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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/13/2013


                      Town of North Stonington

                                            Board of Selectmen    

                                                 August 13, 2013

                          New Town Hall Conference Room

                                              Regular Meeting

                                                           7:00 PM


Call to Order -7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue, and Murphy present.

Public Comments and Questions-Dugan Brown provided a packet of information as to why Mark Jaffan should not be appointed to the town’s Conservation Commission since he is not a registered voter in our Town.

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of August 6, 2013 as presented.  Carrying  3-0


•            Department of Interior letter to Joe Courtney and Richard Blumenthal

•            DEEP spill report-Rt 184 near #124

•            Mechanical Room Honeywell designs and specifications

Old Business-

1.           Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-A letter requesting an extension on comment period for the revised tribal acknowledgment regulations. was reviewed with the additional signature of Representative Esty and also a letter from BIA Secretary Washburn granting an extension for comments on draft acknowledgment rules.

   2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues

              Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations- No report

              Town Plan of Development (capital projects)-General Discussion of questions from SPZEO for POCD.

   3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

              A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects

                             1.  Things to Do List-No report, need status of project cost and estimate commitment

                             2.  Sealing of Gymatorium, Final Wall-Want detail cost breakdown cost analysis of work and pricing

                             3.  Driveway Sealing Bids-No new information

   4.  Hewitt property

              A.  Committee Report-No report

              B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-Design and RFQ due in two weeks

   5.  New EMS Facility-Selectmen want Structure of Authority, what staff structure  and Authority organization will be, how will project operate?

   6.  NSVFC Engine 2 Fire Truck Refurbishment-Only one bid received?  Did committee advertise?  What is breakdown of responses?

   7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-70% design under review before proceeding

   8.  Grant applications/administration

              Water Study Ex. 92 X I95- Waiting on DPH approval of consultant selection process

              2014 STEAP Grant-Request for a list of 2013 awards

   9.  Authorities, Boards, Committees, and Commissions appointment

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee     

Water Pollution Control Authority-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to appoint Michael Macina of Miller Road to the WPCA, carrying.  3-0

Cable TV Advisory Committee                  Economic Development Commission Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.                       Inland Wetlands Commission

Conservation Commission                                                     EMS Facility Members

10.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items

              Main Street Bridge-Pending “As Built” drawings

              Village Green Bridge-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve a change order #1-$12,869.40, to add a concrete footing at the base of the arch and #2 $13,658.60, for stump removal and rebuilding of brook stonewall additional costs are offset by credits, carrying.  3-0

Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls design and RFP next week.

11.   Budget 2012-13-Closeout-No report

       Budget 2013-2014  -No report

              Tax Refunds/Tax Collections/Suspense Tax Book

              Traffic Control-Board discussed Main Street and Rocky Hollow Road.  Agreed to price a traffic engineering study to evaluate.

12.  Connecticut Legislative Agenda-CCM summary and list and description of new laws provided.

13.  Unions-Executive session-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to enter executive session for items 1 and 13, at 10:14 PM, carrying 3/0 out at 10:44 PM, not action

              AFSCME Union Application

              United Steelworkers Collective Bargaining Agreement Acceptance and Approval

14.         Special Town Meeting –No activity

                                           DUI Grant

                                           EDC Ordinance

                                           Open Space Ordinance

                                           Acknowledgment Lawyer Additional Appropriation

15.         Moderator Training-No activity

New Business

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-10:45 PM