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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/18/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/5/26
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Last Updated: 2010/5/26




                 Town of North Stonington

                                      Board of Selectmen

              May 18, 2010

                                                              New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                                    7:00 PM



Call to Order-7:00 Pm with Selectmen Mullane, Briscoe and Murphy

Public Comments and Questions-Mac Turner asked for a walkway across the Bridge in the Village so that residents can utilize for Historical Society meetings and general use.  Mr. Mullane will check on request.

Pat Lewis is concerned on signs for directions to Mohegan Sun and that too much casino traffic is going thru North Stonington

Presentation by Connecticut DOT Representative on Repairs and Renovations to Routes 184, 49 and

  Clarks Falls Road, (216)

Minutes –Selectman Briscoe made a motion to approve the minutes of May 13, 2010, seconded by Mr. Murphy, carrying. 3-0.

Selectman Briscoe made a motion to approve the minutes of May 11, 2010, seconded by Mr. Murphy, carrying.



·        Approval letter from BOE Chairman Robert for the boiler replacement project

·        Letter to Mr. Perkins regarding Hewitt fields treatments

·        Email from Russ Calasant regarding electricity contract

·        PZC Notice of Decision for the rebuilding of 386 Norwich Westerly Road (old Dew Drop Inn)

·        United States Department of Agriculture letter of denial for grant assistance for bridge replacement

·        DEP response for Lewis Pond Dam at Hewitt property repairs

·        Letter to Doug Glowacki regarding Hazardous Mitigation Plans

·        Milltown Commons application

·        RFP for Revaluation

·        Camp Wightman Memorandum of Understanding

·        Regional Water Stakeholders Meeting May 25, 2010, Camp Rell

·        SCCOG Federal FY 2010 Local Road Accident Reduction Program

·        Letter to Senator Maynard and Representative Urban regarding prevailing wages

·        Towne Engineering review of Special Permit request by Ledyard Lewis

·        Towne Engineering new rate schedule (note: lower rates)

·        Thank you from Unity Baptist Church for assistance by Town

·        Letter of Interest from Fred Leary for Civil Preparedness position

Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues

            Appellate Hearing on Schaghticoke appeal-No information to date on appeal by Schaghticoke’s to Supreme Court

            Tribal Acknowledgement Additional Appropriation-No action required

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

            PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations

            Milltown Commons-An application has been received from the Developers

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.     School Building Project-Selectman want to inquire about a June 16th meeting date for all parties for the joint meeting.

B.      Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Projects- Flashing on Gymatorium-No report

C.         Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update-The Selectman would rather have an RFQ prepared and advertised to get a firm price and then go to BOF and Town Meeting for funding.

4.  Town Energy Projects

                       Wind farm Project-No report

5.  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review-The contractor is still doing research and is likely to have a report by later this week or early next.

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-The Selectman would like the Committee to attend a Selectmen’s Meeting in regard to the function and intent of the Committee.  Selectman Mullane will invite the Committee.

7.  Hewitt property

                        A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-General discussion to hold a hearing after annual town meeting, hearing proposed for June 14th and the arrangements for location would be worked out.  The hearing would be for input and comments on the Hewitt Committee recommendations.  From that it will be determined if more hearing are required and if and how to forward to a Town Meeting. 

                        B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-Steve Holliday, Highway Foreman is working with engineer for the project, Karl Acimovic on emergency repairs, expected to be completed in the next several weeks.

            C.  Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-General discussion on the proposed work on the old Dew Drop Inn and comments from last week’s public hearing.  Selectman Mullane announced that if people feel strongly that it should go to a Town Meeting they can file a petition. The appeal for the PZC decision expires May 29th.  No action taken.

8.  Boombridge Road bridge-Selectman Mullane announced the contract between Connecticut and Rhode Island will have to be a complete agreement by Connecticut Attorney General and DOT Commissioner which makes it a lengthy process.

                        State and Federal Funding

9.   STEAP Grant applications-No report

10.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

                        Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)-Windows have been installed, pending the roof and panel installation in early June.

11.  Pinewoods Road-A letter from Frank Eppinger, Town Attorney was read indicating Mr. Ward is withdrawing his Court action against the Town regarding the road.  The Town will have to get a formal response from Mr. Ward’s attorney. 

12.  Board and Commission appointment

            Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Director Replacement- No action

            Agent for the Elderly and Senior Center Coordinator-Position is being advertised and will close May 28th.

13.  Budget for FY 2010-2011-Town Meeting scheduled for May 24th, Referendum on Budget items set for June 7th

14.   Ethics Policy-No report

15.   North Stonington, Preston, Voluntown, Griswold Town Line Survey-No report

16.   Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items-FEMA did visit the Town on Friday, one group came to investigate the residential impacts and appeal process file by State’s Governor Rell and a second group outlined the filing process for the municipal damage. 

17.   NSAA Financial Status-

New Business-

1.         Tax Refund(s) A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Briscoe to approve a tax refund of $120.20 to Gayle Boardman, carrying.  3-0 

A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and seconded by Selectman Briscoe to refund taxes in the amount of  $306.84 to Financial Service Vehicle Trust, carrying. 3-0

2.         Additional Appropriation for School Facilities Boilers Replacement-A letter had been received from Darren Robert, Chair-BOE supporting boiler replacement and the Board want to prepare an RFQ to obtain firm pricing for BOF and Town Meeting.  Selectman Mullane will report to BOF on approach.

3.         Transfer Station stickers rules and regulations-Selectmen reviewed the sticker design, and coloring and will purchase 5000 for the FY 2011.  Reviewed rules and regulations and updated including establishing a $60 permit fee per household, max. 2 stickers.

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:26 PM