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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/02/2010
          Town of North Stonington

                                                Board of Selectmen

                                                Regular Meeting

                                                March 2, 2010

                                                New Town Hall Conference Room

                                               7:00 PM




Call to Order-7:06 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Briscoe and Murphy present

Public Comments and Questions-Jack Johannemann (Wind Project) reported on the status of Wintechog Hill Road project. No new grant awards and at this time not enough funds to install a wind measuring device.

Minutes –A motion was made by Selectman Briscoe and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of February 16, 2010, carrying.  3-0

A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve the minutes of February 23, 2010, carrying.  3-0


Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues

            Tribal Acknowledgement Issues-No report

            Tribal Acquisition Issues-No report

            Appellate Hearing on Schaghticoke appeal-No decision from Court

            Tribal Acknowledgement Additional Appropriation-Invoice paid $2350

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

            PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations-No report

            Milltown Commons-No new application to date

            Town of North Stonington Aquifer Protection Agency-Will require a meeting with PZC to determine now aquifer protection agency will be formulated.

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.     Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects- Flashing on Gymatorium-No report

B.       Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-No report

4.   Town Energy Projects

                       Wind farm Project-See public comments above

5.   Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review –Working with Contractors on contract aspects, work is scheduled to begin March 8th

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-No report

7.  Hewitt property

                        Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-No report

                        Dam Repairs-Summer/Fall 2010

                        Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Renewal of lease deferred until Stipulate Agreement obligations are fulfilled

8.  Boombridge Road bridge

                        State and Federal Funding-State of Connecticut owes us new contracts and waiting return of signed MOU from RI DOT

9.   STEAP Grant applications-No report

10.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)-Getting price quotations

11.  DEP Millings Testing Results-Copy to Mr. Ricker.  Report received requested by Mr. Ricker, no action required by Town

12.  Pinewoods Road-Selectman Mullane reported on meeting with Attorney Quinn; with Selectman Mullane, Attorney Eppinger, Attorney Collier, Stephen Holliday, Don Hill

13.  Request of YMCA to release interest in land on Button Road-No report

14.   North Stonington Ambulance Financial Status-No response to Selectmen’s letter

15.  Board and Commission appointments-A motion was made by Selectman Briscoe and seconded by Selectman Murphy to appoint James Lord to the PSPBC, carrying.  3-0

16. Budget for FY 2010-2011-Workshop by Board of Selectmen

17. Ethics Policy-No action

18. North Stonington, Preston, Voluntown, Griswold Town Line Survey-No report

New Business-

1.   Tax Refund(s)-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Briscoe to approve refunds to Jessica Dufilie in care of Linda Dufilie in the amount of $14.69, carrying.  3-0

2.   Special Town Meeting DRAFT-No action

Formation of a Flood and Erosion Control Board-- Connecticut General Statutes 25-84

YMCA Reverter Clause-Button Road facility


3.   Transfer funds, Insurance Account ($1405)-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to approve a transfer for the Fire Company insurance in the amount of $1405, carrying.  3-0

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:55 PM