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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/03/2013
                      Town of North Stonington
                                             Board of Selectmen     
                                              September 3, 2013
                New Town Hall Conference Room
                                                    Special Meeting and Regular Meeting
                                             6:00 PM and 7:00 PM
Call to Order -6:00 PM with Selectman Mullane, Donahue, and Murphy present.
Public Comments and Questions-None
Executive Session with Attorney Eileen Duggan regarding a personnel matter.  6:02 PM-Selectman Mullane made a motion that the Board of Selectmen, along with Attorney Eileen Duggan, go into executive session pursuant to General Statutes 1-200 (6) (A), to discuss the terms and conditions of employment of the Highway Foreman and Administrative Assistant.~ Both employees have been provided notice and the opportunity to require that their matter be discussed in open session, seconded by Selectman Donahue, carrying.  3-0  Exited the session at 6:57 PM, adjourned to Regular Meeting at 6:58 PM
Public Comments-Joe Gross regarding the PSPBC/School Ad Hoc Committee.  Duggan Tilman Brown commented about Mark Jaffen’s eligibility for the Conservation Commission.
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of August 27, 2013, carrying.  
Old Business-
  • Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-Letter received from Connecticut Delegation to BIA strongly criticizing new regulations.
  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No report
  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee –No action
        A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects
                1.  Things to Do List
                2.  Sealing of Gymatorium, Final Wall-Selectman Mullane reported that the finalization of the need for work, and additional information will be coming from Peter Springsteel regarding scope of work
                3.  Other Projects for FY 2013-14-Audit of remaining funds and projected required to be completed this year is being done
  4.  Hewitt property
        A.  Committee Report-None
        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-Due next week
        C.  Greene Gables meeting-No dates set
  5.  New EMS Facility-Selectman Mullane provided an ordinance recommended by attorney and will continue to develop the structure of committee and the management procedures.
  6.  NSVFC Engine 2 Fire Truck Refurbishment-The Fire Company is working on revised specifications.
  7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-Town and TranSystem is waiting on State 70% completion review.
  8.  Grant applications/administration
        Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Selectman Mullane and vendor are working with CT  DPH on approval of expenditures.
        2014 STEAP Grant-Selectmen’s job to identify grant candidates for 2014 process
  9.  Authorities, Boards, Committees, and Commissions appointment-No action
        Permanent School Planning and Building Committee        Water Pollution Control Authority
        Cable TV Advisory Committee                     Economic Development Commission
Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.      Inland Wetlands Commission
Conservation Commission                         EMS Facility Members
10.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items
        Main Street Bridge-Close out complete.  Request to State for final payment has been submitted.
        Village Green Bridge-ON schedule, within budget, estimated September 20th completion
Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls-Specification and plans received for Selectmen’s review.
11.   Budget 2012-13-Closeout-General Government submitted to BOF need some additional data from BOE
        Budget 2013-2014-No activity
        Tax Refunds/Tax Collections/Suspense Tax Book-90 Main Street being foreclosed by Town on September 14, 2013.
        Traffic Control-Request will be submitted to traffic engineer for Main Street Rocky Hollow Wyassup Road intersections.
12.  Connecticut Legislative Agenda-No report
13.  Unions/Personnel Matters-Executive Session-A motion was made at 9:05 PM by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to enter executive session to discuss Union/Personnel Matters, and Tribal Acknowledgement carrying.  3-0.  Exited the session at 10:10 PM no action taken.
        AFSCME Union Application
        United Steelworkers Collective Bargaining Agreement Acceptance and Approval
  • Special Town Meeting –Information on items below, no date set.
                        DUI Grant
                        EDC Ordinance
                        Open Space Ordinance
                        Acknowledgment Lawyer Additional Appropriation
                        EMS Complex Committee Ordinance
New Business
  • Zombie Charge-September 7, 2013-General Discussion on pending event.
  • Tax Refund(s)-None presented
Public Comments and Questions-None
Adjournment-10:22 PM