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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/11/2010
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Last Updated: 2010/5/26
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Last Updated: 2010/5/26


North Stonington New Town Hall Conference Room

May 11, 2010

 6:30 PM




Warning is hereby given to the residents and taxpayers of the Town of North Stonington that a hearing will be held by the Selectmen at the following location on the date and time indicated to discuss and receive comments on the demolition and replacement of the Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s Restaurant located on the Hewitt Property at 386 Norwich Westerly Road.  The proposal is being considered due to the deterioration of the structure.  The new restaurant is proposed in the same location as the current structure.  The regular Selectmen’s Meeting will convene at the end of the Public Hearing.

own of North Stonington

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Briscoe present.  Nita Kincaid, Bob Fleury, Bill Ricker, Dick Blodgett, Madeline Jeffery, Brad Borden, Anne Nalwalk, Brian Rathbun, Curt Moussie, Bob Beattie, and Pat Lewis were al so present.  A general discussion on the process for remodeling/rebuilding the Old Dew Drop Inn was conducted with discussion of the process being used and if it should go to a Town Hearing/Meeting, the site, parking, building location on the site and if it should be moved back, seating, menu, style of the structure and amount of property designated to site discussed.  The Board listened to all comments and the Hearing adjourned at 8:15 PM with no action taken.

Board of Selectmen

May 11, 2010

Board of Selectmen

Regular Meeting -New Town Hall Conference Room

7:00 PM


CCall to Order-The regular Selectmen’s Meeting was called to order at 8:20 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Briscoe present.

Public Comments and Questions-Mr. Tennent, Milltown Road voiced his concern with increase drainage from the Lake of Isles Golf Course onto his property causing damages because of undersized road culvert under Milltown Road.

Presentation by Karl Acimovic on Lewis Pond Dam on the Hewitt Property-The first order of business was repair/replacement of dam at Lewis Pond on the Hewitt property.  Mr. Acimovic describes, the damages to the Hewitt property dam, and letter received from DEP and his suggestions for temporary and permanent repairs for the .  Reviewed the Hazard rating given to the dam by the State of Connecticut (Hazard BB), discussed the downstream effects of a breach, noted the Town must try to achieve a fine balance and stressed that we do not want the dam to fail.  He reviewed with the Board the definition of capacity vs. flow, reviewed the possibility of the installation of a fish ladder and possible generation of electricity.  Highway Foreman Stephen stated the emergency repairs will begin next week

Minutes-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Briscoe to approve the minutes of May 4, 2010 as presented, carrying.  3-0


Old Business-


1.  Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues

Appellate Hearing on Schaghticoke appeal-No request to the Supreme Court to date by Schaghticoke group.

      Tribal Acknowledgement Additional Appropriation-No report

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

      PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations-No report

      Milltown Commons-No report

Town of North Stonington Aquifer Protection Agency (APA) Program-Ordinance will be included in next Town Meeting

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

A.     School Building Project-The Selectmen are working on scheduling a meeting with the School Committee, Board of Education and Board of Finance-No date set to date

                      B.   School Planning and Building Committee Projects- Flashing on Gymatorium-Bid package is being prepared

C                                                   C.   School/High School Heating System Code Update-Pending Board of Finance action, to include in upcoming budget process

4.   Town Energy Projects-No report

           Wind farm Project-No report

5.   Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review –Waiting on contractor’s recommendations for corrective actions

6.  Affordable Housing Committee-It was requested that the Committee report to the Board of Selectmen prior to presentation to PZC

7.  Hewitt property

        A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-Action item---To set Town Hearing and Meeting dates

       B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-As reported in presentation by Karl Acimovic, note a letter was received from DEP requesting information on emergency repair.  First Selectman Mullane provided a draft and will respond to DEP.

      C.  Lease Renewals-Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s-Site plan was presented to PZC, and approved in accordance with CGS 8-24, appeal process deadline is May 29th, Selectmen will then consider action

8.  Boombridge Road bridge-No report

            State and Federal Funding-Still need CT/RI contract

9.   STEAP Grant applications-No report

10.  FY 2009-10 Capital Projects

            Old Town Hall Solar Panels (including roof and chimney)-Chimney repairs are completed, windows due for installation next week, Annual Town Meeting required for authorization to expend stimulus grant funds of $40,092.

11.  Pinewoods Road-Size of  Glade Brook culvert being evaluated

12.  North Stonington Ambulance Financial Status-Additional $12,000 added to the Budget for FY 2010-11

15.  Board and Commission appointment

      Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Director Replacement

      Agent for the Elderly and Senior Center Coordinator-Position is being advertised and Teresa Pensis has been appointed to fill the position temporarily.

16.  Budget for FY 2010-2011-Hearing Results-Hearing was sparsely attended, no major issues, everyone voice a concern for FY 2011-12 state revenues, some requested adding funding this year to help offset major projects such as flooding damage repairs, boilers for schools, and Town Aid Road funds.

17.     Ethics Policy-No action

18.     North Stonington, Preston, Voluntown, Griswold Town Line Survey-No report

19. Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items-FEMA representatives scheduled to visit the end of this week.

New Business-

1.          Tax Refund(s)-None presented.

2.          Watermark Café Personal Property Tax Abatement-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to abate the personal property taxes for the Watermark Café, carrying 3-0  Estimated value of approximately $20.00

3.          Call of Annual Town/Annual Budget Meeting-Board will attend the Board of Finance meeting on Wednesday and have a Special Selectmen’s Meeting on Thursday to call Annual Town/Annual Budget meeting.

4.          Additional Appropriation Request by NSVFC for hose replacements, not acted on the NSVFC will be able to cover with existing budget.

5.          Selectmen’s request for Town Aid Road fundsWill consult with the Board of Finance.

Public Comments and Questions


Adjournment-10:50 PM