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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/04/2012

Town of North Stonington

Board of Selectmen

New Town Hall Conference Room

September 4, 2012

7:00 PM




Call to Order -7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy, and Donahue present

Public Comments and Questions-Bob Fleury, Pendleton Hill Road commented on his experiences with the State Police and his robbery last week.  He had nothing but praise for their work at catching the thieves.  Joe Gross suggested reactivating the Neighborhood Crime Watches. 

Tim Main and Tim Main, II came in to voice their displeasure at the actions of the State Police during a MVA near their home and response times of the troopers.

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Donahue to approve the minutes of August 21, 2012, carrying.  3-0


•            Spill Report, 1 Clubhouse Lane

•            Lantern Hill Valley Association request to State to take the 3 dams owned by the Association

•            Notice of BOE 2012 Community Conversation Grant applications

•            Superintendent Nero’s letter to the Town

•            Report of Analysis of North Stonington Public Schools Superintendent Reimbursement request and Credit Card Use

•            Hilltop v Town of North Stonington Assessor

•            Photos of Lantern Hill bridge replacement

Old Business-

1. Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-None

Executive Session

2. Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No reports

Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations

Milltown Commons

3. Permanent School Building Project Committee –The Board of Finance is allowing some PSPBC funds for sealing Gymatorium, if any work can be done while school is in session.

A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Project

4. 96/96A Button Road- formerly -YMCA Property-Executive Session with Attorney Avena-No report

5. Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage-Arbitration has been delayed until November due to illness of our town’s engineer

6. Hewitt property

A. Committee Report-Nita Kincaid reported on Cabin inspection, and is finalizing meeting on Greene Gables with Historical Society members.

B. Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-No new data, pending DEEP permit approval

7. Boombridge Road Bridge- Design-Proceeding

8. Grant applications/administration

Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Final comments received and forwarded to the Selectmen for their comments

Rec Area Basketball, Tennis Courts/Volleyball Courts-Lights are still not working correctly

2012-13 STEAP Grant-Application has been submitted to OPM, awaiting awards

9. Board and Commission appointment

Permanent School Planning and Building Committee                                           No action

Water Pollution Control Authority

Cable TV Advisory Committee

Economic Development Commission

Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.

10. Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items-No action

Main Street Bridge-Old Town Hall Bridge construction is proceeding

Village Green Bridge-Design and application submitted to DEEP

11. Budget 2011-12 Year End Transfers and Additional Appropriations-None

12. Budget 2012-13-Budget Revisions-General Discussion, no action, Board of Finance is scheduling a Public Hearing, Town Meeting and Referendum dates

New Business-

1. Tax Refund(s)-Deferred for further actions

2. Highway Wash Station-No action

3. Use or Disposal of old sign from Wheeler Middle/High School-No activity

Public Comments and Questions-None presented

Adjournment-9:33 PM