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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11/30/2010



                                    Town of North Stonington

                                         Board of Selectmen

                                      November 30, 2010

                               New Town Hall Conference Room                       

                                                   7:00 PM                                                                                                      



Call to Order-7:00 PM with Selectmen Mullane, Murphy and Briscoe present.

Public Comments and Questions

Minutes –A motion was made to approve the minutes of the November 23, 2010 Selectmen’s Meeting by Selectman Murphy seconded by Selectman Briscoe, carrying.  3-0


•            Letter from Attorney Eppinger to YMCA of Norwich and Chelsea Groton Bank stating interest in foreclosure of property on Button Road

•            Letter from Attorney Carey, PZC Counsel, to Attorney Tim Bates on Signal Hill Subdivision on Jeremy Hill with Town’s opinion on “private driveway” cut in North Stonington for a Stonington subdivision.

•            SCRRRA letter requesting permission to be linked to North Stonington website.

•            Annual Budget request letter to all Agencies, Boards and Commissions, note budgets are requested 2 weeks early this year to allow for additional preparation.


Special Session with the Attorneys Eppinger and Benoit on Stipulated Agreement for Old Dew Drop Inn and request for beer and wine permit by Leasee-Executive Session.-A motion was made by Selectman Mullane and seconded by Selectman Murphy to enter Executive Session at 7:20 PM, carrying.  3-0  The Board adjourned the session at 7:42 PM  The present lease does not allow liquor.  The Town will require sufficient liability and DRAM Act coverage will be in effect as per Connecticut Law.  Should the Town require additional coverage to be paid by Leasee? Town will be indemnified by lease.  Possible bonding.  Beer and Wine will be served with food only.  Leasee will pay all additional costs.

Old Business-

1.   Tribal Issues-Acknowledgement Issues-United States Supreme Court has denied to hear the Schaghticokes appeal.  We hope this will end the Court procedures on the Schaghticoke Acknowledgement application

2.   Subdivision Review and Planning and Zoning Issues-

              PZC Affordable/Incentive Housing regulations-No report

              Milltown Commons-No report

3.   Permanent School Building Project Committee

              A  School Building Project RFQ for Architectural services-RFQ must be finalized

              B. Permanent School Planning and Building Committee Project- Flashing on Gymatorium-Contractor has started work, alternate specifications being written for next Spring’s work.

C.  Middle School/High School Heating System Code Update.  The item is on the December 15th call of a Town Meeting for funding.

D. School facilities maintenance responsibilities-No report

E. PSBC- New list of projects-Not yet available

F. School of Choice-Letter sent to BOE to consider co-signing

4.  Kingswood/Meadow Wood drainage review –Selectman Mullane is reviewing the final invoice

5.  Affordable Housing Committee-Brochure and materials are ready for mailing.  Selectman Murphy has volunteer to put all the pieces together for mailing.

6.  Hewitt property

              A.  Committee Report/Activities-Recommendations-Data collection item is included on call of Town Meeting to vote on uses, regulations, and recommendations.

              B.  Dam Repairs-Re-Engineering-FEMA denial appeal has been submitted.

C.  Dew Drop Inn/Rosie’s status-Lawyers will work on new stipulated agreement and extended completion date to January 31, 2011

7.  Boombridge Road Bridge- State and Federal Funding/ Contracting-Selectman Mullane will contact ConnDOT for status.

8.  Grant applications/administration

              Water Study Ex. 92 X I95-Selectman Mullane is working on RFQ

              Rec Area Basketball and Tennis Courts-Resolution paperwork is being sent to Town Meeting on December 15th for approval

              Town Hall Solar-Working on Grant Reimbursement

              Generator-Application for final payment has been submitted

              Lawncare Equipment-Pending award notice

  9.  YMCA-Button Road-- No report

10.  Pinewoods Road-No report

11.  Board and Commission appointment—Vacancy Notice will be placed on website

              Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center Director Replacement

              Permanent School Planning and Building Committee

              Water Pollution Control Authority

              Economic Development Commission

Conservation Commission

Recreation Commission

12.  Budget for close out 2009 / 2010-    FY 2010-2011-Audit of last year is complete, will be presented to BOF tomorrow night.

13.   Ethics Policy-There has not been much interest by COG members in a regional Committee.  Does not look possible at this time.

14.   Flood Damage Status Report/Repairs Update/ Action Items-No new data

New Business-

1.           Tax Refund(s)-None presented

2.           Special Town Meeting Results-Call of Meeting for December 15th.

•            To hear and act upon the Hewitt Property proposed Uses, Rules, and Recommendations items numbered 1-28 individually, as presented.

•            To hear and act upon the Declaration and Grant of a Private Conservation Easement off Mains Crossing Road (aka Route 201) in favor of the Town of North Stonington

•            To hear and act upon the Declaration and Grant of a Private Conservation Easement in favor of the Town for the Phase II Shunock Estates, Norwich Westerly Road.

•            To hear and act upon the acceptance of the Declaration and Grant of a Private Conservation Easement in favor of the Favor of the Town of North Stonington located on Billings Road.

•            To hear and act upon a request as approved by the Board of Finance for an Additional Appropriation for flood damage repairs-FEMA funds, in the amount of $131,526.56 for the continuation of repairs on roads and drainage caused by the March 30th storm to budget line item B 27.03 Town Road Maintenance with authority to move the funds to Capital Non Recurring Account 3961 Storm Damages.

•            To hear and act upon a request as approved by the Board of Finance for an Additional Appropriation for the Boiler Installation and Conversion Project at the School Facilities in the amount of $434,122 for the installation of new boilers at the Elementary School and High School and new burners for the Gymatorium building to budget line item 5.01, School Boiler Replacement Project with authority to move the funds to Capital Non Recurring Account 3962 School Boilers.

•            To hear and act upon An Ordinance Authorizing the Water Pollution Control Authority to Adopt Regulations for the Use of Sewerage Systems

•            To authorize and empower the First Selectmen to enter into agreements with the State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection and to execute all documents pertaining to the STEAP Grant for the North Stonington Recreation Area.

•            To review and accept an Agreement between the Town of Groton and the Town of North Stonington regarding provision of Emergency Dispatching Services.

•            To hear and act upon an additional appropriation as approved by the Board of Finance for the Resident Troopers’ DUI grant funding in the amount of $55,330 for the implementation of the DUI Enforcement Grant for FY 2010-11.  The funds shall be placed in line item BB 26.04 State Troopers.


3.           Website Computer Links-Board approved link to SCRRRA  (Southeastern Connection Regional Resources Recovery Authoirty)

4.           Bulky Waste Site-No report

Public Comments and Questions

Adjournment-9:48 PM