  Grant applications/administration
        Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-No report
        2014 STEAP Grant-Possible Project Candidates and Application-No action
  9.  Authorities, Boards, Committees, and Commissions appointment
        Permanent School Planning and Building Committee        Water Pollution Control Authority
        Cable TV Advisory Committee                                      Economic Development Commission
Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.              Inland Wetlands Commission
Conservation Commission                         
Cemetery Commission-A motion was made by Selectman Testa and seconded by Selectman Mullane to appoint Geoffrey Barnes to the Cemetery Commission for a six year term to expire in 2020, carrying.  2-0-1
Recreation Commission-A motion was made by Selectman Testa and seconded by Selectman Mullane to appoint Damien Robert to the Recreation Commission for a two year term, carrying 2-0-1.  Selectman Donahue abstained to both appointments
10.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items
        Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls-No progress due to weather and high water levels.
11.   Budget 2013-2014  No action
        Animal Control Officer Expenses-No action
        Tribal Acknowledgment-Additional Appropriation-No action
        Budget 2014-2015-NSVFC, NSAA, and Recreation will be invited to next week’s meeting
12.  Unions/Personnel Matters-Executive Session-None
        AFSCME Union
13.     Special Town Meeting
        Items for Future Town Meetings
                        Lake of Isles subdivision granting of easements to the Town
                        Ordinance Revisions-Purchase Cost Limit
                        Selectmen Elections Rules CGS 9-188/Town Electoral Process Need Charter
                        Borrowing Short Term Notes Authorization
                        DUI Grant Additional Appropriation-$49,975
                        Exempt Tax Payments of Outstanding Taxes on Open Space received by a Non-Profit Organization
New Business
1.      Tax Refund(s)-None presented
2.      Selectmen Public Communications-No comments
3.      Town Traffic Concerns-No comments
4.      Tax Collector Appointment/Tax Policy-Tabled until next week’s meeting
Public Comments and Questions
Adjournment-10:20 PM