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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10/05/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/10/15
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Last Updated: 2010/10/15



Town of North Stonington

                                                           Board of Selectmen

                                                                            October 5, 2010

                                                                                                      New Town Hall Conference Room

                                                                                                              7:00 pm                                                 



Call to Order-

Public Comments and Questions

Minutes & Correspondence-

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Murphy and second by Selectman Briscoe to approve the minutes of September 28, 2010, carrying.  3-0


E-mail from Kristin Bell re: Meeting on November 18th on initiatives and update on health district

Invitation to the Affordable Housing Committee Members to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to discuss affordable housing PZA regulations/design

E-mail from Stella Elbaum re:  attending the October 26th Selectmen’s meeting

Letter to Curtin Corbet from O’Brien Stuart Eppinger & Collier re: Bidding on Gymatorium Flashing Repair

E-mail from Frank Eppinger re:  Advanced Calking bid change

E-mail from Natalie Pukas re: RFP

Draft of Hewitt Farm Committee establishment

Draft of Hewitt Farm Committee mission

Listing of Town open space

E-mail from Don Baur re:  Tribal acknowledgement

Letter set of final plans from DOT re: State project no. 172-397

Letter for State OPM re:  Town was awarded a $179,000.00 grant through the Small Town Economic Assistance Program

List of 2011 STEAP awards

DUI enforcement grant

Request to Fotis Georgdiadis to provide a formal written position and request for a liquor license

List from CIRMA regarding personal property insurance

E-mail from CCM re: Schools in CT similar to NFA

Board of Finance appointment

Letter from Helena Lauterio re:  Dog park

Letter from Murtha Cullina re: Blighted housing and CL&P’s proposed pole attachment agreements


Old Business-

            1. Motion made by Selectman Mullane to discuss 5A first.  Seconded by Selectman Murphy.          Motion carried 3-0

2.   Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues

              Schaghticote appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court- The U.S. Supreme court refused to hear the Schahticote

              appeal in regard to the Schaghticote & Eastern Pequot. These routes i.e. the Courts the Schagticotes             and the BIA for the Pequots, have failed to obtain acknowledgement.  Towns must be monitoring congress

              for congressional act or formation of acknowledgement commission.      

3.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

              PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations- Joint meeting on October 26th

              Milltown Commons- In master plan stage

              Affordable Housing Committee

4.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

              A  School Building Project RFQ for Architectural services- Given to the Board of Education for their action

              B. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Project- Flashing on Gymatorium- Low bidder still

                   wants to meet.  Selectman Mullane will arrange the meeting.             

C.  Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update- Selectman Mullane provided an evaluation

      of the 3 lowest bidders.  After review the board wants to meet with the lowest bidder.      

D. School facilities maintenance responsibilities- No action

E. PSBC work list- Board of Education action

F. School of choice- No action

G. Solar for schools (grant)- Selectman Mullane will ask if a ground system would work          

5..  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review- No final billing received to date

6..  Hewitt property

              A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-Data collection/ Town Meeting

              B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering- Selectman Mullane was directed to file an appeal

C.  Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s status- Bob Fleury & Nita Kincade commented and provided recommendation

      on rules for the Hewitt property and Selectman Mullane commented on research regarding a liquor

      permit for the Dew Drop

7.  Boombridge Road bridge- State and Federal Funding/ Contracting- no new information

8.. Grant applications/administration- Grant approved.Selectman Mullane made a motion, seconded by Selectman

      Murphy, to ask the Board of Finance to expend 80% $8279.00. Motion car ried 3-0     

9.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects-Old Town Hall Solar Panels & FY 2010-11 projects

10.  Pinewoods Road- No report

11.  Board and Commission appointment

              Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Director Replacement- No action

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee- No action

              Water Pollution Control Authority- No action

              Conservation Commission- No action

12.  Budget for close out 2009 / 2010-    FY 2010-2011

13   Ethics Policy- Edmond Scarchelli provided a draft ethics policy and Selectman Mullane stated that

        would also provide sample for the next meeting.

14   North Stonington, Preston, Voluntown, Griswold Town Line Survey-Selectman Mullane and Bob Condon

        met with Griswold Board of Selectmen, along with surveyor Don Abrey and Marc Tate.  The Griswold

        board accepted the survey philosophy.  Marc will now finalize the GPS readings to Town Engineering

        can convert it into surveying reading.

15   Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ No new info

16. Tax sales/foreclosures-executive session to discuss Town strategy- No report

17. Purchase procedures for consulting services- No action

New Business-

1.         Tax Refund(s)- None

2.         Call of special Town meeting

a. Hewitt property use approval- Selectmen

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment 9:30 pm