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Board of Selectmen Minutes 12/03/2011
Board of Selectmen

Special Meeting

December 3, 2011

9:00 AM




New Town Hall Conference Room


Call to Order-At 9:00 AM with Selectmen Mullane, Donahue, and Murphy present.  Also present were David Cook, Environmental Specialist for the Town, Diana Urban, State Representative, Madeline Jeffery, George and Ann Brown, and Michelle Brophy. 


1.           Environmental Review of Land on Wintechog Hill Road proposed for donation to the Town.  Vision IDs:

a.           163

b.           165

c.           101503

d.           161

e.           164

As shown on the attached map.

General review of maps, property cards, and scope of work i.e. to do a site walk, to inspect and report on conditions of properties and structures, to determine if there are any environmental issues, and if so, do additional investigation and testing, as required.

At 9:28 AM, the meeting moved to the site off of Wintechog Hill Road. 


Wintechog Hill Road Parcel locations

2.           Site Walk of the lands proposed for donation

a.           163

b.           165

c.           101503

d.           161

e.           164

Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Donahue, Mr. Cook, Ms. Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. Brown began the walk.  The site review was looking for any visible signs of environmental concern.  Buildings, ground wells, and waterway were inspected.  Mr. Cook would do a review of DEEP records for any documented history.  The Selectmen and Mr. Cook walked the entire property.  No major issues were found.  Some concerns were possible asbestos floor tiles in building, a 5 gallon container of hydraulic oil, no leakage, some undisturbed paint cans, but no issues that would stop recommending the gift be accepted.


Adjournment-The walk concluded at 12:12 PM