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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/23/2013
                    Town of North Stonington
                                     Board of Selectmen     
                                          April 23, 2013
                                       Regular Meeting
                                                                          7:00 PM
Call to Order -7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue and Murphy present.
Public Comments and Questions-Mr. Van Brown commented on Button Road property and farming.
Town Hall Stonewall-Karl Acimovic on Proposed Repairs Item #9-Handled last week
Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of April 16, 2013, carrying.  3-0
  • Letter from Mary Cornell endorsing a new senior van for the Center.
  • COST Bulletin on Legislation of Interest
Old Business-
  • Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-No report
  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues
        Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations-No report
  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee
        A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects
                1.  Things to Do List-Working on Project and estimates
                2.  Sealing of Gymatorium, Final Wall-Work is due to start shortly
  4.  96/96A Button Road- formerly -YMCA Property-Executive Session-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Donahue to enter executive session at 7:10 PM with Attorneys Rob Avena and Kim McGee carrying.  The session adjourned at 7:55 PM.  Selectman Mullane stated the petition is being accepted and will be forwarded to a town meeting.  Selectman Mullane and the Board of Selectmen did reserve the right to decide in the future if town meetings should be held on litigation matters.  Also noted is that the petition question  “…that the State of Connecticut deems the open space fund dedication sufficient to meet any so called “charitable intent” encumbrances on the property?” requires a court and Attorney General decision and will be forwarded to Superior Court to begin that process.  Selectman Mullane also noted that the petition language contradicts the language in the referenced letter of the petition.   The letter forwarding the petition from Robinson  Cole attorneys states that a vote be taken at town meeting not referendum, town does not agree to this and will decide that at a future Selectmen’s Meeting.  Shawn Murphy made a motion seconded by Mark Donahue to include the petition request on a call for a special town meeting, carrying.  3-0  The meeting will be finalized Thursday, April 25, 2013.
  5.  Hewitt property
        A.  Committee Report
        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering
        C.  Community Garden Association proposal-Item will be sent to special town meeting for vote in a permitted use.
  6.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-Work continues to hold a , Public Hearing some time at the end of May.
  7.  Grant applications/administration
        Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Interviews are complete summarizing results.
        2013 STEAP Grant-No word from the State on grant awards.
  8.  Board and Commission appointment
        Permanent School Planning and Building Committee
        Water Pollution Control Authority                               No action
        Cable TV Advisory Committee
        Economic Development Commission
Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.
Inland Wetlands Commission
Conservation Commission
  9.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items
        Main Street Bridge-A close out letter was sent to the Contractor on unfinished items.
        Village Green Bridge-Corrective Action-Bids have been received, working on contract and scheduling .  An additional appropriation of $260,000 will be sent to the BOF.  A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to request an additional appropriation for $260,000 to rehabilitate the West Village Green Bridge, carrying.  3-0
Town Hall brook parking lot retaining walls-Borings have been authorized and will be scheduled by Karl Acimovic, PE.
10   Budget 2012-13-A request for an additional appropriation from the NSAA has been received in the amount of $23,197 by Brian Elias, President.  Item will be placed on next week’s agenda for action.
       Budget 2013-2014-Working on budget for Public Hearing with BOF
        General Government  Town Manager-Discussing with BOF
        Tax Refunds/Tax Collections-Tax Collector will be in April 30, 2013, for report of tax collections.
11.  Traffic Control-Selectman Mullane and the Troop E Lieutenant are coordinating  actions
12.  Connecticut Legislative Agenda-New town aid estimates have been received from CCM, waiting for final budget from Legislative decisions.
13.  New Emergency Service Building and Use of Old NSVFC Building –A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Murphy to request an appropriation from the BOF in the amount of $6,360,000, to be forwarded to a town meeting for approval to construct a new EMS Building on the corner of Route 2 and Rocky Hollow Road, carrying. 3-0
14.  AFSCME Union Application –Executive Session next week
        15.  Clarks Falls Unity Baptist Church Request-No report
New Business
  • Land Offer (2) Route 49 & Johnson Road-Will get land owner in direct contact with North Stonington Citizens Land Alliance.
  • CIRMA Fee Stabilization Program-No action
  • General Government Town Manager-General Discussion
Call of a Special Town Meeting-
                Additional Appropriation to Replace Middle School Boilers-$150,000
                Additional Appropriation to Repair the Old Town Hall Village Green                      Bridge-$260,000
                Additional Appropriations for new EMS Building-$6.36Million
                Firefly Farm Petition
                Allowable uses on Hewitt Farm (Community Gardens)
The Board will hold a special Selectmen’s meeting on Thursday morning, April 25, 2013, to take action after the BOF meeting tomorrow night.
Public Comments and Questions-Brian Rathbun thanked the Board for scheduling a town meeting on the Firefly Farm petition and asked if Court action was really necessary?  Van Brown questioned Mr. Mullane in his previous reference to a conservation corridor in the northwest corner area.  Mr. Brown’s review of town mapping the corridor was not obvious.
Adjournment-11:00 PM