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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/18/2012

                       Town of North Stonington

                                           Board of Selectmen    

                                           December 18, 2012

                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                 7:00 PM




Call to Order 7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Donahue present.

Public Comments and Questions-Mark Perkins and Bob Shabunia from the North Stonington Volunteer Fire Company.  The Committee formed to pursue the new EMS building across from the present Vol. Fire Company has gone as far as it can.  Now a site/building plan is needed and the Committee is requesting $7500 for professional services.  The Selectmen will discuss at an upcoming meeting.

Minutes-a motion was made to accept the December 6, 2012 minutes, by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  3-0

A motion was made by Selectman Donahue and seconded by Selectman Mullane to approve the minutes of December 11, 2012, carrying.  2-0-1  Selectman Murphy abstained, he was not in attendance


•            Eastern Regional Tourism District Agenda

•            Connecticut Siting Council Notice of Action

•            Wyassup Lake Dam plaque

•            Connecticut State Library $4000 Grant approval

Old Business-

1.           Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-No action

  2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-No action

              Affordable Housing/Incentive Housing regulations-Mr. Mullane did comment on new affordable housing application on Lake of Isles Road, and there are concerns.

              Milltown Commons

              Lake of Isles Subdivision, Affordable Housing

  3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee –No action

              A. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Project

  4.  96/96A Button Road- formerly -YMCA Property-Executive Session-No discussion

  5.  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage-Arbitration is set for December 19, 2012

  6.  Hewitt property

              A.  Committee Report-Review of Hewitt Farm Hayfield RFP process-Committee members Nita Kincaid, Ed Harasimowicz , Jack Brown, Dick Cooper and Ellie Banker were present.  Reviewed Process, Evaluation, and Contract with Board of Selectmen.  Recommended the Lewis/Daniels bid for approval.  Marc Perkins objected to process, only three bidders, noted that you don’t take a previous owners crops, fields are their sole source of hay, his family has done extensive work over the years on the property, questioned why the Hewitt Farm Committee didn’t put residential Hewitt Farm home out for rent?.  Ms. Kincaid noted that all bidders had equal opportunity. Selectman Donahue made a motion to award the haying lease to the Misters Lewis and Daniels, seconded by Selectman Mullane, carrying.  3-0 .

              B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering

  7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- Design—The design for project is being bogged down by new hydraulic requirements.

  8.  Grant applications/administration

              Water Study Ex. 92 X I95

              Rec Area Basketball, Tennis Courts/Volleyball Courts                    No reports

              2013 STEAP Grant

  9.  Board and Commission appointment

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee

              Water Pollution Control Authority                                                      No action

              Cable TV Advisory Committee

              Economic Development Commission

Eastern Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.

Inland Wetlands Commission

Conservation Commission

10.  Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items

              Main Street Bridges-The Board reviewed the WMC status report

              Village Green Bridge-Corrective Action-No action

11   Budget 2012-13-Budget-Reports should be detailed as possible

12.  Traffic Control-General Discussion, no action

13.  Special Town Meeting—December 17, 2012-All items passed

1.           To act upon the acceptance of a gift of land, 8.02 acres +/-, on Wintechog Hill Road with a parcel ID of ID 10

93-6737, as shown on the attached map.

2.           To authorize the transfer of unused fund balances from completed projects and future project balances in the Capital Non Recurring Fund to the General Fund Unassigned Fund Line Item as follows:

                             Recreation Courts                                       $        300

                             School Boiler Project                                   $     5,530

                             Engine 1 Fire Truck                                      $     1,610

                             OTH Solar Energy                                        $     9,405

                             Future Projects                              $852,517

                             OPEB for Bd. of Ed.                                     $130,000

3.           To hear and act upon an additional appropriation request, as approved by the Board of Finance, of $65,000 to Capital Line Item CC 1.07 to purchase a used plow truck and equipment.

4.           To hear and act upon the following resolution:  “Resolved that Nicholas H. Mullane, II, First Selectman is authorized to make application, execute, and approve on behalf of the Town of North Stonington, any and all documents, contracts, or amendments thereof with the State of Connecticut with STEAP Grants for Fiscal Year 2013.”  Approved at a Selectmen’s Meeting:  July 31, 2012.


New Business-

1.           Clarks Falls Unity Baptist Church Request-Action will be discussed with Town Attorney

2.           Connecticut Legislative Agenda-Selectman Mullane will Draft

3.           Tax Refunds/Tax Collections-All revised bills have been sent out.  Refund requests are being processed.

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:12 PM